Book index of Kevin S philosophy of role-playing

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Book index of Kevin S philosophy of role-playing

Unread post by Shorty Lickens »

I know I've seen plenty of places where he talks about this but recently saw a discussion elsewhere and it occurred to me I should catalog these writings so other people can find them easier. And I can also ask for your input to make the list complete.

First place I went looking I found mostly what I wanted.

Rifts Adventure Guide: page 9. His basic thoughts "The idea is for everybody to help weave an adventure and have fun".
Rifts Ultimate Edition: page 9. "YOU are in absolute control".
--- page 368. "The right perspective for building adventures".
Game Master Guide: ALSO page 9. "The Beauty of Role Playing"

But there was a section of one game book I cant find. Does anyone remember when he was talking about cops and robbers or cowboys and indians, and how eventually somebody argued about the rules, and everyone got angry and went home? He made the point the purpose of an established rule system is to keep the game fun by keeping it going and reducing arguments. I cant find that text now as I look thru my books.
Theres also a place where he said "if everyone is having fun, everyone is winning" and I cant find that either.
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Re: Book index of Kevin S philosophy of role-playing

Unread post by Marcethus »

Doesn't answer your exact sought example but other books with KS tidbits of gaming philosophy: Rifts Game Master's Guide and PFRPG main book.

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