Phase World:Armageddon

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Phase World:Armageddon

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i got bored, and it tied into my attempt to revise PW to a new "more physics freindly" system. (just a revamp of the space combat to eliminate the mach system.)


It is a Time of Great strife......

...The Dweller in the deep is gone, its body discorporating infront of the very eyes of the Kreeghor Emperor. all Kreeghor witches have lost their power, and the Emperor was only saved through a bio-wizardry life support system, permenantly rooting him to his throne. This sign of weakness has encouraged the Royal Kreeghor houses to intensify their schemes to depose him, and to elevate one of their own house to the throne. the backstabbing politics of the royal houses threaten to tear the empire apart before any one house can rise to the top..

..the FWC has succeded in seizing and liberating a 30 world sector of the TGE. and are threatning to liberate the surrounding sectors. efforts by the FWC to gain legitimate status and be recognized as a legal goverment by the CCW is under way.....

...the CCW has split over the issue of the FWC, not only in the goverment but in the streets. while the representatives debate, members of varied moral, social, religious, and political dissident groups have taken up the flags in support of both sides of the argument, and low intensity warfare is becoming increasingly common as supporters of either side exploit the issue to excuse acts furthering their own goals....

..Naruni Enterprises is making a killing off the CCW, despite loosing the CCW's supply contract to the Hartigal Combine. the Naruni have been supplying weapons and equipment to any dissident group, regardless of veiws, at a substantial discount. this has encouraged great sales, which more than make up for the lost revenue. and if it hurts the CCW, all the better....

..deep inside the TGE, a staging base for the effort to crush the FWC has been attacked by a CCW taskforce. the TGE invasion fleet was crippled, and has encouraged TGE commanders to propogate a war against the CCW, creating a 200 ly "no-man's-land" along the border, as TGE and CCW fleets manuver for control. the CCW denies the attack, claiming the ships in question went MIA in the last TGE/CCW war....

..the United Worlds Warlock has moved to push out the Splugorth kingdoms, liberating billions of slave's. the splugorth have countered by discarding their outer worlds, to form a more defensiable region, and arming the rebellious orc, goblin, and ogre planets in the UWW, which have begun raiding the weakly defended worlds of the UWW.... the Thundercloud galaxy, the numbers of "intruder" ships have begun to rise. could this be the vanguard to a massive invasion fleet?.....

..Phase World has VANISHED! the entire solar system has dissappeared, leaving only a massive repression feild. the city of center and all of phase worlds orbital gates has teleported to a previously uninhabitted planet no more than 4 light years from where it used to be. all promethians save those in center an those out in the 3 galaxies are gone, with no trace. phase techsystems however have become even more common, as the remaining Prometheans have increased the manufacture in now revealed asteroidal factories....

..all Cosmo Knights save a handful have taken off into the void of interstellar space. the few who have remained say that the forge warned of a great coming menace, and bid them to gather, and they refused....

..pirate activity has been on the rise, and never before seen combined fleets have begun raiding even the most heavily defended worlds. many of these large fleets show a co-ordination more like that of a military, leading many to beleive some single group to be behind it.... the anvil galaxy, massive automated warships have begun sterilizing worlds, leaving behind only charred lifeless husks. debrie from attemptes to destroy several have shown the work of the Machinists, creators of the Machine people....

..a Dominator fleet has begun forming in the thundercloud galaxy, in the Col Nebula. already a dozen of the races moon sized ships have arrived, and no one knows for what purpose......

..a New Forge Cult has reared its head, the Brotherhood of Fire. they beleive that the Forge will return after a time of tribulation, when all civilization has been cleansed by violence, and all civilization destroyed. they beleive that the forge will then guide the 3 galaxies into a utopia. it is unknown how they fit into the events occuring across the galaxies......

also over at
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Fri Oct 21, 2005 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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no comments?

i guess this seems pretty confusing with no referance.

so my GM's notes:

the dissapearance of the Kreeghor AI and the promtheans are linked. both are "rats abandoning a sinking ship". both have detected a threat more powerful then they, and have "gone silent" in hopes of being unnoticed.
the same looming threat is what caused the Forge to amass the knights in one spot, in hopes of stopping it. (the knights have headed out to inter-galactic space)
the Dominators are gathering to debate their own participation should the threat reach the 3G's.
the "Intruders" are a race displaced by this coming danger, their own galaxy destroyed.

the war between the kreeghor and the CCW was instigated by elements of the Brotherhood of fire forge cult, in hopes of starting the period of tribulation they beleive will herald the coming of the forge. this same group has also been working to escalate the low-intensity warfare in the CCW, TGE, and UWW.

the massive pirate fleets are the work of a Ex-military pirate who has been amassing pirate bands under one flag. normally, the CK's would stop this sort of thing, but without Ck's he's been pretty much free to act.

what is the looming threat? well, i can tell you what it is NOT:
it is not an alien intellegence, or else the prometheans and the dweller would have stuck around.
it is not the mechanoids.
it is not a magic based nation.

in my mind, the coming enemy is a massive, ruthless technological empire, which beleives that only they deserve to exist as intellegent beings. a race powerful enough to destroy stars, turn planets ot a cinder, and exterminate whole races.
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Braden Campbell
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So, you're destroying the Three Galaxies too, eh?

In my campaign, there are too many power blocs trying to predict furture events,;to the point that no one can foretell the future anymore. So when the Altess Armoria HQ on Novus 9 goes missing in time, and the Golgan (who have upgraded their fleet with technical information from the future via a Feynman Radio) invade the Dynasty, the Altess must cash out the 3 Galaxies.

Which leads to a galactic dression.

Which coincides with the reapearance of the Lords of Entropy (anti-Cosmoknights who run the Omegan Order).

Who are using the clone of Jurgo Kilter to wipe out the Altess and find the Cosmic Forge.

Pretty much in that order...
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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So, you're destroying the Three Galaxies too, eh?

more along what the Yuuzhan Vong did to the Star Wars universe. (actually, i never read the NJO books, but i've read a lot of the supplimentary material.), and what the Word of Blake Jihad is doing to the classic battletech game.

not destruction, but just breaking down the existing groups, putting them through the wringer, and providing a clean slate to rebuild more interesting versions.
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so the nameless invaders might have a enemy able to match them tech for tech.

should be an interesting war. :D

i'm hoping to get this in as the next netbook project over at

i'm still trying to find time to type up my revised space combat system. then i'll be set.
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Standard Measurements:
1 mark= 10 m/s
1 g = 10 m/s^2 (1 mark/s) increase of 15 marks per melee (60 per hour)

1 Lightsecond (Ls)= 300,000 km
1 Lightminute (Lm)= 18,000,000 km
1 Light hour (Lh)= 1,080,000,000 km
1 Light year (Ly)= 9,460,800,000,000 km

1 ly/h = 1 factor

standard definitions:
Fighter- small craft, high powered engines, very small crew. Ex. Scorpion interceptor, Flying Fang, Broadsword, Shadow Bolt.
Large craft- range of classes.
shuttles- larger small craft, filling assualt, bomber, or transport roles. Ex. Proctor Long range interceptor, star ghost, CAF assualt shuttle.
warships- large armed craft. ranges between frigates, cruisers, carriers, battleships, ect. Ex. Scimitar patrol ship, Warsheild cruiser, Packmaster carrier.
Freighters- large cargo craft. often includes runnerships, merchantmen, and the like. small crews, large cargo bays, typically minimal protection and performance. often subject to heavy modification.

Conversions: Canon Phase World
Mach to g's by vehicle type:
Fighter- 1 mach -> .5g
large craft- 1 mach -> .25g
Power Armor/Robots- 1 mach -> .10g
for gravitic drives, double results. (IE 1 mach = 1g for fighters, ect)
for craft with both gravitic and conventional drives, apply the gravitic drive modifier only to the gravitc drive. the conventional drive is figured as normal.

gravitic drive largecraft have access to "strategic mode", which triples their g rating, but takes power from sheilds and weapons, leaving it nearly defenseless.

Intertial dampning: the high g loads experianced in effective space travel would be lethal, but the use of inertial dampning via gravitic manipulation can reduce the experianced effect to tolerable levels.

Fighters: 1/10th. for every 10 g's of thrust, the crew only experiances 1.

Large Craft: 1/100th. for every 100 g's of thrust, the crew only experiances 1.

Power Armor/Robots: 1/5th. for every 5 g's of thrust, the crew only experiances 1.

type Range damage
Lasers x10 -
Particle x5 x1.5
ballistic x3 x2
Phase x2 -
magic x2 -

missiles are unchanged, revised missile chart is forthcoming.


Standard sensors:
note, all sensors are subject to speed of light lag. if a sensor detects a object 3 light minutes away, that is where it was 3 minutes before. this is why most battles take place at under 1 light second. no star trek style super-sensors here.
(only the FTL mass sensor does not have a light lag, but that is merely because the sensor only operates when travelling faster than light.)
RADAR- 5,000km effective range in space. (250km in an atmosphere)

Thermal- Effective detection range off 1 Lm. only 10km in an atmosphere
Optical- Effective detection range off 1 Lm. only 10km in an atmosphere. used to ID unknown objects detected via other sensors.
Radio- Effective detection range of 5 lh. a simple detection rig, signal strength and direction only.
Radation- measures Rem amounts, and the directional strength.
FTL mass Detector- able to detect gravity shadows in FTL travel. 5 Ly effective range. merely a warning device. (directional change in FTL being impossible.) non functional in STl travel.

RADAR- 25,000km effective range in space. (1250km in an atmosphere)
LiDAR- 25,000km effective range in space. (only 5km in atmosphere.)

Thermal- Effective detection range off 3 Lm. only 20km in an atmosphere.
Optical- Effective detection range off 3 Lm. only 20km in an atmosphere. used to ID unknown objects detected via other sensors.
Radio- Effective detection range of 10 lh. a simple detection rig, signal strength and direction only.
Radation- measures Rem amounts, and the directional strength.
FTL mass Detector- able to detect gravity shadows while in FTL travel. 5 Ly effective range. merely a warning device. (directional change in FTL being impossible.) non functional in STL travel.
Gavity sensor- able to detect gravitic disturbances. in addition to system mapping, it can detect other gravitic drive ships out to 1 Lm. in addition, is able to determain gravitic drive type (military/civillian), and size (fighter, large craft, shuttle, ect.) an experianced operator can estimate ship accelleration from drive feild readings.

Large craft:
RADAR- 50,000km effective range in space. (2500km in an atmosphere)
LiDAR- 50,000km effective range in space. (only 10km in atmosphere.)

Thermal- Effective detection range off 6 Lm. only 30km in an atmosphere.
Optical- Effective detection range off 6 Lm. only 30km in an atmosphere. used to ID unknown objects detected via other sensors.
Radio- Effective detection range of 15 lh. a simple detection rig, signal strength and direction only.
Radation- measures Rem amounts, and the directional strength.
FTL mass Detector- able to detect gravity shadows while in FTL travel. 5 Ly effective range. merely a warning device. (directional change in FTL being impossible.) non functional in STL travel.
Gavity sensor- able to detect gravitic disturbances. in addition to system mapping, it can detect other gravitic drive ships out to 3 Lm. in addition, is able to determain gravitic drive type (military/civillian), and size (fighter, large craft, shuttle, ect.) an experianced operator can estimate ship accelleration from drive feild readings.


example: apply the following changes to the Scorpion fighter-

Scorpion Class Light Fighter/Interceptor

In space:
8 g's under normal gravitic drive.
an auxiliary ion Drive booster allows this to be boosted up to 13g's for a combined total duration of 200 melee's.

Bonuses: +2 init, +1 to strike, +4 to dodge (+6 in space), +10% to dogfighting and piloting manuvers.

Weapon systems:
R-10 Railgun cannon.
Damage: 4d6x20 per 20 round burst.
Range: space- 50 km, 12 km in an atmosphere.
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Sun Oct 23, 2005 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Braden Campbell
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

glitterboy2098 wrote:standard definitions:
Fighter- small craft, high powered engines, very small crew. Ex. Scorpion interceptor, Flying Fang, Broadsword, Shadow Bolt.
Large craft- range of classes.
shuttles- larger small craft, filling assualt, bomber, or transport roles. Ex. Proctor Long range interceptor, star ghost, CAF assualt shuttle.
warships- large armed craft. ranges between frigates, cruisers, carriers, battleships, ect. Ex. Scimitar patrol ship, Warsheild cruiser, Packmaster carrier.
Freighters- large cargo craft. often includes runnerships, merchantmen, and the like. small crews, large cargo bays, typically minimal protection and performance. often subject to heavy modification.

OR....(from my upcoming Rifter submission)

Classes of Ships

All spacecraft in the Phase World setting, no matter their appearance or capabilities, can be divided into one of four broad categories; Fighters and Shuttles, Frigates, Cruisers, and finally, Flagships.

Fighters and shuttles are small craft, usually military in nature. Fighters typically weigh in at less than 15 tons; shuttles are heavier due to their role as transporters of cargo. Both types of ship have small crews. The armor and weapons on these vessels are diminutive and pathetic in comparison to their larger counterparts, yet they have become indispensable components of galactic warfare (see Space Fighters for specifics).

In order to operate a Fighter, one must have the skill Pilot: Spacefighter. Shuttles, whether combat or cargo, use the Pilot: Spacecraft General. Or Pilot: Spacecraft Advanced if you’ve got something to prove.

Frigates are everywhere in The Three Galaxies, making up almost 60% of all common vessels. They are economic to build, and relatively easy to maintain. They are significantly larger than fighters or shuttles, and require a full crew in order to operate smoothly. Like shuttles, a frigate may be configured for either cargo or combat. A cargo frigate is generally called a freighter. One rigged for combat is referred to as a destroyer.

Freighters, given their lighter weapon systems, will travel in convoys that might range from ten or twenty, to a few hundred. This gives them mutual protection against pirates and raiders; a convoy offers many mobile targets, rather than a single larger one. These ships are almost always owned and operated by one of the powerful Trade Federations or Mercantilus Unions; the vast corporations and conglomerates that drive the tri-galactic economy. The crew and troops on board (if any) will also be Union members or corporate employees. It is the rare independent Spacer who owns his own frigate, and who has not paid into the Union.

Destroyers are made to be ship killers. Their point defenses are usually more than enough to deal with a squadron of space fighters, and if outfitted with heavier, anti-capital ship weapons, can be a real danger to cruisers and flagships. A prime example of a destroyer is the Berserker-class warship used in the Transgalactic Empire’s Imperial Armada. This infamous torpedo boat has a weight of only 7000 tons, yet can deliver enough antimatter warheads to utterly cripple a Consortium Warshield Cruiser – a vessel fifteen times its mass!

The skills Pilot: Spacecraft General, and Pilot: Spacecraft Advanced are used when flying either configuration of frigate. Space Ship-to-Ship Combat (found under Military skills) is a must have for destroyer pilots.

Cruisers are best described as being warships of medium tonnage, with a long touring radius and less firepower than a battleship. They are designed to fill a multitude of roles without having to alter their weapon or crew configurations. They can be used for long-term exploratory missions, transport of cargo (usually only if said cargo is extremely valuable), and all out warfare. In combat, a cruiser will always be at the heart of small flotilla of destroyers, who in turn, are screened by space fighters. Anything less is tactical suicide, as illustrated above by the destructive potential of one enemy frigate.

The economics of building this class of ship are marginally debatable. Consortium analysts have calculated that for every one battle cruiser manufactured, seven destroyers could have been built in its stead. This may be one reason why the early Kreeghor Dominion favored a frigate-based fleet during its initial expansion. However, the larger hull allows for upgraded weaponry. So the trade off is one vessel with more destructive power and at longer range, as opposed to many smaller ships with a shorter reach. The engines of cruisers are also more powerful, in general, than those of frigates. Thus a well-built cruiser can become a potent weapons platform, able to fire ordinance and relocate to a new position within a decent time.

Cruisers have many different sub-systems, far too many for one person to handle alone. Thus the pilots of these big ships must concentrate on that, and that alone. The skill Pilot: Starships is all they need.

Flagship is a general term that covers three different types of starship: battleships, carriers, and dreadnoughts. These are truly the monsters of the tri-galactic fleets. Flagships are big, very heavy (typical mass is well over ten million tons), and armed to the teeth. Their engines are built from the most powerful CG drives possible, often with multiple redundant systems. Their spacal displacement (measurable by gravity wave sensors) is so large that no Flagship can evade detection – there is no cloaking technology in The Three Galaxies that can possibly obscure their engine wake.

Battleships are the smallest sub-class of Flagship, with an average mass of ten to twenty million tons. They will always be armed with two or three main batteries of guns, with three to four guns per battery. Multiple-volley cruise missile launchers will also be prevalent. Battleships are able to carry squadrons of space fighters, but these tiny craft are a token defense screen at best. Since no space fighter could ever possibly hope to damage a battleship’s armor, these fighters mostly aid in the shooting down of incoming cruise missiles, and the destruction of enemy fighters rigged to carry anti-capital ship torpedoes. Space fighters stationed on board a battleship will never be sent out ahead of the main fleet, instead remaining within a tight protective radius of fifty miles. (see Fleet Formations).

With an average construction outlay of fifty billion credits, most Independent Systems have trouble justifying the cost to build one of these things. Especially when they could have twenty cruisers for the same price (or better yet, one hundred fifty-six destroyer frigates). Large power blocs therefore favor battleships, because they are the only ones able to produce them in massive quantities. The Consortium’s space fleet contains well over 10,000 battleships of the Protector class, a feat possible only with combined Domestic Product of hundreds of member worlds.

Carriers are just that: giant spacecraft whose main mission is transport hundreds of fighters into a combat zone, and then deploy them en masse. Compared to battleships, carriers are barely armed. Most of their in-hull weaponry is designed for defense, both against enemy fighters and hostile ships of destroyer size or larger. Carriers can also be rigged for roles in peacetime, mostly as colony transports. Their holds and accommodations are able to settle over 8000 people at a time.

Like battleships, carriers are gigantic machines, whose CG engines send out large, detectable wakes. There is no disguising or hiding the presence of a carrier. Since it can be detected by common gravitic sensors out to at least ten light-years, any attacking force that includes a carrier can expect to be harassed while still well away from its target. Carriers will always be placed in the center of a flotilla that includes at least four frigates (rigged as destroyers) and two cruisers. More realistic numbers, especially during times of war, will see the number of escort vessels multiplied by five.

A large fleet whose core consists of carriers and battleships, screened by adequate numbers of cruisers and destroyers, is almost guaranteed success in its endeavors. In terms of raw firepower and weight of numbers, battleships and carriers cannot be equaled.

At least, that’s the way it used to be.

Up until a hundred years ago, it was commonly accepted that a CG-field projector could only be made to encompass a set area and a finite amount of mass. The average limitations were a field diameter of 6000’ and a total mass of 60 million tons. Beyond that, the energy requirements became staggering, and the CG-field stretched too thin to be able to fully cancel out the effect of normal gravitons. To put it simply, if a ship was built bigger than a standard carrier, it could not be wrapped in a contra-gravity field, and thus could not move faster than light.

This meant that for the longest time, the Packmaster was the undisputed king of the space lanes. Then, in the aftermath of the Good Hope Rebellion, word began to circulate that the rebels had captured a new kind of Kreeghor vessel: a “super carrier”-class called Kartuhum-Koridu, the Doombringer. By all reports, this captured starship measured over three miles in length with an estimated mass in the range of 100 million tons. Consortium fleet scientists dismissed these rumors as being wishful thinking. There was no physical way to build an engine that could move such a mass. Such a construction could only be an orbiting space station, unable to move a few hundred feet let alone travel faster than light.

But when the CCW and the TGE both found themselves fighting the Splugorth Kingdom of Rynncryll, fifty years ago, the existence of the Doombringer was confirmed. Consortium engineers flew into a panic. Galactic Security Agents tried for years afterwards to steal the secrets of its miraculous propulsion system. Finally, it was learned that the Kreeghor had devised a method of “chain-linking” three gravitonic generators together to create one, massive, stable field. (Actually, credit eventually went to the Machine People for the new drive design, and again the Consortium regretted its decision to exclude them from membership.)
The Doombringer could travel quite well at FTL velocities, with a top speed of seven light-years per hour. The CAF poured a trillion credits into hurried research, and were finally able to create their own version of the “chain-linked” system called a “Balanced Hammond Drive”. A fresh arms race was on between the two largest power blocs of The Three Galaxies, and new class of ship had been born: the Dreadnought.

Dreadnoughts are the biggest ships out there, with the notable exception of the Dominator Star Forts. They are so powerful and so complicated, that the average construction time for a single ship is four years! The TGE currently have twenty-three ships of the Doombringer-class, the Free World Council commands one of the same design. The Consortium is trying to catch up as best it can, but so far only twelve of the new Emancipation-class dreadnoughts have been built. (see the CAF Fleet entry for details).

Dreadnoughts are the least common type of starship in The Three Galaxies, in large part because of their crippling cost. Using the shells of the Nuk Rek Nuss, slave labor, and the aid of the Machine People (who neither care about money nor require sleep), the Transgalactic Empire can build a dreadnought for a paltry 50 billion credits. For just about everyone else, however, constructing one of these ships can run into the trillions. Development and construction of the Emancipation-class ships have cost the Human Alliance a staggering 856 trillion credits. To put this in perspective, the Gross Domestic Product for all of Terra Prime is 400 trillion credits per annum. Thus, in order to match the Kreeghor, the Human Alliance has spent all the money in the world. Twice.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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not bad.

my breaking it down into 3 catagories was more to simplify the conversion method.

basically, there are 3 types of ships. fighters have highpowered, but energy ineffecient drives that create powerful thrust, but take up a lot of room leaving little for other things.

robots and power armor use compact but weak drives to save space.

shuttles and starships use "standard" drives, which balance performance with size.

civilian drives tend to have looser tolerances, and thus lower top accellerations. example, a military drive might reach 6 g's, but a civilian one of the same mass would only get 3-4 g's. generally 30-50% less effective. however, they require far less maintence. most military gravitic drives can be "retuned" to use civilian feild specs, but aside from the "stealth" options, this really isn't that good, since it reduces accelleration by about 1/2.

of course, this only applies to gravitic drives. conventional drives like ion, plasma, atomic, fusion, ect. will have their own quirks (like no intertial dampning). but most civilizations pick up gravitics fairly fast once they encounter it.

i've got a list of transit times for interplanetaty travel, it'll be a good guide when telling how long players will take to get places.

With 1G of acceleration available, you can travel...

from Earth to the moon or Earth-moon Lagrange points (~400,000km) in 3.5 hours.
0.3 AU in 37 hours (Venus-Earth closest approach)
0.5 AU in 49 hours (Mars-Earth closest approach)
0.6 AU in 53 hours (Mercury-Earth closest approach)
1.5 AU in 84 hours (Asteroid Belt-Earth closest approach)
2.5 AU in 108 hours (Mars-Earth farthest opposition)
4 AU in 138 hours (Jupiter-Earth closest approach)
10 AU in 217 hours (Saturn-Earth almost closest approach, or Earth-Sol Jump Points)
40 AU in 434 hours (Pluto-Earth closest approach)

at higher g ratings, find the square root of the g's of accelleration and divide the listed time by that.

please not, these numbewrs are for accellerating halfway, then deccellerating the other half.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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A lot of misconceptions about space combat exist. for one, it is usually shown fought at ranges comparable to atmospheric combat. for another, most popular dramatizations show spacecraft operating on a "constant thrust=constant speed" ideal, usually because it is far more dramatic than the reality, especially when the fictional characters loose their drives and grind to a halt. the popular presentation of spacewar tactics too, suffer. in many presentations radar is the only detection system in use, and stealth is merely a matter of painting a ship black or turning off ones radar. space battles are often displayed like massive atmospheric dogfights, with ships looping, banking, and other such manuvers. in addition, because the characters are obviously hero's, severe damage to a ship rarely occurs, and ships either are destroyed outright, or left mostly intact but drifting in space.
This popular presentation is interesting too watch , for a time, but is totally opposete the reality. constant thrust equals a constant increase of speed, space combat is drawn out, brutal, and conducted at ranges to great to even allow direct visual targeting. Radar and other such activer sensors are rarely used, infact to even engage them in a combat situation is to become a magnet to enemy fire. ships can easily detect one another days before entering weapons range, and stealth is virtually impossibe to acheive without advanced technological developments. space tactics are very simple. kill them before they kill you. manuver warfare is limited, and combat between capitol ships visually resembles a series of fixed fortresses pounding each other until one crumbles.
Even the so called "space fighters" do not behave as one might think, being in reality interceptors or strikefighters, designed to travel in mostly straight lines and either strafe a target with lasers and ballistic weapons, or engage them at beyond visual range with guided missiles. even when two groups of "fighters" engage each other, one will not find many loops or much banking, but rather more rapid directional changes, almost to the point of being angular, and in a space "furball" it is not unheard of to see a ships sideslip to strafe the side of a target with noseguns, or to do a 180 degree spin to bring guns to bear into the what was the rear arcs while still travelling along the same direction, only aft first. Gravitic drive ships are the ultimate users of these manuvers, for not only do they have such manuverbility, but with the unidirectional thrust ability of their drive feild, they can perform these manuvers while still thrusting at high g's in the direction they wish to travel.

In space, accelleration is the basis for all movement. accelleration is the amount of increse in velocity over time. velocity is speed in a given direction.
for simplicty, all accellerations will be measured in g's. one g means one gravity, and averages 10 meters per second per second. this means ever second, you are adding ten meters per second to the speed you are travelling. after 1 second, you would be travelling 10 m/s. after 2, 20 m/s. and so on. after 100 seconds, you'd be travelling at 1 kilometer per second!

For this system, 10 meters per second is a "Mark", and one g of accelleration is an increse of 1 mark per second. so in one 15 second melee a ship will add 15 marks to its velocity per g of accelleration.
Example 1: a ship starts at velocity 0, and engages its drive at 1g. after 1 melee, it will be travelling 15 marks. after the second melee, it will be travelling 30 marks. ect.
(GM's, for Role play purposes, the Mark is considered a common term, and modifiers like kilo-marks to refer to thousandsof marks of velocity should not be unheard of.)
in combat, it is the Marks, not the g's, that is important for figuring relative positions. two ships could be accellerating at the same number of g's, but if their initial velocity was not the same, the number of Marks would be different.

space combat can be boiled down into variations on 3 situations: the chase, the head on pass, and relative station keeping.

The chase presumes ships one roughly behind the other, moving at only slightly different velocities.
example 2: ship 1 starts at 0 velocity, and accellerates at 1g. after 4 melee's, ship 2 starts at 0 velocity and accellerates at 2g's. ship 1 by this time is moving at a velocity of 60 Marks, and is 600 meters distant from ship 2. 4 melee's later, ship 1 is at 120 marks, while ship 2 is at 120 marks, and the ships are even with each other. after 4 more melee's, ship 2 has pulled 600 meters ahead of ship 1, ship 2 travelling at 240 Marks and ship 1 at 180. were this a combat situation, both ships would be well within weapons range for 12 melee's or more.
(GM's: subtract ship 1's velocity from ship 2's, and multiply the result by 10 to find the number of meters of seperation.)

The head on pass is something of the opposet, with the ships moving in opposet courses, sop that they will pass each other going different directions.
(GM's: add the two velocities together, multiply by 10, and subtract the result from the initial distance between ships.) head on passes usually leave ships in weapons range for only a handful of melee's unless both ships are travelling at very low velocity.

Relative station keeping assumes the ships are stationary in relation to each other, all accellerating at the same rate and all moving at the same velocities in the same direction.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)
* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.

-Max Beerbohm
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Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

Crest for the stars/Battle for the stars shows an anime presentation of what realistic Space combat would be like... the space fighters would be used in strafing and taking out enemy missiles /mines which are the biggest danger.

in the show , The First wave of any attack was the deployment of shields, then mines, then missiles, then The fighters to finish off what's left. the capital ships were also capable of FTL communications and Resupply.
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

yeah, from what i saw of that show it was pretty good in the physics department.

personally, i was thinking more along the lines of Macross:DYRL, which has a blend of more curvy flight with the sorts of extreme manuvers having no friction can allow.

babylon 5 is also a decent source for referance. though those ships tend to be rather slow and clumsy by 3G standards.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)
* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.

-Max Beerbohm
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