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Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:36 pm
by taalismn
Aries: "Had no choice...caught between warring Proto-kuza factions on Galberd V...they grow Flower of LIfe there and the Invid Bureau of Ethnic Agriculture h8ired us to check out the orchards' extent..."

Leo:(regaining his composure with a quick slug of something blue) 'I guess they figured Tirolian monkies were less likely to fire on their own, and if they did small loss..."

Skor: "...Arrived in the middle of a gang-war. Our ride took one hit and ran for it, leaving us in the mountains, playing missile-tag with the local enforcers...Ran out of iron rats and had to live off the land...Galberd's life is based on dextro-DNA rather than consumable levo-, soit was eitehr eat Fruit of Life and get stoned or live off whatever else the ProYaks brought with 'em until we could raid one of their facilities, get food, and steal a ship or a FTL comm..."

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:46 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson takes a sip of coffee while listening to the conversation.:::

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:38 pm
by AuroraKet
::Seren makes a very sour face promptly, at the report from the clones. She peers at Aries first.:: "Bureau of Ethnic Agriculture? That's even worse than the bureaucratic element that was starting to come about when my squad mates and I left. They're falling even further into the realm of paper pushers..."

::She sighs and shakes her head sadly, before peering at Leo.:: "Hmm... Well, I'm sure they'd be willing to fire on Expedition forces, or especially on an Invid crew trying to investigate. So I won't fault any of their reasoning on sending you folks... well, not too much anyway." ::She laughs a little bit then, shaking her head.::

::She makes a little face towards Skor, nodding.:: "Eating the fruits from the flowers isn't really recommended, no. Not for anyone who doesn't bleed green, anyway. I can see your point about having to eat anything you can find."

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:19 pm
by taalismn
Skor: "Oh, if you're of enhanced clone stock it does nothing much beyond a case of food poisoning, some really nifty hallucinations, and some wildcard effects with our psionics..."

Leo:"That's what a lot of the ProtoYaks do when they're in off-time...'juicing' or 'fruitrolling', they call it...Try consuming a whole Fruit to see what your DNA's really up to..."

Aries: "Your regular micronian, on the other hand, gets majorly spiked...Even those with Zentraedi or Tirolean heritage get seriously buzz-slammed."

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:09 pm
by taalismn
Dracurian wrote:::Khytahn Walks back into the coffee shop, his finger stuck in an ear wiggling it, about whilst opening his mouth like a gold fish::
"HELLO!" ::he yells::

::he looks earnestly at the other customers of the coffee shop::


(Leo successfully rolls his save versus succumbing to the temptation to 'accidentally' hit the guy with his pocket-strobe and render him temporarily flash-blind as well) :D

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:03 pm
by batlchip
*Korlina looks at the clones and nods hear head.*Sounds about right.Although I didn't know about the clone thing.*She looks at Kyhtahn and Smiles.She gets up.*Can I get a refill on my drink please?*She leans toward Seren and whispers.*Probly tried his charm on somebody and they smacked him good. :-P

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:04 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson looks at the helpless deaf guy (Khytahn)and ::: "Waitress could you get that man what he wants to drink and snack on, my treat within reason."

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:53 pm
by taalismn
Aries: (Holds up sign to deaf guy)'YOUR DRINKS ARE FREE'
Skor: (Holds upsecond sign) 'AS LONG AS YOU DON'T DRINK YOURSELF BLIND'

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:04 pm
by Aramanthus
"I do believe I said one drink. A drink. And then within reason too." :D

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:31 pm
by taalismn
Leo: (Holds up sign) "FORGET IT. HE'S BEING CHEAP."

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:37 pm
by Aramanthus
OOC LOL Very funny! Besides Admirals Make more money! :lol:

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:43 pm
by taalismn
OCC: Fortunately, our deaf guy, unless he's a lip reader, doesn't know WHO agreed to pay for his lunch... :D

Besides, I think I saw some scamp make off with your wallet....

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:11 pm
by AuroraKet
::Seren rolls her eyes just a little at the clones.:: "Ah... That's lovely. A case of food poisoning is still not good, anyway." ::She shrugs just a little.::

::She then flinches as she hears Khytahn shouting as he re-arrives.:: "Erg... Just what we needed...."

::She smiles towards Korlina and laughs softly, nodding.:: "Wouldn't surprise me in the least, to be honest." ::She smiles just a little, glancing to the servers as well.:: "I should also get a refill, yes. Thanks."

::She then smiles and peers over towards the Colonel and the clones, laughing and shaking her head just a little bit.::

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:31 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson puts his wallet back into a secured pocket in his uniform. He looks at the various inhabitants of the cafe. He smiles back at Seren. He lifts his cup to her and then takes a sip of his coffee.:::

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:47 pm
by taalismn
Leo: "So what's your preference in mecha? Stock or modified?"

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:01 pm
by batlchip
*Korlina smiles at Anderson and winks.She then turns towards the clones.*It depends on what I need to kill.*She looks at the table*I can't tell you Want the RDF guy likes.But I know my sister likes to use modified mecha.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:47 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson smiles at Korlina. He reurns her wink when she looks back.::: "I have used a variety of mecha, from standard to some custom works. I have a friend who is one of the finest robotech engineers to have come along. He is always tinkering with certain mecha." :::He takes a sip of his coffee.::: "Personally I'll pilot any of them. Love to fly!"

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:08 am
by AuroraKet
::Seren glances back over to the clones idly.::

"Usually ones with minimal modification for my crew and I. Mostly in terms of weapon mounting points. We have our Alphas fixed up to where we can mount dual GU-XX pods on the sides of the cockpit, or on the shoulders. Makes it easier when the hands have to be doing something different, or holding a third weapon of any kind."

::She smiles very sweetly.:: "Best use of that wasn't long after we left the Invid, in fact. We had a few homebuilt RL-2 type launchers, big enough for Alphas. They were also rigged to fire heavy duty missiles. Very effective for some things. And we still had access to both GU-XX pods, while holding it."

ooc: If you need a mental image, mounting 'by the cockpit' in guardian is basically the positions almost like an armored scout, the shoulder one is really a basic shock trooper weapon position :p

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:10 am
by AdmTolval
During the Invid occupation, I had my Bio-Maintenance Engineer (BME) mount a RL-6 on my Battler in place of one of the forearm missile launchers.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:46 am
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson finishes his coffee and orders another one.::: "For cyclones I've always preferred the straight up saber. Because then you are always equiped with weapons even if your missiles are gone."

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:50 pm
by Aramanthus
"That is true. But after my last mission I was on those sabers saved my life on more than one occasion. I still had my Gallant H-90."

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:47 pm
by taalismn
Aries pulls out a little holo pendant and activates it....
Leo: "It's part of our promotional..."

An image of three Bioroids appears in mid air...One is a dark rust red and earth tone hued Triumviroid Bioroid in broken pattern camou, the second is a Triumviroid in red and gold, with applique armor similar to a VF Command Armor, but of a reactive variety, the last is a dark green, almost iridescent black, bioroid that once was a Red Bioroid....All three sport modular hardpoints for light weapons in their forearm shields, but the first carries a modified Bioroid weapon drum with an extra muzzle and what look like a set of giant samurai swords slung in its back, the big red one is carrying two GU-XXs with custom magazines, in addition to what are likley lots of missiles and two giant broadsword blades...the last carries a giant sniping rifle slung over its shoulder, a sheathed mecha-scale blade, and an E-20 attached to one hip...

All three are mounted on modified Hovercraft, with more built-up fronts...they look almost like jet-skis now, and have what look like helicipter missile pods fared into the forward sides behind the ion cannon...)

Skor: "With the right contacts, you can find talent willing to rise to a challenge...."

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:31 am
by taalismn
Leo: "Welcome! Welcome!"
Skor: "You're married, remember?"
Leo: "..oh yeah..."

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:41 pm
by AuroraKet
::Seren listens quietly to the hardware modifications on REF equipment, smiling and just nodding at some of the discussed adjustments.::

::Then she peers at the promotional from the clones, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.:: "Wow, some people really love firepower more than others, I see... That goes at least into silly, and almost into obscene."

::She glances over towards the door as it chimes, brightening up very much as she sees Camilla, waving quickly to her.:: "Hi there! How have you been?"

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:25 pm
by taalismn
Lt Colonel Fury wrote:
taalismn wrote:Leo: "Welcome! Welcome!"
Skor: "You're married, remember?"
Leo: "..oh yeah..."

That means he can look just can't touch.

His wife...He looks, she hits...

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:09 pm
by taalismn
Women...they know...

Besides, given the predilection for people showing up with psionics around here, would YOU take that chance? :D

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:30 am
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson smiles at the latest person to enter the cafe. He then take a sip.:::

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 8:42 pm
by taalismn
Aries: "Oh yeah, sure, we thought swords on mecha were showy too..."
Leo: "Until we did a job on Lustris II. Ever been there?"
Skor: " Metal-rich planet-wide ocean dried up there...left the planet covered in jagged metal reef-forests..."
Aries: "Magentic field interactions, metallic crystals, close quarters..."
Leo: "Screws energy weapons worse than Spheris...."
Skor: "Missiles blow chunks in the scrap-jungle, but also drops shrapnel on you."
Aries: "WE dropped with some Old Sovs to swipe back one of their pirated Fold Transports..."
Leo: "Got jumped and the Russians got buried...half of the Jugs fried themselves using their plasma cannons...melted a slag forest on top of them."
Skor: "If we'd been any less maneuverable, they'd have gotten us too."
Aries: "After that, we learned close-quarters pistol fighting was the norm."
Leo: "Had to improvise clubs and spears from the metal-trees."
Skor: " Saber Cyclones woulda been perfect for that place...we had to make do with Bioroids and Terminator suits."
Aries: "After that, we had some large scale blade made up."
Leo:"Showy, but some clients like the bloodthirsty look."
Skor: " the Praxians."

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:09 am
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson looks up.::: "There were and still are some members of the REF who are still like that today." :::He then takes another sip[ of his coffee.:::

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:32 am
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson takes another sip of his coffee.::: "I know melee weapons are a still part of combat. I know I've used my share of them."

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:36 am
by batlchip
*Korlina smiles and reaches back for one of her tonfa's.*I like to keep these on me at all times.*She snaps her forearm and a 3 foot blade pops out.*Now I know this is just showing off but I just had this added to them.*She bends her wrist and a humming sound starts.She smiles, snaps her wrist,and before anyone can blink the tonfa is on her back again.*I have some mecha that have modified Gladius CADS on them.I also like to use the disrupter missiles they're great for CQC against everything but Invy.*She looks at the clones and nods.*My sister's squad once got ambushed in a city by Rogue males and some biroids.She was able to bring in most of the clones alive because of her CADS.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:46 am
by taalismn
Leo: "And let's not forget the classic example of a Zentraedi officer taking out two veritechs with a club..."
Aries: "Mecha muscle and heavy metal..."
Skor: "All lot of hurtin' going on..."

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:00 am
by batlchip
*Korlina smirks and looks at Fury with laughter in her eyes.*What you don't want to be called stubby? :-P :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:56 pm
by taalismn
Skor: "Quartz blades.....just as sharp an edge as steel and they don't show up on metal detectors...."

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:07 pm
by Aramanthus
"Some of the early cultures that lived on the continents of north and central america utilized obsidian as an edged weapons and tools. I remember from the various history lessons about them mentioning it being as sharp as a steel cutting tool, just more brittle." :::Colonel Anderson takes a sip from his coffee.:::

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:32 pm
by Aramanthus
"I've got one of those nifty little ceramic knives. I'm always carrying it with me. I've got mine with me right now." :::Takes another sip of coffee.:::

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:39 pm
by taalismn
Skor: "Leo's the knife-thrower here...makes his own from synthetic quartz...and natural stuff for show when we can find it cheap and clean enough...You can hide it as jewelry...a lot of gangers and crime lords think a metal detector is high-security..."

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:52 am
by Aramanthus
"I've had a few friends in the service who loved throwing knives. It take a special person to killl someone up close and personal. I had to use a knife in close combat a few times myself." :::Colonel Anderson takes another sip.:::

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 2:12 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson looks over at Colonel Fury after taking a sip of his coffee.::: "I remember you now. We both went thru that trainning at the same time. I know we weren't on the same teams, but we competed against each other. I think we both had similiar scores. I know I qualified too, but I had a bit more patience than you, meaning I would have been able to stay still for about an hour or two longer. Then I would have stormed the position too." :::Reaches into his flight jacket and pulls out a flask.::: "Want some reinforcment in your coffee Colonel? It's irish cream." :::Holds flask towards Colonel Fury.:::

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:28 pm
by batlchip
*Korlina takes a sip of her drink.*As some of you know most meltrans are experts in CQC.I believe,( through it pains me to admit it)That the Praxians are the best when it comes to blade fighting.*She looks at Anderson and Fury.*I have spent some time training REF snipers.I was teaching them how to deal with standard FPA and Zentraedi body armor.Did you know that if you got a shot under the Female power armor's arm pit you could kill the pilot?Most of the snipers I was training didn't believe me until I showed them.*She looks sad for a moment and shakes her head.*For some of us dealing death is all that we are good at.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:23 pm
by taalismn
Dracurian wrote:
batlchip wrote:....*For some of us dealing death is all that we are good at.

::Khytahn sits at a table with a new mug of coffee, still trying to get some hearing back, looks at Korlina slightly perplexed::
"Lot of money in dentistry supply?"


Aries: "Heh...war in our genes....don't have the aptitude for anything else..."
Leo: "Besides, bleeding gums make me squeamish..."
Skor: "Masters tended to downplay personal combat...They liked their warfare long range and sterile, unless they were doping up surplus population for kamikaze runs....But some of the Clone Masters were pragmatic enough to keep alive some of the old Tirolian sword and knife fighting arts....The more civilized the society, the sneakier and more elaborate the close combat skills....Tirolian history has a FINE history of assassination and blood feuding....Of course, most Guard triumvirates never got trained in the fine art of concealed weapons, but more than a few Terminators knew the value of a good garrotte. We picked up our blade skills post-basic training from one of the few Clone Masters who still knew something...He'd linked up with a few Zentraedi melee specialists and was trying to keep the old arts alive if for no other reason than it put Terran toughs in traction or slabbed."

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:54 pm
by AuroraKet
::Seren shakes her head and laughs softly.:: "I guess I'm just not bloodthirsty enough for melee combat. If I'm up close and personal, I'm usually trying to disable someone so I can take them back to the station, or wherever, rather than going for the kill."

::She glances at Cammy for a moment and shivers just a little, though she offers a smile.:: "Taking people from behind aside, of course."

::She listens quietly to the others, shaking her head just slightly.:: "I have a knife along usually, but it's a little utility knife, more meant for cutting rope and whatnot. Not a 'death by stab wound' knife."

::She listens to the clones chattering then, cringing and shaking her head just a little bit. Then she hears the sniper talk and blanches just a little:: "I'd get waaaaaay too fidgety to be a decent sniper. Too much to do, too little time to do it. At least I am now that I know better. The troopers who get buried outside hives for months... don't know better." ::She shrugs a little.::

::she peers at the clones again and rolls her eyes:: "If you can't stand the sight of blood, I can see why you would hide full time in your equipment. In Rio, I don't that luxury always. The military is more 'clean' about it, but being mechanized SWAT and a beat cop means seeing situations that have gotten bloody, sometimes. And with the population mix, dealing with both kinds of blood is the second part of that issue, since some can stand to see one kind but not the other."

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:50 pm
by taalismn
Aries: "Hiding in the hardware wasn't an option once we got de-vehicled on Earth...and Terminator armors don't hide well....but at least we weren't as badly equipped as the assault squads...Jumpsuit, radio-helmet, rifle, and enough jump-juice to kill brain cells."

Leo: "Blame the good old Masters for wanting the specfor trooper clones to have secondary police duties for culling their 'perfect society' in event of contamination----hand to hand skills weren't neglected.."

Skor: "Nor appreciation for a good sharp blade."

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:01 pm
by batlchip
*Korlina leans back and smiles.*That is one of the things I like about you micronains.Your fondness for what you call self defense is most entertaining.How ever,I've yet to see a Odeon be taken out by a judo throw from a cyclone rider.That being said,There those who are trained to fight hand to hand against mecha or inorganics.*She turns and looks at the clones and Anderson.*I'm sure you've heard of our melee specialists.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:57 pm
by taalismn
Aries: "Ah...the not-so-age-old question....Does Robotechnology favor those who train both mind AND body?"

Leo: "...Or just the mind?"

Skor: "..Or just attitude?"

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:15 pm
by AuroraKet
Seren shrugs slightly at the clones and makes a very slight face. "Yeah, that's really disgusting. I've seen what some drugs can do to the users, in terms of making them feel invincible. Intentionally drugging someone up to do that is totally beyond sick." She peers at Leo and nods a little.

She then settles back in to listen, raising her eyebrows a little at Cammy. "Hmm... Hand to hand can be more interesting than knife fighting. Depending on the situation. I usually don't go into that kind of thing alone, though. At least not unless the odds are reasonable." She smiles just a little then, sipping her drink.

With a quick glance back to the clones, she ponders slightly. "Debatable. It's partially about speed of reflexes, though, so there is some element of body involved."

She grins just a little at Fury, shrugging. "Enforcers are very lacking in that area. That's been noticed before. They didn't figure it necessary, I guess, since the main use of them was to deal with urban environments, and mostly unmechanized groups. It works fine against someone unarmored."

She glances over to Cammy then, blinking at the frown and slipping up to the counter, bringing a fresh cup over to her upon returning.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:05 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson listens to the conversations going on and takes a sip of his coffee.::: "I had my share of up close encounters with various opponents over the years. I did happen to know someone who in his cyclone punched thru the eye of a scouts on two seperate occasions. He was a practioner of tamashwara." :::He takes a sip of his enhanced coffee.::: He didn't make back from our last mission. "Although he took his share of those beings trying to kill and eat us. I myself have and will continue to practice several styles of martial arts."

(OOC I don't have my N&SS with me to record them here.)

OCC:::Sorry Col Fury. I thought you were drinking coffee. Otherwise I would have offered Rootbeer schnapse.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:15 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson pour more irish cream into his newest cup of coffee.:::

OOC: LOL! Good one Colonel Fury. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:32 pm
by taalismn
Aries: "It's certainly catchier than 'Reflex Missiles Away!'"
Leo: "Or 'In the UN Spacy' by the Village People."
Skor: "...yergh....Now I NEED something alcoholic and potentially lethal to get those tunes out of my head!"

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:20 pm
by Aramanthus
:::Colonel Anderson takes another sip of his coffee. He then continues to listen to the ongoing conversation.:::