*Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Moderators: Immortals, Supreme Beings, Old Ones
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
*Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Currently here's what I've come up with!
New Bio-Enhancements:
1. Recreational Resin:
Recreational resin was designed to aid in the needs of combatants while relieving stress and unneeded strain. Methods of application can be oral, digestible, spreadable, or absorbed through patching. Types of drugs capable of being produced are as follows: Painkiller- Reduces pain based negative factors by 2, however, if used at least 4 times within the day reduce number of attacks by 2, and lower strike, dodge, parry, and pull punch by 4. Cannabis- increases food needs slightly, increases thirst need, reduces stress related checks by 1 severity, decreases skill by 5% per dose. Remedy- Relieves alcoholic effects within 30 minutes, relieves negatives of being intoxicated, causes 2d4 minutes of nausea. Nectar- Reduces detection via smell by 15%, lowers dodge by 2, smells like pine resin.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: Resin Ducts can be applied to all, or one specific duct, only one effect can be produced at a time.
2. Viral Analyzer:
Several tests produced what are now effectively viral bombs, weapons designed against opposing rebel forces. Although viral bombs themselves are in use, the viral analyzer, the most available augment to combat this new threat, has become widely available. This augment applies a +10% skill to virology, biology, and toxicology checks, as well as allowing a reroll, which must be taken regardless of outcome, for a new possible outcome.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisite: None
3. Bio-Micro Factory:
With more resources being allocated to biotechnology, a new self-motivated design was made that allows the user to construct equipment like simple lights, various utilities, and even some replaceable equipment using a series of bio-plastic extruders, various phosphorus compounds, and one creative mind! Long gone are the days where utilities take forever to make, cost too much to get, and rarely if ever are found, here at least we can enjoy one of the most advanced new processors of today!
Simply put this enhancement allows you to produce simple items like lights, utensils, pots, pans, cases, etc. using a bio extruder that utilizes 8 small extruder arms to produce the series of equipment. Thanks to enzymes found in soybeans, bioplastic can be made through a series of chemical reactions that keep the plastic paste-like until it hardens. There are 4 molding arms that help flatten and de-crease the item produced, items take 1d4 minutes to construct regardless of size or scale or decreases to 1 minute if you’ve recently eaten.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisites: None
4. Nanoscopic Vision:
Designed for Dreadguard that assist geneticists in collecting and trialing DNA, Nanoscopic Vision allows its user to detect deep into cellular matter, allowing the sight of complex reactions and chemical exchanges produced by cells, however, to use this augment one must concentrate extensively on the region of focus, otherwise their normal vision will overtake. The overtake procedure is required due to possible combatants or the use of the augment out on the battlefield, luckily this feature can be overridden when the user feels safe to do so. (Effectively makes staining unimportant when checking DNA or the functions of the cell under observation.)
Bio-E Costs: 25
Prerequisites: Macro-Vision. Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 79
5. Compact DNA Sequencer:
Using a series of rotators and shakers, DNA can be altered using complex CRISPR strains used within this complex organ. When DNA is added to the interior vials, the vials are shaken, disturbed, then separated to allow for separation of the genetic material from the separated semi-liquid complex, essentially allowing the isolation of specific strands of DNA from a specific substance. When used for isolating DNA and its purpose/use add +20% skill to your check, as well as allowing slight modifications to the DNA, when used in tangent with a Geneticist, this enhancement is accounted as a full bio-laboratory for the sake of alterations and improvements, reducing the hourly requirement for research by 2.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisite: None.
6. New Upgrade*: Increase Sensor Range: Doubles the base range of any visual or sensory enhancement.
Bio-E Cost: 25
7. New Upgrade*: Double Duration: Doubles an effects duration.
Bio-E Cost: 35
8. Improve Part Efficiency:
Thanks in part to a series of events from a small group of Dreadguard that wanted to improve their ability to produce a resin concrete mortar, this enhancement effectively doubles the number of productions that can be made per hour spent crafting.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: None
9. Internal Blueprint Over-Face:
Using A host armors perception, this small enhancement assists greatly when producing or altering a structure, any construction project appears to be fully planned in a step-by-step fashion allowing rapid construction, and when improved, will allow adjustments to your interface letting you set reminders, simple recipes, or even allow for quick scouting of resources with the proper adjustments. Reduces construction time to half its total, increases domestic, or craftsmanship skills by +5%, and improves material detection by +15%.
Bio-E Cost: 25 for the initial enhancement, an additional 5 for the adjustments to your interface (one time purchase), and or an additional 10 for the material collection improvement.
Prerequisites: None
10. Sonic Scream Cannon:
Well, this horrible mouth designed to produce screams at your enemies is a shoulder mounted nightmare. The shoulder mounted weapon appears to be a mouth with a writhing tongue a drool that seeps out, when used, it releases a sonic scream that pierces armor and vibrates apart anything nearby, a separate model can produce a solid blast of sonic energy that can and will break any equipment that’s in the way of this unholy nightmare where each attack yields a 4000 Db blast. This weapon can be heard from over 8 miles away however, and is often used to pull in enemy forces, allowing friendly forces to bypass otherwise inescapable battles.
Mega Damage: 2d12+4 M.D per outburst, or 4d6x10 M.D. for a coned blast.
ROF: 1 attack per melee action per outburst, 2 attacks per melee action for a coned blast. If 2 are active, they can be fired simultaneously.
Range: 50ft for outburst/350ft for coned blast.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited, however, the region will become sore after 4 consecutive coned blasts and will be unusable for 1d4 melee rounds.
M.D.C. Per Part: 65
Bonus: +2 to strike, can stun an enemy with any hearing-based senses for 1 round.
Bio-E Cost: 45 per unit to a maximum of 2.
Prerequisites: Resistance to Sonic Attacks.
11. Resistance to Sonic Attacks:
Any sonic based attack will deal half damage, any sound above 650 Decibels up to 3000 will not deal any damage, anything above that will deal half damage.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisites: None.
12. Olfactory Glands:
Reports of unknown enemy forces have made exchanging identifiers with friendly rebel forces a near impossibility, its forced us to develop a new nearly undetectable odor that allows out bio-equipment to quickly identify friend from foe, when within 500ft of a friendly target, 1 mile when upwind, you can quickly identify a friendlies scent.
Bio-E Cost: 1, as they're now a requirement if you're playing as House-Gene coil, who start with this enhancement built in.
Prerequisite: None.
New Bio-Enhancements:
1. Recreational Resin:
Recreational resin was designed to aid in the needs of combatants while relieving stress and unneeded strain. Methods of application can be oral, digestible, spreadable, or absorbed through patching. Types of drugs capable of being produced are as follows: Painkiller- Reduces pain based negative factors by 2, however, if used at least 4 times within the day reduce number of attacks by 2, and lower strike, dodge, parry, and pull punch by 4. Cannabis- increases food needs slightly, increases thirst need, reduces stress related checks by 1 severity, decreases skill by 5% per dose. Remedy- Relieves alcoholic effects within 30 minutes, relieves negatives of being intoxicated, causes 2d4 minutes of nausea. Nectar- Reduces detection via smell by 15%, lowers dodge by 2, smells like pine resin.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: Resin Ducts can be applied to all, or one specific duct, only one effect can be produced at a time.
2. Viral Analyzer:
Several tests produced what are now effectively viral bombs, weapons designed against opposing rebel forces. Although viral bombs themselves are in use, the viral analyzer, the most available augment to combat this new threat, has become widely available. This augment applies a +10% skill to virology, biology, and toxicology checks, as well as allowing a reroll, which must be taken regardless of outcome, for a new possible outcome.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisite: None
3. Bio-Micro Factory:
With more resources being allocated to biotechnology, a new self-motivated design was made that allows the user to construct equipment like simple lights, various utilities, and even some replaceable equipment using a series of bio-plastic extruders, various phosphorus compounds, and one creative mind! Long gone are the days where utilities take forever to make, cost too much to get, and rarely if ever are found, here at least we can enjoy one of the most advanced new processors of today!
Simply put this enhancement allows you to produce simple items like lights, utensils, pots, pans, cases, etc. using a bio extruder that utilizes 8 small extruder arms to produce the series of equipment. Thanks to enzymes found in soybeans, bioplastic can be made through a series of chemical reactions that keep the plastic paste-like until it hardens. There are 4 molding arms that help flatten and de-crease the item produced, items take 1d4 minutes to construct regardless of size or scale or decreases to 1 minute if you’ve recently eaten.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisites: None
4. Nanoscopic Vision:
Designed for Dreadguard that assist geneticists in collecting and trialing DNA, Nanoscopic Vision allows its user to detect deep into cellular matter, allowing the sight of complex reactions and chemical exchanges produced by cells, however, to use this augment one must concentrate extensively on the region of focus, otherwise their normal vision will overtake. The overtake procedure is required due to possible combatants or the use of the augment out on the battlefield, luckily this feature can be overridden when the user feels safe to do so. (Effectively makes staining unimportant when checking DNA or the functions of the cell under observation.)
Bio-E Costs: 25
Prerequisites: Macro-Vision. Splicers Core Rulebook Pg. 79
5. Compact DNA Sequencer:
Using a series of rotators and shakers, DNA can be altered using complex CRISPR strains used within this complex organ. When DNA is added to the interior vials, the vials are shaken, disturbed, then separated to allow for separation of the genetic material from the separated semi-liquid complex, essentially allowing the isolation of specific strands of DNA from a specific substance. When used for isolating DNA and its purpose/use add +20% skill to your check, as well as allowing slight modifications to the DNA, when used in tangent with a Geneticist, this enhancement is accounted as a full bio-laboratory for the sake of alterations and improvements, reducing the hourly requirement for research by 2.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisite: None.
6. New Upgrade*: Increase Sensor Range: Doubles the base range of any visual or sensory enhancement.
Bio-E Cost: 25
7. New Upgrade*: Double Duration: Doubles an effects duration.
Bio-E Cost: 35
8. Improve Part Efficiency:
Thanks in part to a series of events from a small group of Dreadguard that wanted to improve their ability to produce a resin concrete mortar, this enhancement effectively doubles the number of productions that can be made per hour spent crafting.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: None
9. Internal Blueprint Over-Face:
Using A host armors perception, this small enhancement assists greatly when producing or altering a structure, any construction project appears to be fully planned in a step-by-step fashion allowing rapid construction, and when improved, will allow adjustments to your interface letting you set reminders, simple recipes, or even allow for quick scouting of resources with the proper adjustments. Reduces construction time to half its total, increases domestic, or craftsmanship skills by +5%, and improves material detection by +15%.
Bio-E Cost: 25 for the initial enhancement, an additional 5 for the adjustments to your interface (one time purchase), and or an additional 10 for the material collection improvement.
Prerequisites: None
10. Sonic Scream Cannon:
Well, this horrible mouth designed to produce screams at your enemies is a shoulder mounted nightmare. The shoulder mounted weapon appears to be a mouth with a writhing tongue a drool that seeps out, when used, it releases a sonic scream that pierces armor and vibrates apart anything nearby, a separate model can produce a solid blast of sonic energy that can and will break any equipment that’s in the way of this unholy nightmare where each attack yields a 4000 Db blast. This weapon can be heard from over 8 miles away however, and is often used to pull in enemy forces, allowing friendly forces to bypass otherwise inescapable battles.
Mega Damage: 2d12+4 M.D per outburst, or 4d6x10 M.D. for a coned blast.
ROF: 1 attack per melee action per outburst, 2 attacks per melee action for a coned blast. If 2 are active, they can be fired simultaneously.
Range: 50ft for outburst/350ft for coned blast.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited, however, the region will become sore after 4 consecutive coned blasts and will be unusable for 1d4 melee rounds.
M.D.C. Per Part: 65
Bonus: +2 to strike, can stun an enemy with any hearing-based senses for 1 round.
Bio-E Cost: 45 per unit to a maximum of 2.
Prerequisites: Resistance to Sonic Attacks.
11. Resistance to Sonic Attacks:
Any sonic based attack will deal half damage, any sound above 650 Decibels up to 3000 will not deal any damage, anything above that will deal half damage.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisites: None.
12. Olfactory Glands:
Reports of unknown enemy forces have made exchanging identifiers with friendly rebel forces a near impossibility, its forced us to develop a new nearly undetectable odor that allows out bio-equipment to quickly identify friend from foe, when within 500ft of a friendly target, 1 mile when upwind, you can quickly identify a friendlies scent.
Bio-E Cost: 1, as they're now a requirement if you're playing as House-Gene coil, who start with this enhancement built in.
Prerequisite: None.
Last edited by dethbegins on Mon Sep 30, 2024 3:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Not Being Worked On* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
"With all due respect, I sincerely apologize for the lack of reason you may believe me to have, but you've met her directly. You've seen what she will do to our men, the terrible damage she did to our household, it's only a matter of time before she comes for that engineer inside our second outpost and once, she has them, it will spell doom for our entire species."
Glad to be back for the time being but these will be slower to produce as I'm finishing the mechs right now.
13. Planters Membrane:
With Lindel pilots being fielded far more regularly as well as gardeners becoming a popular dread guard profession for house gene-coil, this enhancement was designed to allow their engineered plants to self-plant, and rapidly grow without needing to be handled by them, all plants only take 1d4 weeks to become immature, and 2 months to mature, additionally the membrane can be placed anywhere the seeds can germinate.
Bio-E Cost: 45
14: Lazarus Organ:
With our pilots regularly being defeated or even killed in the field of combat, this heavily improved variant of the Lazarus glands Greatly improves the pilot's ability to regenerate, within only 1d6 rounds the pilot can reform with their host armor fully intact. Even better there are no currently known side effects other than temporary disorientation, and the occasional feint caused by rapid neurological growth.
Bio-E Cost: 120, all Lindel pilots are augmented with this and an additional implant, as well as the required prerequisites during character creation and after armor germination.
Prerequisites: Lazarus Glands (2), Quick Clotting Blood, Enhanced Regeneration
15: Duties End:
Kamikazes were viewed upon by many as an inhumane tactic, after all life is very precious and maintaining that life should be the duty of every member of mankind... Sadly, a new foe has made their way into house Gene-coils territory, and she has made herself known as L.E.G.I.O.N. Fearing the extreme dismemberment and subsequent weaponization of our troops and equipment all key personnel have been given this implant to keep our secrets from her, and to maintain secrecy of our house directly. When detonating by a quick command or upon death of either the host armor or the pilot, the suit detonates in a 40m, 120ft explosion dealing 10D8 M.D. to everything around it, vaporizing everything in its way.
Bio-E Cost: 40, All key members of house gene-coil as well as many of its staff are given this implant automatically after its first encounters with Legions Amalgams.
Prerequisites: Lazarus Organ
16: Mobile Regenerative Station:
This enhancement is tailored for producing medicine that can aid in recovering damage for both S.D.C. and M.D.C. creatures, armor, and equipment. Provides 3d6 M.D.C., S.D.C. per dose, and produces 5 doses per day.
Bio E Cost: 35, Can be upgraded to double its dose production for an additional 35, and quadruple it for an additional 20 after doubling.
17: Tailoring Studio:
Produces various silky spools of textile, designed for both luxury, repair, and even just good old crafting. Each studio produces up to 120lb worth of silky textile made of M.D.C. material per day, or it can produce 480lb worth of wooly textile made of S.D.C. material per day.
prerequisites: Spinnerets and webbing (2), Enhanced Regeneration.
Bio-E Cost: 15 per, up to 8 studios can be installed on any host armor, or 16 per war mount at the GMs discretion.
Glad to be back for the time being but these will be slower to produce as I'm finishing the mechs right now.
13. Planters Membrane:
With Lindel pilots being fielded far more regularly as well as gardeners becoming a popular dread guard profession for house gene-coil, this enhancement was designed to allow their engineered plants to self-plant, and rapidly grow without needing to be handled by them, all plants only take 1d4 weeks to become immature, and 2 months to mature, additionally the membrane can be placed anywhere the seeds can germinate.
Bio-E Cost: 45
14: Lazarus Organ:
With our pilots regularly being defeated or even killed in the field of combat, this heavily improved variant of the Lazarus glands Greatly improves the pilot's ability to regenerate, within only 1d6 rounds the pilot can reform with their host armor fully intact. Even better there are no currently known side effects other than temporary disorientation, and the occasional feint caused by rapid neurological growth.
Bio-E Cost: 120, all Lindel pilots are augmented with this and an additional implant, as well as the required prerequisites during character creation and after armor germination.
Prerequisites: Lazarus Glands (2), Quick Clotting Blood, Enhanced Regeneration
15: Duties End:
Kamikazes were viewed upon by many as an inhumane tactic, after all life is very precious and maintaining that life should be the duty of every member of mankind... Sadly, a new foe has made their way into house Gene-coils territory, and she has made herself known as L.E.G.I.O.N. Fearing the extreme dismemberment and subsequent weaponization of our troops and equipment all key personnel have been given this implant to keep our secrets from her, and to maintain secrecy of our house directly. When detonating by a quick command or upon death of either the host armor or the pilot, the suit detonates in a 40m, 120ft explosion dealing 10D8 M.D. to everything around it, vaporizing everything in its way.
Bio-E Cost: 40, All key members of house gene-coil as well as many of its staff are given this implant automatically after its first encounters with Legions Amalgams.
Prerequisites: Lazarus Organ
16: Mobile Regenerative Station:
This enhancement is tailored for producing medicine that can aid in recovering damage for both S.D.C. and M.D.C. creatures, armor, and equipment. Provides 3d6 M.D.C., S.D.C. per dose, and produces 5 doses per day.
Bio E Cost: 35, Can be upgraded to double its dose production for an additional 35, and quadruple it for an additional 20 after doubling.
17: Tailoring Studio:
Produces various silky spools of textile, designed for both luxury, repair, and even just good old crafting. Each studio produces up to 120lb worth of silky textile made of M.D.C. material per day, or it can produce 480lb worth of wooly textile made of S.D.C. material per day.
prerequisites: Spinnerets and webbing (2), Enhanced Regeneration.
Bio-E Cost: 15 per, up to 8 studios can be installed on any host armor, or 16 per war mount at the GMs discretion.
Last edited by dethbegins on Mon Sep 30, 2024 3:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
18: Studious Mind:
With an endless number of biotics and other various individuals and even mounts requiring an improvement to their general intelligence, this modification was made to improve the general intelligence, skills, and compliance of our augmented MDC lifeforms.
-Increases I.Q. and M.E. by 2d6 to a cap of 16.
-Teaches the following skills: Speak Native Language (66%), Read & Write Native Language (85%), Sign Language (55%)
-Has a chance of removing insanities on installation, roll 1d100, if above 65 then all insanities are removed, if below 65 to as low as 30, only one is removed, if lower than none are removed.
Bio-E cost: 35
19. Auto-lock:
The internal functions of host armors and various bio-equipment often come with an auto-targeting feature, this enhancement not only increases your total number of target locks by 3x, but also improves your ability to hit your targets! Increases aimed and called shot bonuses by +4.
Bio-E cost: 35
20. Anomalous burst:
When moving, you can provide a rapid burst of strange gasses that interact with various machine scrap and metal laying around, slowing hostile reactions from the Nano plague by an additional 30 seconds flat, and reducing their ability to strike by -5. Has 4 charges that take 6 hours to recuperate.
Bio-E cost: 40, can be upgraded to increase charge count to a max of 20, costing 10 Bio-E for every 4 charges.
With an endless number of biotics and other various individuals and even mounts requiring an improvement to their general intelligence, this modification was made to improve the general intelligence, skills, and compliance of our augmented MDC lifeforms.
-Increases I.Q. and M.E. by 2d6 to a cap of 16.
-Teaches the following skills: Speak Native Language (66%), Read & Write Native Language (85%), Sign Language (55%)
-Has a chance of removing insanities on installation, roll 1d100, if above 65 then all insanities are removed, if below 65 to as low as 30, only one is removed, if lower than none are removed.
Bio-E cost: 35
19. Auto-lock:
The internal functions of host armors and various bio-equipment often come with an auto-targeting feature, this enhancement not only increases your total number of target locks by 3x, but also improves your ability to hit your targets! Increases aimed and called shot bonuses by +4.
Bio-E cost: 35
20. Anomalous burst:
When moving, you can provide a rapid burst of strange gasses that interact with various machine scrap and metal laying around, slowing hostile reactions from the Nano plague by an additional 30 seconds flat, and reducing their ability to strike by -5. Has 4 charges that take 6 hours to recuperate.
Bio-E cost: 40, can be upgraded to increase charge count to a max of 20, costing 10 Bio-E for every 4 charges.
Last edited by dethbegins on Mon Dec 30, 2024 4:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Cleaned up Descriptions
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
21. Gene-Infector
"You know that we have enough time to work on this project sir. We have several samples of various gene thieves and I'm certain that we can use their full arsenal of genetic code to our advantage sir." Across the room a knight clad in their host armor awaits further analysis, the librarian of their household scanning the various data on shellback computers and a series of advanced gene sequencers... the geneticist with an advanced xenobiology background awaits their response. "We are going to make full use of this gene sequence, but what's bothering me is that this isn't a standard strain our current project has collected so far, it appears to be some form of wasp but its literally altering itself, it's as though their hosts gene complex is being absorbed and reformed to match closely to the wasps original DNA, but we gave it a sequence of spider genes a while ago... now its shooting webs and showing ambush predator behaviors."-Librarian. "I'm going to guess that this gene sequence as we see behind our observation window", they point to a clear MDC reinforced window made of bioplastics, behind it is a series of cages containing a series of various wasplike creatures and spiders, two gene thieves, and several dead bodies with bizarre openings across their body. "This gene sequence can help defend our household from creatures like these?" The knight gazes towards the geneticist, hoping for good news after witnessing several villagers they attempted to save explode with the previously described insects leaving their bodies, almost fully developed. "I think we can do even better sir; I know we can grant our men immunity to this, and even better... we can make your armor a growing hive to these horrors sir."
Description: With several tests underway by a currently unnamed household, a series of insects were discovered with the ability to infect a host with their DNA, and even worse, allow that individual entity infected to become host to a series of larva that burrow deep into their bodies and feeds upon them during their development. These infected aren't going to show signs for almost eight hours... After which the following effects begin to apply, 9th hour: The subject appears to get woozy, losing mobility to a slight degree, -3 attacks per melee, -5 to all rolls involving aiming, shooting, or hitting. At the 12th hour: The victim suffers from mild paranoia, stating they can feel their skin itching, after 15 minutes they begin to scratch erratically but the body forces unconsciousness soon after, the newly forming nymph will begin to feed on their host at this stage. 14 hours: the host begins to bleed from the nose lightly, the eyes appear bloodshot underneath their eyelids under inspection, and their torso is starting to lightly bulge with movement. 16 hours: The victim begins to convulse under extreme seizure, their mouth vomiting blood and a series of currently unknown hemolymph of blue, grey, and green in coloration, the chest will then expand until the creature is birthed from their bodies, after which they begin to feed on the remains or attack anything that doesn't appear to be of similar nature.
How to Infect: When using any bladed weapon, attach the gene-Infectors tendril into it and stab an opponent or penetrate into their armor, once a target has been hit, they need to make a save vs. poison of 14 at a -3 to their roll or they become infected. After which only a medical skill check of 1-35% for Field Surgery, or 1-55% for Medical Doctor to identify and remove the infection. After 16 hours without medical attention, the following described creature is formed.
Current Bio-patterns are as follows:
One: Big Spider: This creature appears to be a form of orb weaving spider, similar to its cousins it appears to have adopted a maternal instinct found among tarantulas, where it keeps its young on its back and allows them to feed upon a disabled or heavily wounded opponent.
M.D.C.: Body:65, Legs(8): 15 each, Head: 35.
Bio-E Cost: 65
Weight: 225lb (102.06kg).
Length: 8-feet (2.4m) at full stretched leg span, 5-feet (1.5m) at normal length.
Width: 8-feet (2.4m) at full stretched leg span, 5-feet (1.5m) at normal width.
Height: 5-feet (1.5m).
Physical Strength: 35+2d6 Robotic Strength.
Lifespan: 16 hours to fully develop, 22-year operation length.
Bio-Regeneration: 3d6x10 M.D.C. to all parts over 12 hours.
Feeding: 10lb (4.54kg) of raw meat and blood.
Sleep Requirements: 4 hours per day, prefers to sleep during the day.
Speeds: Running: 55mph (88.51kmph) (+20mph/32km from running legs). Leaping: 90ft (27.4m) high or 130ft (39.6m) across from a standing position and 169ft (51.5m) with a running start. Cannot swim, nor fly... thank god.
Has the following biological enhancements:
-Running Legs (+20 mph/32 km)
-Leaping Legs (leap 60 feet (18.3 m) high or 100 feet (30.5 m) across from a standing position and increase the distance by 30% with a running start. + 1 to dodge when leaping and adds +6 M.D. to leap attacks and kicks only.)
-Spinnerets and Webbing (Weight Limit: A webbing strand or line can support 16000
pounds (7257.5 kg) and has 100 M.D.C. per 10-foot (3 m) length. Charges: 120)
-Acid Blood (The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to inorganic and organic material (ceramics, plastic, metals, metal alloys, concrete, skin, wood, leather, fur, etc.))
-Gripping Hairs (+30% to Climbing skill, can attach to most surfaces and walk on walls at any angle)
-Small Claws(8) (+1D8+3 M.D. to normal punch damage.)
-Spike Launchers (M.D.C. of the Spikes: 1D10 M.D.C. points, but they are very small targets, -4 to hit on a "Called Shot."
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D. for a single spike or 2D8 M.D. for two simultaneous spikes.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (61 m).
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time, either counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Two per launcher. Spent spikes regrow after 4 hours.
Bonus: + 1 to strike.)
-Spines and Blades (forearms and shoulders (2D4+4 of them on each side). They add +6 M.D. Armor's punching and hand to hand attacks, or the spines can be pulled out and thrown as daggers, doing 1D10 M.D. each (up to three can be thrown at one time). Each blade pulled out regrows, but it takes 4D6+24 hours. Maximum Effective Range (Thrown): 80 feet (24.4 m).
Rate of Fire: Takes one melee attack/action to pull out one spine and throw it at an opponent.
Bonuses: +2 to strike or disarm when thrown.)
Two: Roller Splitter: This creature has the unique appearance of a pill bug but rolls itself into a ball shape and actively splits itself into segments. Each creature is made up of Eight segments that each are roughly the size of a large German Shepard, and each carrying deadly spikes they use to crush and pierce their foes.
M.D.C.: Body:45, Legs(48): 35 each, Head: 45, Shell: 100.
Bio-E Cost: 45
Weight: 125lb (102.06kg).
Length: 4 feet (1.2m) per each segment.
Width: 3-feet (0.9m) per each segment.
Height: 4-feet (1.2m) per segment, 32ft (9.8m) when fully together.
Physical Strength: 24+1d6 Robotic Strength.
Lifespan: 4 hours to fully develop each segment, 12-year operation length.
Bio-Regeneration: 6d6x10 M.D.C. to all parts over 24 hours.
Feeding: 4lb (1.8kg) of raw meat and blood per segment.
Sleep Requirements: 6 hours per day, prefers to sleep during the day.
Speeds: Running: 120mph (193.1kmph). Leaping: 30ft (9.1m) high or 50ft (15.2m) across from a standing position and 55ft (16.8m) with a running start. Cannot swim, nor fly... thank god.
Has the following biological enhancements:
-Rolling Spike Shell: When the creature moves it rolls its body into a spherical shape, using this shape large spikes on its outer shell are raised and begin to protrude 10in from the shell itself, these blades deal 2D6 MD damage to anything directly impacted against the shell, often utilized for demolition jobs as the shell itself has 100 M.D.C of coverage and deals 3x the damage to structures.
-Advanced Senses: Advanced Senses include sound amplifying hearing (able to hear a whisper 300 feet/91.5 m away), as well as a sense of taste and sense of smell about twice that of an ordinary human. The user can also accurately sense magnetic north at all times and can amp up his voice up to about 80 decibels (roughly the equivalent of using a megaphone/loudspeaker).
-Antennae: These are a pair of thin, whip-like extra limbs, one to three feet (0.3 to 0.9 m) long, attached to the head. They can hear and smell and are sensitive to temperature. As a result, the sensitive antennae can feel a change in the wind (direction, speed, temperature), feel general changes in air temperature (anything more than a single digit drop or increase), detect odors on a level similar to a wild predatory animal (a dog's sense of smell is still better) and work as "feelers" in the dark. This makes the antennae useful for feeling around in darkness or when blinded, as well as to identify changing circumstances and environment.
Acid Blood: The creature's blood and bodily fluids are made of a highly corrosive acid that is meant to be a natural defense mechanism. The acid is produced by an unusual combination of chemicals in the body and becomes immediately active the moment the blood or bodily fluids hit the air. By slicing the skin, the blood is released.
Mega-Damage: The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round. The acid bums for one minute (4 melee rounds) or until washed off.
Resistance to Electricity: resistant to electricity in all its forms and takes half damage from electrical based attacks, including lightning. It can be jolted with up to 2,000 volts without adverse effect and is impervious to the effects of static electricity. The creature is also immune to all stun weapons and attacks.
"You know that we have enough time to work on this project sir. We have several samples of various gene thieves and I'm certain that we can use their full arsenal of genetic code to our advantage sir." Across the room a knight clad in their host armor awaits further analysis, the librarian of their household scanning the various data on shellback computers and a series of advanced gene sequencers... the geneticist with an advanced xenobiology background awaits their response. "We are going to make full use of this gene sequence, but what's bothering me is that this isn't a standard strain our current project has collected so far, it appears to be some form of wasp but its literally altering itself, it's as though their hosts gene complex is being absorbed and reformed to match closely to the wasps original DNA, but we gave it a sequence of spider genes a while ago... now its shooting webs and showing ambush predator behaviors."-Librarian. "I'm going to guess that this gene sequence as we see behind our observation window", they point to a clear MDC reinforced window made of bioplastics, behind it is a series of cages containing a series of various wasplike creatures and spiders, two gene thieves, and several dead bodies with bizarre openings across their body. "This gene sequence can help defend our household from creatures like these?" The knight gazes towards the geneticist, hoping for good news after witnessing several villagers they attempted to save explode with the previously described insects leaving their bodies, almost fully developed. "I think we can do even better sir; I know we can grant our men immunity to this, and even better... we can make your armor a growing hive to these horrors sir."
Description: With several tests underway by a currently unnamed household, a series of insects were discovered with the ability to infect a host with their DNA, and even worse, allow that individual entity infected to become host to a series of larva that burrow deep into their bodies and feeds upon them during their development. These infected aren't going to show signs for almost eight hours... After which the following effects begin to apply, 9th hour: The subject appears to get woozy, losing mobility to a slight degree, -3 attacks per melee, -5 to all rolls involving aiming, shooting, or hitting. At the 12th hour: The victim suffers from mild paranoia, stating they can feel their skin itching, after 15 minutes they begin to scratch erratically but the body forces unconsciousness soon after, the newly forming nymph will begin to feed on their host at this stage. 14 hours: the host begins to bleed from the nose lightly, the eyes appear bloodshot underneath their eyelids under inspection, and their torso is starting to lightly bulge with movement. 16 hours: The victim begins to convulse under extreme seizure, their mouth vomiting blood and a series of currently unknown hemolymph of blue, grey, and green in coloration, the chest will then expand until the creature is birthed from their bodies, after which they begin to feed on the remains or attack anything that doesn't appear to be of similar nature.
How to Infect: When using any bladed weapon, attach the gene-Infectors tendril into it and stab an opponent or penetrate into their armor, once a target has been hit, they need to make a save vs. poison of 14 at a -3 to their roll or they become infected. After which only a medical skill check of 1-35% for Field Surgery, or 1-55% for Medical Doctor to identify and remove the infection. After 16 hours without medical attention, the following described creature is formed.
Current Bio-patterns are as follows:
One: Big Spider: This creature appears to be a form of orb weaving spider, similar to its cousins it appears to have adopted a maternal instinct found among tarantulas, where it keeps its young on its back and allows them to feed upon a disabled or heavily wounded opponent.
M.D.C.: Body:65, Legs(8): 15 each, Head: 35.
Bio-E Cost: 65
Weight: 225lb (102.06kg).
Length: 8-feet (2.4m) at full stretched leg span, 5-feet (1.5m) at normal length.
Width: 8-feet (2.4m) at full stretched leg span, 5-feet (1.5m) at normal width.
Height: 5-feet (1.5m).
Physical Strength: 35+2d6 Robotic Strength.
Lifespan: 16 hours to fully develop, 22-year operation length.
Bio-Regeneration: 3d6x10 M.D.C. to all parts over 12 hours.
Feeding: 10lb (4.54kg) of raw meat and blood.
Sleep Requirements: 4 hours per day, prefers to sleep during the day.
Speeds: Running: 55mph (88.51kmph) (+20mph/32km from running legs). Leaping: 90ft (27.4m) high or 130ft (39.6m) across from a standing position and 169ft (51.5m) with a running start. Cannot swim, nor fly... thank god.
Has the following biological enhancements:
-Running Legs (+20 mph/32 km)
-Leaping Legs (leap 60 feet (18.3 m) high or 100 feet (30.5 m) across from a standing position and increase the distance by 30% with a running start. + 1 to dodge when leaping and adds +6 M.D. to leap attacks and kicks only.)
-Spinnerets and Webbing (Weight Limit: A webbing strand or line can support 16000
pounds (7257.5 kg) and has 100 M.D.C. per 10-foot (3 m) length. Charges: 120)
-Acid Blood (The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round to inorganic and organic material (ceramics, plastic, metals, metal alloys, concrete, skin, wood, leather, fur, etc.))
-Gripping Hairs (+30% to Climbing skill, can attach to most surfaces and walk on walls at any angle)
-Small Claws(8) (+1D8+3 M.D. to normal punch damage.)
-Spike Launchers (M.D.C. of the Spikes: 1D10 M.D.C. points, but they are very small targets, -4 to hit on a "Called Shot."
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D. for a single spike or 2D8 M.D. for two simultaneous spikes.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet (61 m).
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time, either counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Two per launcher. Spent spikes regrow after 4 hours.
Bonus: + 1 to strike.)
-Spines and Blades (forearms and shoulders (2D4+4 of them on each side). They add +6 M.D. Armor's punching and hand to hand attacks, or the spines can be pulled out and thrown as daggers, doing 1D10 M.D. each (up to three can be thrown at one time). Each blade pulled out regrows, but it takes 4D6+24 hours. Maximum Effective Range (Thrown): 80 feet (24.4 m).
Rate of Fire: Takes one melee attack/action to pull out one spine and throw it at an opponent.
Bonuses: +2 to strike or disarm when thrown.)
Two: Roller Splitter: This creature has the unique appearance of a pill bug but rolls itself into a ball shape and actively splits itself into segments. Each creature is made up of Eight segments that each are roughly the size of a large German Shepard, and each carrying deadly spikes they use to crush and pierce their foes.
M.D.C.: Body:45, Legs(48): 35 each, Head: 45, Shell: 100.
Bio-E Cost: 45
Weight: 125lb (102.06kg).
Length: 4 feet (1.2m) per each segment.
Width: 3-feet (0.9m) per each segment.
Height: 4-feet (1.2m) per segment, 32ft (9.8m) when fully together.
Physical Strength: 24+1d6 Robotic Strength.
Lifespan: 4 hours to fully develop each segment, 12-year operation length.
Bio-Regeneration: 6d6x10 M.D.C. to all parts over 24 hours.
Feeding: 4lb (1.8kg) of raw meat and blood per segment.
Sleep Requirements: 6 hours per day, prefers to sleep during the day.
Speeds: Running: 120mph (193.1kmph). Leaping: 30ft (9.1m) high or 50ft (15.2m) across from a standing position and 55ft (16.8m) with a running start. Cannot swim, nor fly... thank god.
Has the following biological enhancements:
-Rolling Spike Shell: When the creature moves it rolls its body into a spherical shape, using this shape large spikes on its outer shell are raised and begin to protrude 10in from the shell itself, these blades deal 2D6 MD damage to anything directly impacted against the shell, often utilized for demolition jobs as the shell itself has 100 M.D.C of coverage and deals 3x the damage to structures.
-Advanced Senses: Advanced Senses include sound amplifying hearing (able to hear a whisper 300 feet/91.5 m away), as well as a sense of taste and sense of smell about twice that of an ordinary human. The user can also accurately sense magnetic north at all times and can amp up his voice up to about 80 decibels (roughly the equivalent of using a megaphone/loudspeaker).
-Antennae: These are a pair of thin, whip-like extra limbs, one to three feet (0.3 to 0.9 m) long, attached to the head. They can hear and smell and are sensitive to temperature. As a result, the sensitive antennae can feel a change in the wind (direction, speed, temperature), feel general changes in air temperature (anything more than a single digit drop or increase), detect odors on a level similar to a wild predatory animal (a dog's sense of smell is still better) and work as "feelers" in the dark. This makes the antennae useful for feeling around in darkness or when blinded, as well as to identify changing circumstances and environment.
Acid Blood: The creature's blood and bodily fluids are made of a highly corrosive acid that is meant to be a natural defense mechanism. The acid is produced by an unusual combination of chemicals in the body and becomes immediately active the moment the blood or bodily fluids hit the air. By slicing the skin, the blood is released.
Mega-Damage: The acid does 3D8 M.D. per melee round. The acid bums for one minute (4 melee rounds) or until washed off.
Resistance to Electricity: resistant to electricity in all its forms and takes half damage from electrical based attacks, including lightning. It can be jolted with up to 2,000 volts without adverse effect and is impervious to the effects of static electricity. The creature is also immune to all stun weapons and attacks.
Last edited by dethbegins on Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48998
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Okay, 'Gene-Infector' conveys the body-horror aspect of Splicers quite nicely,
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Working on making a series of advanced critters, thinking of making some L.E.G.I.O.N. and N.E.X.U.S. Variants that take the vermin side of things more extremely, and I was thinking of making a more advanced bestiary with a bit on time invested for some extreme models of each up-and-coming insectoids. Other than that, I'm currently figuring out if I want exploding Ticks or if I want to add some more centipede like horrors next.
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
22. Devil's Fur:
Description: A large coat of fur that envelops the user, provides greater cold resistance and provides both the suit and the pilot a source of warmth for cold nights and improves tolerance by -25*C, additionally the coat has a unique quality, if the Host Armor is engaged the fur can be shed to agitate the suit and inhibit their movements (-15mph, -5 Dodge, -5 parry) and cause large sores of puss to develop on the outer layer of tissue/bone which can burst dealing 1D4 M.D. or S.D., Lastly, the coat is normally red in color and when sheared will provide a stable source of wool like material for various crafts like clothing.
Bio-E Cost: 20
Prerequisites: None
23. Stubborn Oxhorn:
Description: After several tests with advanced mycelial structures, this nearly plate like growth develops a staple of edible mushrooms for humans that can grow anywhere or everywhere on the armor, it also can color itself to nearby surroundings. When an aggressor or unknown assailant attacks, the plates produce a spore cloud that paralyzes the target for 1D4 rounds inhibiting their combat ability. (-4 Dodge, -1 Melee Action, -3 Parry) This enhancement also can be made poisonous to non-humans producing a smell that dissuades would be hunters from attacking the host armor and its pilot and dealing 2D6 MD to them if engaged in melee.
Bio-E Cost: 15, +2 for the poison adaption.
Prerequisites: None
24. Thistle Spire:
Description: Enhanced Thistles were designed to grow in large formations across the armor, providing a small amount of camouflage (+10 to stealth tests) and providing a useful textile that yields roughly 20-30lbs a week. These growths a photosynthetic and if modified can help sustain the Host Armor through a symbiotic feeding system.
Bio-E Cost: 15, +10 for the symbiotic feeding adaption.
Prerequisites: None
Description: A large coat of fur that envelops the user, provides greater cold resistance and provides both the suit and the pilot a source of warmth for cold nights and improves tolerance by -25*C, additionally the coat has a unique quality, if the Host Armor is engaged the fur can be shed to agitate the suit and inhibit their movements (-15mph, -5 Dodge, -5 parry) and cause large sores of puss to develop on the outer layer of tissue/bone which can burst dealing 1D4 M.D. or S.D., Lastly, the coat is normally red in color and when sheared will provide a stable source of wool like material for various crafts like clothing.
Bio-E Cost: 20
Prerequisites: None
23. Stubborn Oxhorn:
Description: After several tests with advanced mycelial structures, this nearly plate like growth develops a staple of edible mushrooms for humans that can grow anywhere or everywhere on the armor, it also can color itself to nearby surroundings. When an aggressor or unknown assailant attacks, the plates produce a spore cloud that paralyzes the target for 1D4 rounds inhibiting their combat ability. (-4 Dodge, -1 Melee Action, -3 Parry) This enhancement also can be made poisonous to non-humans producing a smell that dissuades would be hunters from attacking the host armor and its pilot and dealing 2D6 MD to them if engaged in melee.
Bio-E Cost: 15, +2 for the poison adaption.
Prerequisites: None
24. Thistle Spire:
Description: Enhanced Thistles were designed to grow in large formations across the armor, providing a small amount of camouflage (+10 to stealth tests) and providing a useful textile that yields roughly 20-30lbs a week. These growths a photosynthetic and if modified can help sustain the Host Armor through a symbiotic feeding system.
Bio-E Cost: 15, +10 for the symbiotic feeding adaption.
Prerequisites: None
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48998
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
"There's fungus among us."dethbegins wrote: ↑Mon Dec 30, 2024 5:15 am
23. Stubborn Oxhorn:
Description: After several tests with advanced mycelial structures, this nearly plate like growth develops a staple of edible mushrooms for humans that can grow anywhere or everywhere on the armor, it also can color itself to nearby surroundings. When an aggressor or unknown assailant attacks, the plates produce a spore cloud that paralyzes the target for 1D4 rounds inhibiting their combat ability. (-4 Dodge, -1 Melee Action, -3 Parry) This enhancement also can be made poisonous to non-humans producing a smell that dissuades would be hunters from attacking the host armor and its pilot and dealing 2D6 MD to them if engaged in melee.
Bio-E Cost: 15, +2 for the poison adaption.
Excellent work as always, dethbegins. And a nice gift to the thread at the end of the year.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
I added the Roller Splitter as well for the gene infector, hope that adds some life to your games and have a wonderful new year!
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- taalismn
- Priest
- Posts: 48998
- Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2003 8:19 pm
- Location: Somewhere between Heaven, Hell, and New England
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Thank you and a good/better New Year to you as well.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"
--------Rudyard Kipling
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
Good morning Splicers! Today our research department has finally been allowed time to improve our general military capabilities and has come out with some standardized enhancements and some more experimental variations. I'm pleased to announce the following enhancements for today and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
25. Omni Weapon Tentacle:
The Omni Weapon Tentacle is an advanced weapons replacement platform, tailored towards being able to mount any light weapon with ease and improving the general availability of access to various armaments. Each Tentacle can house said weapon and symbiotically triggers through synaptic connections from its host and feeds directly from the host itself. Lastly each Tentacle is limited in its quantity as they are expensive to maintain for the Host armor without extensive modification the hosts metabolism to compensate.
Bio-E Cost: 20, +10 per additional tentacle, and is limited to 4 in total.
Prerequisites: None
26. Weapon Shrinker Patch:
The weapon Shrinker Patch is a strange growth that appears where the shoulders or thighs often recess, allowing the user to pull highly compacted equipment from them. Each Patch is able to shrink the enlarged mass of a weapon to the size of a small pearl, each is held in a form of bud that can be inserted directly into the Patches organic mesh and are stored there. Takes 1 Attack/Action to remove and deploy and mass remains the same compacted or otherwise. It can be used on light weapons only.
Bio-E Cost: 30
Prerequisites: Shrinker’s Mesh
27. Shrinkers Mesh:
Shrinkers Mesh is a new and innovative method for mass storage. It compacts the size of enlarged organic substances into what are referred to as “Buds”, Each “Bud” is capable of storing any mass below 10kgs as a small ovoid pearl like object with small folds on either side, each of these objects still maintain its weight, but its compacted size makes long hauls far safer and easier to endure without losing important cargo. Some traders have even made specific regulations to limit the size of loads just to make these hauls less perilous for their profit and general safety.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: None
28. Targeting Array:
The Targeting Array is a specialized set of equipment that aids in translating additional targets to available friendly units within your Bio-Comm Range, additionally, these targeting arrays have the added bonus of increasing the number of targets that can be automatically locked by 35, and increases the units ability to detect hidden units, providing a +15% to Detect Ambush skill tests.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: None
29. Wither Specter Optical Drive:
The “With Specter Optical Drive” is an advanced experimental enhancement that alters the state of the effected hosts biology, making them turn into a semi-gelatinous membrane that can liquify and solidify on demand, additionally the form taken becomes completely transparent and improves one’s stealth capability, providing a +25% to Camouflage skill tests. Lastly this module allows the ability to bypass detection from the nano plague for a short time of 3 combat rounds, after which the plague will attempt to target you as normal. This ability is in part due to the nature of the enhancement, making you appear like simplified organic matter like bacteria instead of a large dog or other similar lifeform. Of course, this fails to work in sterile work environments for the machines’ operations buts its effects are none the less invaluable. It takes 2 melee attacks/actions to activate this enhancement and afterwards can be maintained for 10 minutes before reverting the user to their solid form.
Bio-E Cost: 45
Prerequisites: Chameleon Skin, and Slime Coating, which this Enhancement Replaces.
30. Fatigue Discharger Core:
Another Experimental Enhancement that’s tailored to improve the general survivability of the targeted host, this augment reduces general neurological load by flushing the brain actively and dispersing the toxins inside a discharging organ. This organ will then begin to reform into an enhanced Core which will actively inhibit further fatigue by 3 points throughout the day. After which the host will be required to rest for 3 hours before continuing. Additionally, this core operates for the host armor, reducing its general sleep requirements by the same allotment, and reducing its general body fatigue rate to 15% of its normal rate.
Bio-E Cost: 40
Prerequisites: Circadian Rhythms, which this augment reduces recovery time for.
31. Genetic Gestalt Emitter:
This alteration to the hosts genetic structure allows them to share vital information through a means of communication barely understood by our scientists. It effectively allows the host to share its knowledge and experience with those it shares its genetic information with, for instance, a spouse or their children. Through them, the Hosts life experiences are translated and shared allowing unexpected improvements to the following generations skills and general capabilities. (A note for GMs that host generation campaigns this is what the augment is tailored around.) This enhancement allows the hosts offspring to not only know the whereabouts and general wellbeing of the host but allows them to gain a fraction of their knowledge and expertise, granting +5% from all skills of the previous generations to this current generation and is currently documented over the case of a single family with over 15 generations, still maintaining this gene and its so far remained dominant and reliable for their hosts.
Bio-E Cost: 65
Prerequisites: None
25. Omni Weapon Tentacle:
The Omni Weapon Tentacle is an advanced weapons replacement platform, tailored towards being able to mount any light weapon with ease and improving the general availability of access to various armaments. Each Tentacle can house said weapon and symbiotically triggers through synaptic connections from its host and feeds directly from the host itself. Lastly each Tentacle is limited in its quantity as they are expensive to maintain for the Host armor without extensive modification the hosts metabolism to compensate.
Bio-E Cost: 20, +10 per additional tentacle, and is limited to 4 in total.
Prerequisites: None
26. Weapon Shrinker Patch:
The weapon Shrinker Patch is a strange growth that appears where the shoulders or thighs often recess, allowing the user to pull highly compacted equipment from them. Each Patch is able to shrink the enlarged mass of a weapon to the size of a small pearl, each is held in a form of bud that can be inserted directly into the Patches organic mesh and are stored there. Takes 1 Attack/Action to remove and deploy and mass remains the same compacted or otherwise. It can be used on light weapons only.
Bio-E Cost: 30
Prerequisites: Shrinker’s Mesh
27. Shrinkers Mesh:
Shrinkers Mesh is a new and innovative method for mass storage. It compacts the size of enlarged organic substances into what are referred to as “Buds”, Each “Bud” is capable of storing any mass below 10kgs as a small ovoid pearl like object with small folds on either side, each of these objects still maintain its weight, but its compacted size makes long hauls far safer and easier to endure without losing important cargo. Some traders have even made specific regulations to limit the size of loads just to make these hauls less perilous for their profit and general safety.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: None
28. Targeting Array:
The Targeting Array is a specialized set of equipment that aids in translating additional targets to available friendly units within your Bio-Comm Range, additionally, these targeting arrays have the added bonus of increasing the number of targets that can be automatically locked by 35, and increases the units ability to detect hidden units, providing a +15% to Detect Ambush skill tests.
Bio-E Cost: 25
Prerequisites: None
29. Wither Specter Optical Drive:
The “With Specter Optical Drive” is an advanced experimental enhancement that alters the state of the effected hosts biology, making them turn into a semi-gelatinous membrane that can liquify and solidify on demand, additionally the form taken becomes completely transparent and improves one’s stealth capability, providing a +25% to Camouflage skill tests. Lastly this module allows the ability to bypass detection from the nano plague for a short time of 3 combat rounds, after which the plague will attempt to target you as normal. This ability is in part due to the nature of the enhancement, making you appear like simplified organic matter like bacteria instead of a large dog or other similar lifeform. Of course, this fails to work in sterile work environments for the machines’ operations buts its effects are none the less invaluable. It takes 2 melee attacks/actions to activate this enhancement and afterwards can be maintained for 10 minutes before reverting the user to their solid form.
Bio-E Cost: 45
Prerequisites: Chameleon Skin, and Slime Coating, which this Enhancement Replaces.
30. Fatigue Discharger Core:
Another Experimental Enhancement that’s tailored to improve the general survivability of the targeted host, this augment reduces general neurological load by flushing the brain actively and dispersing the toxins inside a discharging organ. This organ will then begin to reform into an enhanced Core which will actively inhibit further fatigue by 3 points throughout the day. After which the host will be required to rest for 3 hours before continuing. Additionally, this core operates for the host armor, reducing its general sleep requirements by the same allotment, and reducing its general body fatigue rate to 15% of its normal rate.
Bio-E Cost: 40
Prerequisites: Circadian Rhythms, which this augment reduces recovery time for.
31. Genetic Gestalt Emitter:
This alteration to the hosts genetic structure allows them to share vital information through a means of communication barely understood by our scientists. It effectively allows the host to share its knowledge and experience with those it shares its genetic information with, for instance, a spouse or their children. Through them, the Hosts life experiences are translated and shared allowing unexpected improvements to the following generations skills and general capabilities. (A note for GMs that host generation campaigns this is what the augment is tailored around.) This enhancement allows the hosts offspring to not only know the whereabouts and general wellbeing of the host but allows them to gain a fraction of their knowledge and expertise, granting +5% from all skills of the previous generations to this current generation and is currently documented over the case of a single family with over 15 generations, still maintaining this gene and its so far remained dominant and reliable for their hosts.
Bio-E Cost: 65
Prerequisites: None
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
- dethbegins
- Wanderer
- Posts: 84
- Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
- Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!
Re: *Slower Progress* 140 Bio-Enhancements for fun!
These are the final Enhancements for today, Enjoy the new content Splicers and have a safe and fulfilling day.
32. Ammo Recuperator:
The Ammo Recuperator is a simple enhancement that allows the user to freshly restock any small arms weapon of heavy or light categories with minimal difficulty. Each Recuperator is capable of regenerating up to three Full ammo stocks (Replenishes the weapons total Payload up to 3 times and can only be used on a per weapon basis) of one weapon of the selected category and requires a full four days of recovery before it can be reused. For splicers that often get attacked by heavy engagements, this enhancement has kept them in the field for longer and nearly guaranteed they still had a magazine of ammo after their last engagement. Recuperating a SINGLE payload is considered a free action and can only be done once per round.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisites: None
33. Drug Synthesis Bio-Lab:
With medics on the battlefield regularly needing supplies this enhancement was designed to aid in creating various drugs, bandages, and other necessary equipment to keep soldiers out on the battlefield for longer. With this enhancement a Host Armor can produce up to 15L of anesthetic, 10 Bandages, 5L of alcohol, and another 5L of antiseptic within 15 minutes. Additionally, this enhancement comes with some pre-designed combat drugs for improving the soldier’s longevity and are as follows:
1: Regenerative: Regenerative is a simple chemical slurry that when injected into its designated target allows regeneration of 15 MDC/SDC per combat round for 3D4 Combat rounds.
2. Clot: Clot is a simple binder that slows bleeding and allows the body to naturally close wounds without causing internal bleeding. Takes 1 melee attack/action to administer and 1 turn to take effect, completely stops bleeding until a wound is reopened.
3. Wake-up: Wake-up functions similarly to epinephrine without the draining effect it commonly has on the body, it reduces general fatigue and allows the user to wake up from an unconscious state when needed. It takes up to 3 turns before the effected target recovers from fatigue and or wakes up from an unconscious state.
4. Synthetic Blood: Tailored for blood replacement when survivors are bleeding out, this pack functions similarly to O- Blood but works on O+ Blood types, guarantees the user recovers from blood loss and can allow those who have bleed to death to be resuscitated. Takes 3 Melee attacks/actions to administer, and afterwards the user becomes fatigued, or if fatigued, they become unconscious.
5. Pain Killer: Using a synthetic derivative of Morphine without addictive properties, this painkiller is made to stop those that suffer from extensive pain due to battle damage. Causes fatigue after being administered.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisites: Can only be Applied to Host Armors or War Mounts.
34. Addiction Inhibitors:
With the growing use of addictive substances from users off and on the battlefield, this enhancement disables the user’s cravings and reduces the side effects of withdrawal by half. Additionally, this enhancement alerts its user of any foreign chemical they have taken that can be addictive or cause unwanted side effects. Lastly, the enhancement reduces the desire to intake addictive substances by making the user feel unwell when they begin to crave that respective substance and causes the user to be repulsed by it requiring a +35% Test to overcome this repulsion to take their wanted substance.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisites: None
35. Extendable Carry-All:
The Carry-All is a variation of a M.D.C. Backpack tailored to protect and carry safely up to 4 People or if cargo space is required, provides up to 120Lbs of storage space. This enhancement when not in use compacts into a storage slot hidden in the middle of the Hosts back, allowing it to seamlessly merge with the Host.
Bio-E Cost: 10
Prerequisites: None
32. Ammo Recuperator:
The Ammo Recuperator is a simple enhancement that allows the user to freshly restock any small arms weapon of heavy or light categories with minimal difficulty. Each Recuperator is capable of regenerating up to three Full ammo stocks (Replenishes the weapons total Payload up to 3 times and can only be used on a per weapon basis) of one weapon of the selected category and requires a full four days of recovery before it can be reused. For splicers that often get attacked by heavy engagements, this enhancement has kept them in the field for longer and nearly guaranteed they still had a magazine of ammo after their last engagement. Recuperating a SINGLE payload is considered a free action and can only be done once per round.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisites: None
33. Drug Synthesis Bio-Lab:
With medics on the battlefield regularly needing supplies this enhancement was designed to aid in creating various drugs, bandages, and other necessary equipment to keep soldiers out on the battlefield for longer. With this enhancement a Host Armor can produce up to 15L of anesthetic, 10 Bandages, 5L of alcohol, and another 5L of antiseptic within 15 minutes. Additionally, this enhancement comes with some pre-designed combat drugs for improving the soldier’s longevity and are as follows:
1: Regenerative: Regenerative is a simple chemical slurry that when injected into its designated target allows regeneration of 15 MDC/SDC per combat round for 3D4 Combat rounds.
2. Clot: Clot is a simple binder that slows bleeding and allows the body to naturally close wounds without causing internal bleeding. Takes 1 melee attack/action to administer and 1 turn to take effect, completely stops bleeding until a wound is reopened.
3. Wake-up: Wake-up functions similarly to epinephrine without the draining effect it commonly has on the body, it reduces general fatigue and allows the user to wake up from an unconscious state when needed. It takes up to 3 turns before the effected target recovers from fatigue and or wakes up from an unconscious state.
4. Synthetic Blood: Tailored for blood replacement when survivors are bleeding out, this pack functions similarly to O- Blood but works on O+ Blood types, guarantees the user recovers from blood loss and can allow those who have bleed to death to be resuscitated. Takes 3 Melee attacks/actions to administer, and afterwards the user becomes fatigued, or if fatigued, they become unconscious.
5. Pain Killer: Using a synthetic derivative of Morphine without addictive properties, this painkiller is made to stop those that suffer from extensive pain due to battle damage. Causes fatigue after being administered.
Bio-E Cost: 35
Prerequisites: Can only be Applied to Host Armors or War Mounts.
34. Addiction Inhibitors:
With the growing use of addictive substances from users off and on the battlefield, this enhancement disables the user’s cravings and reduces the side effects of withdrawal by half. Additionally, this enhancement alerts its user of any foreign chemical they have taken that can be addictive or cause unwanted side effects. Lastly, the enhancement reduces the desire to intake addictive substances by making the user feel unwell when they begin to crave that respective substance and causes the user to be repulsed by it requiring a +35% Test to overcome this repulsion to take their wanted substance.
Bio-E Cost: 15
Prerequisites: None
35. Extendable Carry-All:
The Carry-All is a variation of a M.D.C. Backpack tailored to protect and carry safely up to 4 People or if cargo space is required, provides up to 120Lbs of storage space. This enhancement when not in use compacts into a storage slot hidden in the middle of the Hosts back, allowing it to seamlessly merge with the Host.
Bio-E Cost: 10
Prerequisites: None
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!