Magic tattoo bow and arrow

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Magic tattoo bow and arrow

Post by Soldier of Od »

Hi everybody,
Rifts World Book 2: Atlantis, says that a simple or magic weapon tattoo can be of a bow and arrow (emphasis mine) - page 86. Does that mean you get only one arrow? Seems a bit limited.
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Re: Magic tattoo bow and arrow

Post by ShadowLogan »

I think the reference in WB2 is just poor phrasing. The two are practically limited alone, so you have to get two tattoos: a bow (1) and arrow (2).

Now the number of arrows created going by the Power Arrow category (DB21 pg104-6, and in the BoM) will create 4x arrows, and even the T-Archer OCC (pg108-11) seems to confirm the bow and arrow are to be separate tattoos (interestingly, at least the Power Arrows do not function in non-tattoo bows) as their starting tattoos list "the following Magic Tatoos: The Bow as a Power Weapon and six Power Arrow tattoos" confirming that the "bow and arrow" mention in WB2 is really supposed to be 2x separate tattoos (and even the arrow = payload of 4, though text indicates x4 arrows are drawn not x1, so it might be however many are depicted?)
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Re: Magic tattoo bow and arrow

Post by Marcethus »

Since I do not have access to my books I cannot give page references.

Iirc the bow and arrow weapon tattoo is counted as a single tattoo. Power Arrow tattoos are their own category and have their own interactions with the rules. The bow and arrow tattoo is usually depicted with 4 arrows, this is how I run it and iirc it's because I think that I saw it in one of the fluff texts

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