Spell Casters who lose their tongues

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Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by darthauthor »

So the Bad guy cut the tongue out of the necormancer spell caster.

What are the necromancers optoins?

The first and most obvious is to have his tongue replaced by a bio-system:
Tongue: Replaces a damaged tongue with a synthetic one
composed of living tissue, blood vessels, and taste buds/sensors.
Duplicates the natural ability to taste by 63% and offers full
speech articulation. Cost: 14,000 credits

2nd idea is to do a union with the dead thing. Then I asked myself IF a necromancer can do that with a human tongue?

3rd idea. The spell "Consume Knowledge and Power" But would that work? Eat someones dead tongue and for the spells duration gain the power of mystic speech so they can cast spells. The intent I understood the spell to work was to give the consumer the language skill of the previous owner. Still, since it's magic I think I'd allow it. Testing the idea out here for feedback.

4th idea?
Anybody got any ideas?

Last reaching out there one was having someone with telepathy listen to the necromancers mind and saw the words out loud that he thought while the caster burned the PPE and thought the thoughts and faithed the faith.
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

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Common Magic Spell: Restoration (L14, 750)
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

darthauthor wrote: Mon Oct 02, 2023 4:46 pm So the Bad guy cut the tongue out of the necormancer spell caster.

What are the necromancers optoins?

The first and most obvious is to have his tongue replaced by a bio-system:
Tongue: Replaces a damaged tongue with a synthetic one
composed of living tissue, blood vessels, and taste buds/sensors.
Duplicates the natural ability to taste by 63% and offers full
speech articulation. Cost: 14,000 credits

2nd idea is to do a union with the dead thing. Then I asked myself IF a necromancer can do that with a human tongue?

3rd idea. The spell "Consume Knowledge and Power" But would that work? Eat someones dead tongue and for the spells duration gain the power of mystic speech so they can cast spells. The intent I understood the spell to work was to give the consumer the language skill of the previous owner. Still, since it's magic I think I'd allow it. Testing the idea out here for feedback.

4th idea?
Anybody got any ideas?

Last reaching out there one was having someone with telepathy listen to the necromancers mind and saw the words out loud that he thought while the caster burned the PPE and thought the thoughts and faithed the faith.
1: Works

2: Works. There seems to be no special abilities associated with Unioning with a tongue, but i'd let it work as a replacement.

3: I wouldn't let this fly. the intent of the spell is obviously that you gain languages as special knowlege, not that you can speak without words. otherwise it'd be a way around other ways to stop spellcasting like Silence, and that clearly is not how the spell is intended to work.

4: You can get cloned replacements instead of a bio-system. Kittanni and the Republic of Japan are two places on earth where the medical technology allows a full cloned replacement and not just a bio-system to be obtained. these would have the full origional stats of the replacement limb.

5: The Biomancy spell Regrowth would also allow a tongue to be regrown.
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by darthauthor »

Your answers are agreeable enough to me.

Although, a trip to Japan or such would take a long time and credits.

While a biomancer, I imagine, would not want to help a necromancer, especially if it means they will be able to go back to casting necromancy spells. I think they are supposed to be philosophical opposites.

But we are brainstorming, so no restrictions on the ideas.

Mostly my brain was trying to remember the Siege of Tolkeen and what they said the spell casters did when they were freed. The CS had taken their hands or something and replaced them with cybernetics to cancel their ability to cast spells.
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

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darthauthor wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:01 am Your answers are agreeable enough to me.

Although, a trip to Japan or such would take a long time and credits.

While a biomancer, I imagine, would not want to help a necromancer, especially if it means they will be able to go back to casting necromancy spells. I think they are supposed to be philosophical opposites.
They very much are philsophical opposites.

But by the same token, a Necromancer might not be restricted to asking nicely. a villian might take a hostage or do something else to corerce the Biomancer into helping.

and failing that, once a scroll is made, the caster has no ability to restrict how it is later used, or whom it is read by :D
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by Mogge »

I tink only option 1 is viable since option 2 and 3 involves said necromancer to cast a spell which he/she is prohibited from since the necromancer do not have a tounge which is a prerequisite for forming coherent words. Coherent words is needed when casting the spell. Of course someone else could cast the spell on him/her.
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

Rifts underseas also has rules for casting without speaking. Basically it just takes longer and with more concentration.
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

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Prince Artemis wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:56 am Rifts underseas also has rules for casting without speaking. Basically it just takes longer and with more concentration.
There is also a Magic Proficiency that lets the magic user "Cast by Thought Alone" in one of the Rifters. I listed the issue/page in the last time the question about casting without speaking came up on the boards about a month ago.
Artical: The Pros and cons of magic.....I know the fist part is correct.
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by darthauthor »

Rifts Underseas,

Page 63,

"Characters who cannot speak aloud can concentrate very deeply, saying the incantation in their mind, but can only cast one spell per melee round and it counts as three melee actions. The spoken word is really a means of focus and delivery, the magic energy is present in the spell caster no matter what the environment may be."

Great memory Prince Artemis!

Of course, the spell casters might not know that and have to be told or experiment. Also, unless the NPC or player character had practiced casting using only the voice in their head I feel that they wouldn't necessarily get it right the first time they try it. Maybe make a Lore: Magic skill roll to figure it out on their own. Maybe have to make another successful roll for each of the spells they know, until they have cast them all successfully.
Just thinking
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by eliakon »

darthauthor wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:38 pm Rifts Underseas,

Page 63,

"Characters who cannot speak aloud can concentrate very deeply, saying the incantation in their mind, but can only cast one spell per melee round and it counts as three melee actions. The spoken word is really a means of focus and delivery, the magic energy is present in the spell caster no matter what the environment may be."

Great memory Prince Artemis!

Of course, the spell casters might not know that and have to be told or experiment. Also, unless the NPC or player character had practiced casting using only the voice in their head I feel that they wouldn't necessarily get it right the first time they try it. Maybe make a Lore: Magic skill roll to figure it out on their own. Maybe have to make another successful roll for each of the spells they know, until they have cast them all successfully.
Just thinking
this also requires that the GM allow this for all casters.
It is written in the ocean magic section so its debatable if it applies elsewhere and to other magics.
(by debateable it has spawned many long threads and arguements)
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Re: Spell Casters who lose their tongues

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Removing the Tongue might not be as crippling either. There will certainly be some adjustment time, but it is possible to learn to speak (and otherwise function) without a tongue.
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