The Landship Frigate Markgraf

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The Landship Frigate Markgraf

Unread post by slade2501 »

The Landship Markgraf
The Markgraf is a Frigate class landship, a heavily armed and armored medium sized combat Surface vessel built to patrol an area and deny access or control to enemy forces. Easily capable of destroying enemy patrols and bases, the landship can repel air and land attacks without difficulty. The ship's railgun and missile turrets create an effective defensive shield of fire, while the Ion turrets and anti-ship missile launchers provide deadly firepower to sink enemy ships. The Markgraf's current route is from Merctown to Arzno and back.
The Landship is crewed by a majority of German ex patriots who immigrated to North America in search of relief from the constant war against the Gargoyle Empire. Consequently the crew prefers Triax equipment over other manufacturers. The Power armor and robots on board are mostly Triax designs (Terrain Hoppers, X-10 Predators and a few Ulti-max, the robots are two X-622 Bugs and one X-500 Forager). The crew cannot get Triax Cyclops armor but are armed with Triax small arms (the TX-30 ion pulse rifle is standard issue). TX-500 railguns are issued to any Crewman capable of using it. The crew includes D-bees, cyborgs, juicers, crazies, psychics and everyone else who is ready and able, willing to serve, even a few men of magic are on board.

Class: Landship Frigate Patrol Vessel
Crew: 12 officers, 120 Landsmen and crew. Marines currently are 3 robot pilots and 31 Power armor with tech support, 46 total.

Main Hull - 4800
Bridge/Command tower - 1200
Treads (2) - 1000 each
Medium Range Missile Turrets (2) - 240 each
Heavy Ion Cannon Turrets (2) - 175 each
Railgun Turrets (12) - 120 each
Mini-Missile Turrets (8) - 120 each
Access Hatches (6) - 100 each
Cargo Hatch - 600
Cargo Cranes (2) - 150 each
*Winches/Tow Lines (6) - 75 each
*Sensor Clusters (6) - 80 each
Propellers (2, rear) - 200 each

*These targets are small and hard to hit, requiring a Called Shot at -3 to strike.

Land: 60mph (96kph). Note that the Landship is so massive that it simply plows its way through and over just about anything; stones are ground to dust, trees are shredded and mulched, etc.
Water: 30mph (48kph). The landship is a surface vessel only (non-submersible).
Flying: not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 74ft (23m) from ground to the deck, 100 ft (31.25m) to top of the Bridge tower.
Width: 80ft (25m)
Length: 440ft (135m)
Weight: 16,400 tons fully loaded
Cargo: space for 5000 tons of cargo.
Power System: 5 nuclear power cores (1 for each engine, 1 for each Ion Turret and 1 for emergency power). Lifespan of 20 years.

Weapon Systems of Note:
1. Two Medium-range missile Launchers: built to kill enemy landships or other large targets.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Mega-Damage:1D4x100 M.D. per missile
Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two.
Range: 100 miles (80 km).
Payload: 60 missiles per launcher, 120 total. More can be stored below decks.

2. Two Heavy Ion Cannon Turrets: three barreled Ion turrets capable of 360 degree rotation. Each Turret has its own nuclear power source.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship
Mega-Damage: 6D6x10 M.D. per triple blast
Rate of Fire: 3 triple blasts per melee round
Range: 4000 feet/1220 m
Payload: unlimited

3. Twelve Railgun Turrets: Heavy caliber shielded railgun turrets, capable of 360 degree rotation.
Primary Purpose: Anti-ship and Anti-aircraft.
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. per single burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828.8 m).
Payload: 100 bursts per turret. Changing ammo drums takes two melee rounds.

4. Eight Mini-Missile Launcher Turrets: well armored and fully rotational (360 degrees).
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. per missile (plasma)
Rate of Fire: One at a time or a volley of two or four.
Range: I mile (1.6 km).
Payload: 72 missiles, cycled to tubes as needed.

5. Systems Note: Standard combat ship sensors including radar,
short-range sonar (2 miles/3.2 km), computer targeting, laser distancing,
and long-range directional radio communications.
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