All this and no combat training!

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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

yea, you need Konishku Karate, Jujitsu, Zanji Shinkiken Ryu, and Mu Thay before you ACTUALLY know what your doing in any of them, don't you know? :D
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Unread post by vitae_drinker »

I have to agree with everyone else here. The skills Boxing, Wrestling, Fencing and Kickboxing aren't actual combat training. They're sports, something you do for a hobby or to compete in. Hand to Hand:Basic (and up, of course) means you are trained how to KILL SOMEONE WITH YOUR BARE HANDS, or at the very least, keep them from killing you.

Not knock them down and score points, not impress someone by showing them a cool new move while hitting on them in a bar, but having a drill instructor or someone similar showing you how to take someone out in a fight. Probably while that opponent is trying to kill you at the same time.

For instance, a college level wrestler would probably be able to handle himself (or herself, as the case may be) against someone who doesn't have any training at all, but how are they going to fair against someone who did a tour with the Marines, or was in the Special Forces? Heck, even just a regular Army grunt? Especially if the ex-military person was trying TO KILL THEM.

So, someone who has lots of physical hobbies is much meaner than someone who sits around all day watching TV...but is it real combat training? I'd say no.
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Unread post by bar1scorpio »

Rocinante wrote:Joe Blow fresh out of the police academy or Mike Tyson?

I think History has sided with the police.
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Unread post by acreRake »

bar1scorpio wrote:
Rocinante wrote:Joe Blow fresh out of the police academy or Mike Tyson?

I think History has sided with the police.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, i agree with everyone.

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