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Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:48 pm
by Crucible
Natasha wrote:Yea if Shark_Force putting Internet Exploder in compat mode didn't help, then you may want to go the copy/paste route, too....

Yep, it worked. Everything looks better too.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:50 pm
by Natasha
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:Yea if Shark_Force putting Internet Exploder in compat mode didn't help, then you may want to go the copy/paste route, too....

Yep, it worked. Everything looks better too.

Aye, the first thing to do with IE 8 is to make it 7 :lol:

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:53 pm
by Crucible
Natasha wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:Yea if Shark_Force putting Internet Exploder in compat mode didn't help, then you may want to go the copy/paste route, too....

Yep, it worked. Everything looks better too.

Aye, the first thing to do with IE 8 is to make it 7 :lol:

LOL!!! Have you had the chance to skim through what I have so far?

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:58 pm
by Natasha
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:Yea if Shark_Force putting Internet Exploder in compat mode didn't help, then you may want to go the copy/paste route, too....

Yep, it worked. Everything looks better too.

Aye, the first thing to do with IE 8 is to make it 7 :lol:

LOL!!! Have you had the chance to skim through what I have so far?

I've been following along. I'm waiting for the end to comment. ;-)

I'm especially excited about all the magic this class is going to wield! (how many more times can I kick this poor dead horse)

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:44 pm
by Crucible
Natasha wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:Yea if Shark_Force putting Internet Exploder in compat mode didn't help, then you may want to go the copy/paste route, too....

Yep, it worked. Everything looks better too.

Aye, the first thing to do with IE 8 is to make it 7 :lol:

LOL!!! Have you had the chance to skim through what I have so far?

I've been following along. I'm waiting for the end to comment. ;-)

I'm especially excited about all the magic this class is going to wield! (how many more times can I kick this poor dead horse)

oooooh the magic of love!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:49 pm
by Natasha
No, no, I'm talking about Hammer of Justice and whatnot :mrgreen:

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:59 pm
by Crucible
Natasha wrote:No, no, I'm talking about Hammer of Justice and whatnot :mrgreen:


Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:39 pm
by Natasha
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:No, no, I'm talking about Hammer of Justice and whatnot :mrgreen:


Not quite

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:04 pm
by Crucible
Natasha wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Natasha wrote:No, no, I'm talking about Hammer of Justice and whatnot :mrgreen:


Not quite
Just kidding.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:47 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
God stuff, can't wait for the finish.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:30 am
by Crucible
Almost done with the opening storyline. Then I'll just post the actual background and OCC. Its coming along pretty well I think. Doing it like this has given ME so much more on what I would like to do with this and where it fits into everything thats going on.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:30 am
by Crucible
Part V

At first I was a little bit worried about what Rev. Williams had said to my father while we were getting everything straightened out. They gave us starter food rations, starter Watchtower Credits, three key cards for our new home, and clothing chits. It took less than two hours before we signed in, got registered as citizens, I got registered for school, The Watchtower School for Guidence, Kyle was given two months notice to start training for the Watchtower Reserves. He would then serve as a Peacekeeper for two years, then choose whether to continue service as a Peacekeeper or go into their military service. Dad was registered as a professor at the Watchtower University. Mako took an option as a military trainer of some sort at the Watchtower Training Corps, while May and Gerrard joined him as assistants. Bud was happy to be able to lend his skills to teach Field Engineers and the Fire and Rescue program.

After being sworn in I couldn't help but to feel rushed, but we all had two months to report in and take our time to get use to our surroundings. We were told that our family in particular would be sponsored by the missionaries Rev. Avery Dogwood and Evangelist Ellen Dogwood. Mako, May, Gerrard, and Bud all lived out near the Watchtower Military barracks. That was pretty far from our home. In a sense anyways. We could barely believe that people actually drove around and rode bikes. There were smiles on faces as we left the temple. People greeted us and were friendly. My father was tired and sounded like he had a bad case of dry mouth when he said, "They all seem brainwashed...I'll take that instead of seedy any day." Kyle and I laughed at Dad's comment. Not a moment later a hover car stopped in front of us with a man and woman both smiling at us. They introduced themselves as the Dogwoods. Rev. Avery, as he liked to be called, was wearing the minister's uniform. Clergy shirt with a white tab just under the chin, a black jacket over it, and a pair of tinted glasses. My father was drooling at them since his were cracked all over the place. Mrs. Dogwood just loved being called by her last name with the proper title of "Mrs." She wore a cream skirtsuit with a natching scarf. I had never seen such sharpness or elegance. Not to mention that they both smaelled really good.

The Dogwoods took us shopping for clothes, food, supplies, and other things. When we ran out of chits and credits they paid for the rest. They talked all of the way about so many different things that it was hard to keep up.When we got to our townhome I can be honest that I was more than surprised. It was beautiful. There were lights outside, so the people who lived in the neighborhood were still outside chatting. People waved and greeted us enough to let us know that all was well. The only thing that puzzled me was that everyone at least seemed human.

Rev. Avery took most of our things in instead of allowing Dad to strain himself. Dad really wanted to, but couldn't. Kyle was very much up to it and happy to be somewhere other than the Burbs. He used the key card to unlock the door and was the first one in. I swear the place smelled brand new. The furniture was new, the paint was new, and then Mrs. Dogwood said, "This area is brand new." So of course there was the reason for it. I was only fourteen at the time and had a million questions. I could not help myself but to ask, "Where are all of the non humans Mrs. Dogwood?" She looked at me with a smile and shook her head, "Are you worried that they are a threat to you, or we to them? Don't worry, we will explain everything to you in the morning." As they left I took in a deep breath and looked up to the sky. It was a full moon that night. I walked back into my home and thought to myself, "I have a home."

Dad had fallen asleep in his clothes and without a bath. He was right in the doorway and infront of the steps. Kyle was ecstatic, "Oh man! Arianna, we just hit some type of super jackpot here. I mean, these folks aren't even worried that there isn't anything to stop something from flying overhead and swooping down. Either that or they just haven't done anything to make a roof. A roof would be very nice y'know?" He started running from room to room shouting, "No bugs! No mice, no weird things! Man! This is way too razz!" I stopped him for a second and said, "Kyle, these people are weird. We were rushed through everything and given duties that we have to report to. Did you forget what happened out there? Kyle, these people are way too calm and refreshed. There is something wrong I mean, where are all of the d-bee's?" Kyle stopped for a minute and sat down on a couch. A real couch with cushions and actual covering. He let out a deep breath and said, "The armor Rev. Williams was wearing was an altered Deadboy armor. The peacekeepers that I saw patrolling without armors had CS style laser pistols on their hips with some other type of weapon I don't think I've seen before. These guys aren't farting around Arianna. Whatever it is they are up to is serious business. I wouldn't worry that they were CS though, Willie got killed for not giving them up." I thought about what Kyle said. That was true, maybe there is more to it I thought. I started to the kitchen when I heard Kyle snoring in unison with my father. I couldn't join them. I needed a nice shower, change of clothes, and sleep in a real bed for the first time ever.

I slept for eight hours. It was the first time ever that I had slept for more than four! I could hear my father and Kyle talking to someone. I got myself dressed and walked down the stairs to see what was going on. It was the Dogwoods and to my utter surprise there was the most beautiful Elven female that I had ever seen. I stood in shock and amazement. This wasn't what I had thought this to be like. I was truly amazed. They were all sitting on couches, Kyle and Dad on one and the Dogwoods on the other with the Elf woman on a chair. The Dogwoods and the Elf stood in unison greeting me with "good monrning" and extending their hands to shake mine. Rev. Avery said, "Arianna Brewer, this is Shailira Moongazer." Shailira siled at me. She was dressed similar to Mrs. Dogwood who now in the light looked to be in her late thirties, while Rev. Dogwood in his early forties. This Elven woman had on a lot of jewelry and eyed me as I was gazing at her. She said, "I have a lot to tell you. Would you like some fruit. Its fresh from my garden." I looked at the center table and there was fruit of all kinds. Some I had never seen before.

They all sat back down, I just flopped on the floor. My legs were still weak. Mrs. Dogwood look at me and said, "Oh God Bless your heart child." Those words alone seemed to give me strength. I was able to stand back up and get a chair. Shailira spoke to me, "Your brother asked us why there is no need for Watchtower to have a roof." She gave a soft chuckle and cough. "Its because the whole area is protected and in constant watch. Just a small distance northeast of here, not even a mile and a half is a place called North Tower. The humans are here and base this living arrangement on an ancient religion based solely on faith and the protection of that faith. There is a strong military presence and the descendents of the original survivors of this base. They are known as the Clan of the Black Cross. Their legacy is the ministry of this ancient belief. They are strong and wise, they sometimes choose outsiders as to join and become their "Knights" as well. This place is for those who wish to live as the laws here are written. During the same time and in those early days, magic using individuals and us so called "d-bees" settled just notheast of here. Setting up our knowledge and creating a ministry of our own. They are known as The Wizards of the North Tower. We, just like you shun all outsiders. We are affiliated with the Watchtower and our pass cards allow us to come and go as does yours. There are very few non humans in Watchtower, we prefer that which we are familiar with...magic. Many humans live in North Tower and at any time you are able to permanently move there. You are a citizen of what we call the Twin Towers, but once you choose your duty you must do your duty for the time allotted. Our military is less trained army and more natural abilities and such. Never, think that bigotry will keep you from friends and love ever again." Mrs. Dogwood looked at me and said, "I am here to ask you..."Would you rather come to the Watchtower Academy of Ministry, or move along to North Tower and join the North Tower Academy of Wizardry? You see, I've already explained to your father. You have the divine spark. You will waste your gift at a mere guidence school." My breath was gone from me. I looked at Kyle who was smiling big and bright, then at my father who nodded his head. Rev. Avery clapped lightly and the two ladies both seemed to petition for me. It didn't take me long to choose, "I'd like to go to the ministry school and learn more about my ancient ancestors. "Shailira looked at me and continued to smile. "I'll be on my way then. It was nice meeting you all and please enjoy the fruit." She gave me a beautiful inscribed bracelet and said, "Contact me anytime you need." I stared at her on her way out. Rev. Avery said, "Praise the Lord. Young lady, you have made a choice that you will never regret." I will be honest. I never had any regrets.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:16 am
by Noon
The Galactus Kid wrote:There is the preacher O.C.C. and the Catholic Priest O.C.C. Both are ok classes, but Palladium caught a bunch of flak for creating them to begin with.

Yeah, they were just too over powered

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:55 am
by Ziggurat the Eternal
Noon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:There is the preacher O.C.C. and the Catholic Priest O.C.C. Both are ok classes, but Palladium caught a bunch of flak for creating them to begin with.

Yeah, they were just too over powered

I agree. I fell out of my chair when I read this.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:21 pm
by Crucible
So, this group is a part of a nation. They will have their own set of abilities alng with a structured philosophy. Suspend disbelief and try to enjoy it for what it is. I can assure you that I was not in love with Atlantis at first, but it got easier. This is really just for me. You guys are free to use whatever you want to. I'll have it posted tonight.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:49 pm
by Steeler49er
Rallan wrote:
Steeler49er wrote:Yeah, I'll admit, I perfered the "Spirits of Light" name cuz (as I noted above) I knida neverfelt like PB should have Christianity or Islam in it cuz the two did have staying power in lu of the blatant existance of other religions... Like what Rallan said.

Hey you're putting words in my mouth there. I didn't ask my question because I think christianity wouldn't exist in Rifts Earth, I wasked it because I think christianity would be radically different in Rifts Earth. The world's biggest religion isn't necessarily gonna vanish just because of a few centuries of chaos, it's more likely to just adapt and change along with the worldview of its practitioners.

And change in rather a lot of ways. Without global transport or reliable global communication, there's gonna be an awful lot of room for christian communities (and communities of other faiths for that matter) to diverge and go off down their own paths. I mean hell, we live in a world where you don't have to worry about being eaten by dragons just to travel a few hundred miles, and we've already got a zillion sects (current and extinct) of protestant christianity, orthodox christianity, heretical catholic sects, gnosticism, and a plethora of entirely different religions which recognise Biblical characters or Biblical books as sacred. By all rights, the major religions of 21st century Earth should've given rise a staggering variety of very interesting descendants in Rifts.
:oops: Sorry Rallen, Your right. I never ment to miss read you on that, and that said someone already pointed out the flaw in my thinking and made me realize the above statement of yours to be true.

In my games I'd just always assumed that there'd have been Allot less religious Christian & Islamic types, and Allot more atheists in the world just prior to the comeing of the rifts. But I never realized just how much peeps like religion-I think way too much like a computer sometimes, and not enough like a human (It's somethin I gotsta work on more).

So again, ma bad :oops:

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 7:55 pm
by Steeler49er
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
Noon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:There is the preacher O.C.C. and the Catholic Priest O.C.C. Both are ok classes, but Palladium caught a bunch of flak for creating them to begin with.

Yeah, they were just too over powered

I agree. I fell out of my chair when I read this.

:lol: Ditto

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:09 pm
by Crucible
Steeler49er wrote:
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:
Noon wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:There is the preacher O.C.C. and the Catholic Priest O.C.C. Both are ok classes, but Palladium caught a bunch of flak for creating them to begin with.

Yeah, they were just too over powered

I agree. I fell out of my chair when I read this.

:lol: Ditto

I'll have the rest of it up later tonight.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:00 am
by Crucible
I'm still working on it. Its taking a life of its own and has gone into a different form. I love it.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:20 pm
by glitterboy2098
i'd say magic and psionics are out for a minister OCC. traditionally, historically, and even in modern times, the church looks at such things as being ungodly. often claiming them to be the "work of the devil", though exact phrasing and severity of the dislike varies with location, minister, and denomination.

frankly, i don't think we need a new OCC for this. for Protestants, use the preacher OCC from WB14: new west. for Catholics, Orthodox (and similar protestant denominations), use the Catholic Priest OCC from WB17: warlords of russia.

the skills and such aren't much different between deniminations, and all you really have ot do is change the title and maybe the focus of a lore skill...

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:02 pm
by Balabanto
That depends on what you want him to do. I typically just use "Rifts Priest." and select the abilities that I like for that particular guy. Y_HV_H does not have to be equal, fair, or give everyone the same abilities. Moses had Magic Spells, and Y_HV_H didn't spank him around. Parting the Red Sea is pretty impressive, but it's magic. :)

Some people may have other OCCs and just get ordained. A cop can decide to join the faith just as easily as a D-Bee. Father Kermit the Frog-Man? Sure! It's Rifts.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:58 pm
by Mack
Perhaps a more appropriate ability would be a re-packaged version of the spell Beat Insurmountable Odds. Call it "Divine Intervention."

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:26 am
by Crucible
Guys I'm really working on this, but I'm also going to playtest it before posting to make definate sure that its playable. Thanks guys.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:37 pm
by keir451
Looks kinda interesting, but the name of the school; "The school of divine guidance" sounds a little too..., I dunno, just sounds suspicious to me. Nonetheless, keep it up. I look forward to hearing more! :)

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:24 pm
by Crucible
keir451 wrote:Looks kinda interesting, but the name of the school; "The school of divine guidance" sounds a little too..., I dunno, just sounds suspicious to me. Nonetheless, keep it up. I look forward to hearing more! :)

Watchtower School of Guidence. It would be like K-12, but they also learn about the "history" of the place.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:31 pm
by keir451
Crucible wrote:
keir451 wrote:Looks kinda interesting, but the name of the school; "The school of divine guidance" sounds a little too..., I dunno, just sounds suspicious to me. Nonetheless, keep it up. I look forward to hearing more! :)

Watchtower School of Guidence. It would be like K-12, but they also learn about the "history" of the place.

Went back to read pts. I-III, great storyline!!! I'd think the CS would have either destroyed or confiscated any bibles as the Bible (as you're showing here) would undermine their power & control, 'course that's why this story is so good to begin with. :D

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:40 pm
by Steeler49er
Man Crucible, Your story and such a cool angle to Rifts that I'd never have dreamt of in a 100 years, Truly an enjoyable read.
I felt like I was reading a Novel, man this is fun.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:23 am
by Crucible
The Truth About The Clan of the Black Cross

Part I

Diary of Arianna Brewer
Published in 109 PA
Watchtower, Ga

A year had come and gone before I had chosen my way in a complete sense. I would train as a Missionary. This means that I would travel a lot with other Minister Knights and look for refugees, survivors, and lost ones. I was told early in my teachings that we have the technology and tools to rehab and reverse the Juicer Conversion and how we have Bio-Tech at the North Tower offering safe biological replacements for Borgs. I couldn't help but to wonder where all of this came from. We all are trained in the knowledge of our history and "The faith", but only those trained at the Academy of Ministry are taught the secrets of the Clan of the Black Cross. Imagine my joy after only a year of classes and seminary being invited for my initiation. Most of the time, you aren't even given a letter until you graduate from the academy.

Once you are a full Minister, you are ready to learn different things that set you apart. I once joked about them being like Cyber-Knights but that couldn't have been further from the truth. Before we receive our combat training, we are taught many other things. The strength of Faith, much about the Bible, but what I am looking to show here is the history of Watchtower. The story is only somewhat inaccurate, but gives a clear view on how so many here respect it. More than that, why we have so much Faith.

The end of the 21st Century of recorded history saw many changes. The world was thrown into chaos and destruction. Many people were either killed by the changed environment, or by some type of threat. No one had ever seen the sheer power and evil of many of the creatures that came through. This caused much opportunism, panic, and need for survival. One particular group was located at Fort Silver Falcon, a base on the mid eastern area of Georgia. The base was once a military communications base, but had become a NEMA training facility. They specialized in training Chromium Guardsmen, Silver Eagle Pilots, Soldiers, Peacekeepers, Field Engineers, Roscoe, Commando, and Paracanes, or Para-Arcanes. With all that was happening, no one knows what exactly caused such a meltdown but this was all that was left on the base. Trainees and instructors. Most of the security and well-trained fighting men were no longer there. The base started breaking down very quickly and many lost their lives due to panic and lack of structure.

The civilians, trainees, instructors, and whoever else were left found themselves fighting from one end of the base to the next. Small survival groups ranging between five and ten struggled from one side of the base to the next. Most had the idea of making their way to the armory, but it was near impossible with all of the creatures that made their way on base. Flesh eating zombies that infected others with their curse, monsters and demons from the rifts, the occasional human reaver. It was pure chaos on the base.

The only place that was safe was the Holy Temple of Fort Silver Falcon. This was the on base church, which was lead by Chaplain Colonal Isaac Williams. He was a veteran of many conflicts, a great leader, and most of all a man of the Faith. There they had set up a strong perimeter with anyone trained in using whatever weapon was available and anything else they could find. Under his leadership they were able to send out rescue teams, advance the perimeter, and also send salvage teams.

No one knows how long it took, but Chaplain Col. Williams lead his forces to completely setting the base up with at least decent defenses from the outside and a total clean-up on the inside. More human refugees and survivors made their way to the base for aid and a new home. The Chaplain was very open to all of them, but for the time being he feared the "aliens" who were now on the planet either by choice or otherwise.

It would be a strange occurance years down the road before "The Divine Awakening" would take place. This moment in history was the difference between the existence of Watchtower and there never having been so much as The Clan of the Black Cross.

The Divine Awakenig happened somewhere between ten and fifteen years after the Chaplain Col. Williams took his stand as the base leader. Everyone wasn't behind him in the beginning. People from different beliefs and religions fought viciously with him on whether or not it was the end of times in Revelations or further proof that there was no God or true adversary, but rather multidimenional beings and aliens who were able to cause serious trouble on the Earth. For anyone to follow the Chaplain, this moment in time was key.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:35 pm
by taalismn
Crucible wrote:The Truth About The Clan of the Black Cross.

Intense and thought-provoking, as always.... :ok:

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:03 pm
by Crucible
Tyciol wrote:I like Christianity more for Nightbane campaigns. You have a less isolated vampire presence, the Templars, ambiguous stuff like 'the light' and 'guardians', even the various Athanatos, and set in modern earth.

I always figured that we don't see the major abrahamic faiths (Judaism/Christianity/Islam) as much in Rifts as in modern times is because they may have declined during the Golden Age and done so even further during the cataclysm. Faith is all well and good in modern times, but in Rifts, it would stop you from practicing magic.

Just looking at Dead Reign, it could lead people to regress and avoid technology. Now, the Natives certainly did that ala Spirit West, but they actually have interventionist deities to supply them with power. Whereas, Jehovah/Yahweh/Allah/etc. are for some reason not notably supplying characters with power compared to the other deities (Pantheons), or at least not in any obvious manner.

From the Hip Hop culture, Punk Culture, Islam, Christianity, and else...I can see how it would all carry on. Christianity is about 2000 yrs old and the Old Testament (Judaism) is far older. This belief and many others has survived quite a bit, even in an apocalypse there will be survivors.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:42 am
by Crucible
Tyciol wrote:
Crucible wrote:
Tyciol wrote:I like Christianity more for Nightbane campaigns. You have a less isolated vampire presence, the Templars, ambiguous stuff like 'the light' and 'guardians', even the various Athanatos, and set in modern earth.

I always figured that we don't see the major abrahamic faiths (Judaism/Christianity/Islam) as much in Rifts as in modern times is because they may have declined during the Golden Age and done so even further during the cataclysm. Faith is all well and good in modern times, but in Rifts, it would stop you from practicing magic.

Just looking at Dead Reign, it could lead people to regress and avoid technology. Now, the Natives certainly did that ala Spirit West, but they actually have interventionist deities to supply them with power. Whereas, Jehovah/Yahweh/Allah/etc. are for some reason not notably supplying characters with power compared to the other deities (Pantheons), or at least not in any obvious manner.

From the Hip Hop culture, Punk Culture, Islam, Christianity, and else...I can see how it would all carry on. Christianity is about 2000 yrs old and the Old Testament (Judaism) is far older. This belief and many others has survived quite a bit, even in an apocalypse there will be survivors.
Yeah, I'm not saying there aren't survivors. There clearly are, in the Old West, and also in Russia, in the very least. A lot of areas such as Italy haven't been covered. I'd imagine there are remnants in the empires amongst the Americas as well.

A big problem with consistancy of religion though: returns. There are godlike beings (in most people's eyes, especially after regressing) walking around, taking over towns, defying the reailty that we once knew. Especially in these religions where sorcerers are condemned and thought to be punished, seeing them flagrantly going around, demons popping in all over the place: people who follow these faiths may think that the world has been condemned, that judgement day already happened and they're in hell or basically weren't among those who were supposed to be saved.

In the meanwhile, people switching to say, Dragonwright, are having priests perform miracles for them, healing their wounds, blessing their crops.

Faith may survive in a world bereft of miracles, but when people constantly shout for them and magic is ripping across the land and deliving miracles in your pocket, people are desperate enough to shuck off their faith and take what feeds their families.

As for culture, culture is a luxury. You'll see legends and traditions and stuff carry on (especially amongst the rich). Especially in the case of stuff like music like hip hop. People can identify with that because it has violence and aggression, you could see it in city rats or juicers and whatnot. The guys making the rules probably don't like hymns.

That said, it still flourishes in places like the Bogatyrs and Fire+Brimstones.

In Rifts its possible for ANYTHING to happen. I believe that its just as likely to have Christians as much as it is to have Shifters.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:43 am
by Crucible
Part II

It was a beautiful day. It had been years since the sun had shined so bright. There was no snow and there had not been a monster attack in nearly five days. The troops were getting stronger even though ammo was dangerously low. They had made due for a long time with salvage teams scouring the lands and coming back well endowed with ammo, weapons, and parts. Now things were beginning to wane, but it looked almost as if they would not last the next month or so. Almost every resource was now exhausted. Running water, food, ammo, weapons starting to wear, and armors were hurting. The armory was beginning to look like an abandoned warehouse and many of the people were mostly in "zombie" mode. Living just to live and in deep depression. Mandatory church every other day had become something to do rather than to pray and learn about the Bible. Those who did not wish to be there had taken to sitting in the back and giving random protests. It would seem that the Chaplain was himself giving up.

On this day, this one glorious day. Things would begin wrong, but end right...

The base was under its most intense attack ever! With everything low, and that includes morale, ammo, and health many trained soldiers and fighters lost heart in the face of the assailants. They were slavers of some type. No one at that time knew exactly what type of slaver, but we know now that they were definately slavers.

First, the base guards abandoned their posts when the attack first came from above. Beings of some sort ripped these men apart. Almost as if this was a type of example being made of the men. Nearly two thousand people and everyone decided to flee. All at the same time they started running. Then those famous words, "The Lord did NOT give us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power!!!" The Chaplain came running out of the temple with a long wooden staff and at the end of it was a white cloth with a black cross drawn in with coal. He let out a primal scream and attacked his enemies. The mere sight was said to scare everyone from the inhabitants of Silver Eagle, to the ones attacking them with high technology.

The people who were in flight mode changed their whole idea to yelling and going on charge as well. With little ammo, slim to no armor, and lots of true grit and Faith they were able to push the slavers back. Before the slavers were able to go on full retreat, they were now on the defense against a group of adventurers. The slavers never made it free.

When the dust settled only half of the men, women, and children were still alive or could be accounted for. One of the adventurers went to the Chaplain and kneeled before him. The Chaplain, who was now in his early seventies, said, "I am not the Lord, you should not bow before me." The adventurer was wearing an armor with a cross on the front and carrying a sword. He told the Chaplain that he was not from this Earth and that he felt as though the Chaplain was the one foreseen in his world as the "Promised One."

The adventurer group consisted of Gerek a Palladin, Mosling an Orgre Palladin, Nogara a Warrior Monk, and Helva a female Elven Scholar and aspiring Wizard. They all were searching for the "Promised One" as part of what they believed to be their destinies. That was not to say that they knew where their destinies would take them, but they knew for sure and had faith that this was their destiny. To aid and help train these people to fight the supernatural. They knew nothing of technology, their world was all swords, magic, and shields. They were from Tortren, a separate world from our own with a very similar faith. In their faith there was but one true God who created all. In their telling of their stories they found various similarities and began to accept the Bible more and more.

Although Helva really loved the messege of the Bible and saw that such an old Faith could easily die in the chaos, she saw reason to help all those who wished to be helped. Gerek, Mosling, and Nogara taught all of those who they deemed as worthy to learn their styles of combat. Helva succeeded in learning magic with the energgies pouring as strong as they had. Only a small few, those who rejected the Faith as their own, chose to learn with her. Many soldiers chose not to go any further into any new teaching, but the things had already changed with the coming of these destiny seeking adventurers.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:10 pm
by Crucible
I will have the rest tonight I believe. I was working on the actual OCC.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:00 am
by Crucible
gnome888 wrote:Iv been playing as a Knight of the Order of the Temple from the Wormwood book lately, its been fun. me and some knights built a castle near the forces of darkness border. We started collecting demon heads and stuck 1000s of them on pikes all around the castle, so they would attack less. (similar to Vlad Draculas tactic to keep the Turks away from Romania, he was really a hard core catholic Knight Templar).
Wormwood is from the bible in the first place. Prophets say we will find out what it is when the apocalypse happens, if you believe that. Rifts is all about the apocalypse, final battle between good and evil which changes the face of the planet forever. Isnt that a rift at the end of the bible, the thing in Jerusalem that the bible calls a doorway to the heavens. They say that you will be able to see Jesuses throne through the opening in the sky. Jesus is supposed to come out armored and carying a sword in his mouth, to do battle against the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the anti-crist. He has cherubs as guards with four heads and six wings (strange creatures).
I want to see more on an angel OCC the regular angels with Roman armor and flaming swords or scepters with orbs of light at the end of it. The cherub and seraphim are different strange creatures and much rarer than the winged humanoids.
I learened this stuff from James Earl Jones, and thought it would be cool for rifts.

They have their idea of how to do this in Gods and Dragons with having Angels and such, but I needed something else.

Love the way you worded that post man!

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:40 am
by keir451
Steeler49er wrote:
keir451 wrote:Great work up Steeler! I personally don't use Christianity in my games (though I've considered it before), my characters work on the principal of "more evolved being" than actual deific concepts, and the "YOU LOOK AT THAT GREAT BIG BLUE WALL OF GLOWING ENERGY AND TELL ME MAGIC DON'T EXIST!!!???" attitude :P

Personally I played RPG games so that I could go into a world where I could get away with stuff God would never Want me doing, so originally I forbade (Is that a word) God and Christianity form my games... But Christianity is one of the Biggest things to ever have happen to this world, which Rifts is based off of. The world wide progression of human society for the last two thousand years was the direct Butter Fly effect of Chirstianity and was Way to much of an impact to "Just Ignore" (As one of my atheist plays pointed out to me)...

For good and or for bad (from many peoples angle) Chrisianity is why we're here today... He argued the ButterFly effect of Physics against me, cuz he knew that I can't argue against the thing I hold most true... Cheater! :-?
So I've now allowed it To a limited extent in my games. BUT THERE WAS NO FRAGGING WAY I WAS GONNA LET SOME PLAYER CALL ON THE G-MAN FOR SMITE SMACKAGE... Letting God in the game is a Mega cheat, cuz he's so Neat (It rhymed, couldn't help it :lol: )...

So that is one reason I wrote PALLADIUM APOCRYPHA... well that and I needed some more Palladium world/megaversal history to be worked out.

:lol: Hah! No calling on the G-man for Smite..." yeah that could get troublesome. The Apocrypha was too cool !!! Though I do have to say that, while, yes, we are where we are today because of Christianity, we might have been further along w/out it. But, hey that's just me! :D

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:45 am
by keir451
Crucible, How does your Minister OCC deal w/ preists of other Deities and/or actually meeting one(an actual Deity) in the flesh? Consider it from a roleplaying point of veiw, how would the discussion go?

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:49 am
by Crucible
keir451 wrote:Crucible, How does your Minister OCC deal w/ preists of other Deities and/or actually meeting one(an actual Deity) in the flesh? Consider it from a roleplaying point of veiw, how would the discussion go?

You'd have to read the story that is going on. With a strong sense of tolerance and friendship. The Clan of the Black Cross feel as though they are still being tested by God. They know that He's real through the abilities that they are given and the blessings bestowed upon them. While many outsiders would see them as typical priests of light (they were aided in their growth by two Rifted Palladin) they know that they are something different and would never try and argue the point. They know that its pointless. They would humbly say..."Okay" and move on knowing the common outlook.

They are very close friends with a magic community (which was aided in the beginning by the CoBC) and see them as having a wonderful tool to protect people.

One of their sayings is, "The Faith is a voluteer ONLY way of life."

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:22 am
by Crucible
Clan of the Black Cross Minister OCC

It has been said that the Minister OCC is more like the Pallidin than the Preacher and has more in common with a Scholar than a man at Arms. This is so in many ways, but the Cyber Knights who have seen these few men in action are more likely to say that they are in more ways the same than any other.

This is OCC was formed on a base in complete chaos during the Time of Chaos and the Dark Ages. While most NEMA OCC's and technology has survived in many ways, it was the Church that kept it together. Highly tolerant, they still had the good sense to make certain that with time they're apprentices would be able to not only fend for themselves in need be...but also be able to pass down the knowledge of their Katas.

The fighting style Faith Kata is born of prayer. Nothing else. Its completely instictual and cannot be fully taught or learned, its just known. So, it is unavailable to outsiders. Not many men or women truly know for a fact where the power comes from, but their Faith motivates them to continue the movement. No, there is no outside Alien Intelligence leading them on and these men and women are not jealous or ashamed that their God has not resurfaced. They believe that the past 300 yrs is only the beginning and that the prophecy will be fulfilled.

The Faith

The Faith has the Ministers adhering to Biblical Laws. the main law is "Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you."

If there is any question about that they look to the Ten Commandments in Exodus.

Special OCC Training & Bonuses: +2 to MA, ME, PS, PP, and PP attributes and +1d4+1 Spd in addition to Physical Skills, 6d6 to SDC, +1d6 to HP, +1 attack per melee, +1 to initiative, +3 to Perception rolls, +2 to pull punch/disarm, +1 vs HF at levels 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,12, and 15. These are in addition to Faith Katas.

Inner Strength: PPE: 5d6, The Minister cannot be physically changed in any way, ie Vampire shape change etc.!

Demon Death Blow: Same as Palladin. See Palladium Fantasy RPG.

Clan of the Black Cross Minister OCC Stats

Alignment: Principled, Scrupulous, and Unprincipled ONLY! Anyone who slips to evil loses all abilities. See Faith Katas.

Attribute Requirements: Any!

Racial Requirements: None really. Most D-Bees shun this class because the Bible is more human oriented and many are still trying to figure out the short passage that speaks on the Nephilim. Others have read the Book of Enoch and are quite sure that their ancestors had been there at that time. There are some D-Bees who have taken up this challenge and are very happy living the life of a Minister.

OCC Skills

Language: English 98%
Language: One of choice +25%
Literacy: English 98%
Literacy: One of choice +30%
Sing +25%
History: Pre-Rifts +40%
History: Post Apocalypse +40%
Law: General +20%
Lore: Christianity/The Faith +55%
Lore: Demons & Monsters +30%
Mythology +20%
Performance +15%
Public Speaking +45%
Aerobic Athletics
Kick Boxing
Wilderness Survival +35%
Pilot Automobile or Hover Vehicle (choose one) +15%
WP: Ancient: One of Choice
WP: Modern: One of Choice
WP: Energy: Rifle (choose one)
Hand to Hand: Faith Katas

Select 7 other skills, plus two additional at levels 2,4,6,7,and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency

Communications: Any +5%
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any +15%
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: Intelligence only +10%
Horsemanship: Palladin & General only +5%
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics only
Medical: First Aid only +15%
Military: Military Etiquette only +10%
Physical: Any +10%
Pilot: Any +5% excluding power armor and bots
Pilot Related: Any +5%
Rogue: Any excluding Computer Hacking
Science: Any
Technical: Any +15%
Wilderness: Any +15%
WP: Any

Secondary Skills: Select 3 secondary skills from the secondary skill list in the Skill section at first level. +1 at levels 2,4,5,8,12, and 14.

Standard Equipment: Gets both Silver Armor (AR:16 250 SDC) and light MDC armor with the classic Clergyman's tab on the neck (1d4x10+20). Seven sets of Clergy suits (or Skirt suits) AR 12 40 SDC, full wardrobe, Gas mask and air filter (3 spare filters), tinted goggles, hatchet, 2 knives (one silver), 2d6 Wooden Stakes, a Silver Cross and a Black one (double the damage and turning), Three ancient weapons of choice (one silver), two modern weapons (SDC type weapons that do MD, half damage) 3 extra clips per weapon, Minister's Energy Glaive ( a rifle based on the weapon found in Manhunter...the blade is Vibro). 3 extra ammo clips. First aid kit with extra bandages, antiseptic, suture thread, tent, knapsack, backpack, two canteens, two week food rations, and some personal items.

Money: Starts with 1d4x100 credits (no need)

Cybernetics: Avoids...strictly!

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:26 am
by Crucible
Hand to Hand: Faith Kata

MA: +3
PS: +2
PP: +1
PE: +2
SDC: +3d6
Faith(PPE): +2d4x10+30

Level 1: Starts with 4 attacks, Punch does 2d4, Kick does 2d6, Critical/Stun on Natural 20, +1 Strike, +1 damage, +2 Pull Punch, +2 Roll/Break Fall, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Sense the Supernatural, PPE Shield, See the Invisible, Recognize Enchantments & Blessings (Use HU2 Magic-User abilities) Power of Prayer 25% +5% per level Grants abilities of Karmic Power to Self or Others for 2 melee rounds (+1 levels 3,6,7,&9) 20 Faith/PPE.

Level 2: +2 Strike/Parry, +3 Dodge, +2 Damage, +2 Flip/Throw, +2 Roll w/Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 Disarm, +2 Pull Punch, +3d6 to Faith/PPE, +1 MA, Consecration(Lesser): 35% +%5 per level Limited to water, oils,foods, and drinks. +3 to rolls vs all poison, disease, toxins and adds +20% vs Coma/Death also effective vs Vampires and others affected by blessed items. Also instantly heals 1d4 +1 per level HP/SDC Cost:15 Faith/PPE

Level 3: +1 attack, +2 Initiative, +3 Roll w/Punch/Fall/Impact, +3 to Pull Punch, +2 to disarm, Automatic Dodge, Bless Item: 25% +3% per level grants user +3 on ALL rolls vsMagic, Possession, Psionics, Illusions, and etc, Turn Undead 7ft radius (+7 per level) also works as a Holy Cross against Vampires and other creatures with aversions to Blessed Items. If used on a weapon does normal damage +15 to supernatural creatues (Including those not affected by normal weapons) Cost: 25 permanent Faith/PPE and 1d4 permanent HP!

Level 4: +1 attack, +1 disarm, +2 Parry/Dodge, +1 Initiative, +1 Body Flip/Throw, Death Blow on Natural 20, Supernatural Strength: Does MD with hands and may add damage bonuses! If using an MD melee weapon add punch damage. Duration: 1 melee round +1 per level Cost: 10 Faith/PPE

Level 5: +2 Pull Punch, +2 Roll, +1 Flip/Throw, +2 Locks/Holds, +2 Damage, +1 Dodge, Critical 18, Automatic Knock Out on Natural 20, Holy Weapon: 20% +2% turns SDC weapon into MDC weapon (best for Silver), MDC weapon gains +1 die damage, does double damage to Supernatural creatures (includes Creatures of Magic), provides +3 to ALL rolls vs Magic, Possession, Psionics, Illusions, and etc. (Silver and Holy Damage STACKS against beings vulnerable to them both). Cost: 35 permanent Faith/PPE and 5 permanent HP!

Level 6: +1 attack, +2 on Initiative, +2 Strike, +3 Parry, +1 dodge, +2 Body Flip/Throw, add +1d6x10 to SDC and +3d4 to HP, add +2 to PE, Divine Protection: 30% +5% in this case along with a silent prayer a "force field" will shield the character with 50 MDC for 1 melee round +1 per level. Cost: 15 Faith/PPE

Level 7: Death Blow on Natural 19, +1 attack, +1 Strike, +5 SDC, +3 damage, +1 initiative, +2 Dodge, +2 disarm, +2 to Pull Punch, Consecrate Armor/Shield: 20% +3% per level grants user +3 on ALL rolls vsMagic, Possession, Psionics, Illusions, and etc, SDC armors become MDC +70 MDC, MDC armors simply add 70 MDC. Magic, Psionics, and powers/abilities from supernatural creatures do 1/10 damage, add +10% vs Coma/Death while wearing, Supernatural creatures take 1d6 MD if one touches a consecrated armor. Cost: 40 permanent Faith/PPE and 10 permanent HP! Holy Fire: One of the most feared Miracle/Faith Katas in a Minister's arsenal is the Holy Fire. There is no percentile roll, but it is plenty deadly to all Creatures of Magic, Evil Alignments, or Supernatural Origin. This increases the damage by two die to all of the above, damages PPE by 3d6. Even if a creature becomes incorporeal they are afflicted by this damage and it leaves a damaged being unable to use regeneration or healing on oneself. HF:7 to all above beings +1 per level.

Level 8: +2 additional attacks, +2 to pull punch, +1 Dodge, +1 damage, Divine Visions: (works as Clairvoyance, Danger Sense, and Intuitive Combat! May use any as written, but instead of ISP use Faith/PPE). Add 1d6x10+10 Faith/PPE!

Level 9: +6d6 HP, +1 Flip/Throw, +2 damage, +1 Dodge, +1 to roll with punch, +2 to Pull Punch,
+2 to strike, Righteous Fury 35% +5% per level change SDC to MDC, all attacks do MD, Impervious to all Psychic and Magic attacks, all other attacks do half damage, all damage against opponents adds +1 die to attacks, +2 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge. Duration 2 melee rounds +1 per level. 25 Faith/PPE

Level 10: +1 Parry/Dodge, +4 Damage, +1 Roll/Breakfall, KO on Natural 19/20, +2 Disarm, Critical 17, Consecrate Grounds: 20% +9% per level This ability is much like circle magic in the the user may consecrate (Bless) grounds with a radius of 15ft +15per level. This ground causes severe damage to the supernatual, creatures of magic, and those with evil alignments. 1d6x10+10 (add 1d6 per level) and this is per round that something is on this ground. Magic and Psionics use double the PPE and ISP and is at only 1/3 effectiveness and duration. If any of the above are within 10 ft (+10 ft per player level) they are at -4 on ALL rolls! Also, all good character (even Psychics and Magic Users) gain 10 SDC/HP per turn (+10 per level) as well as 7 PPE (+7 per level) and 2 ISP (+2 per level). They also gain a +3 on all rolls. Duration is 2 melee rounds (add two per added 10 Faith/PPE used) is also +2 per level. Takes all attacks to form. 25 Faith/PPE

Level 11: +1 Initiative, +2 Strike, +1 Parry, +2 to Body Flip/Throw, +2 Disarm, +2 to Pull Punch, +2 Holds/Locks, +1 to Kick Damage, +5 SDC, Death Blow on Natural 18, Permanent Consecration: As above, but costs 120 Faith/PPE to make permanent! Is not permanent Faith/PPE.

Level 12: +3 Body Fip/Throw does additional 2 die of damage, +1 attack, +3 Dodge, +2 to Speed Attribute, +3d6 to SDC, +1d6 to HP, +2d4 to PE, +1d4x10 to Faith/PPE May Choose one listing as a Miracle...Bio-Manipulation, Bio-Regeneration, Mind Block Auto-Defense, Psi-Shield, and Psi-Sword. Half the cost use Faith/PPE

Level 13: +1 additional attack, +1 to Parry, +1 to damage, +1 to strike, The Gospel: No roll needed! This allows the user to speak a few words of encouragement or for good health and affect others. Listeners within a 35ft radius (+15 per level) gain +7 to all rolls, skills are at +20%, fatigue, hunger, and thirst taken away. Targets heal 3d6+7 SDC and 1d4+7 HP. (Supernatural, Creatures of magic, and Evil alignments roll against HF 14 and are at -2 Strike, Parry, and Dodge) Duration: Instant 25 Faith/PPE

Level 14: Critical 16, +1 strike, +1 Pull Punch, +2 Roll, +2 Parry/Dodge, +2 Damage, +100 Faith/PPE, Dessicate the Supernatural: Same as the spell (30 Faith/PPE), Anti-Magic Cloud: Same as Spell (125 Faith/PPE), Close Rift: Same as Spell (190 Faith/PPE), Resurrection: Same as Spell: 20% Success rate. 750 Faith/PPE.

Level 15: +3d6x10 Faith/PPE, Critical 15, Death Blow 17, The Word: At this level the Minister has a powerful connection to the Divine. An invisible aura (not even visible to Psionics, Magic, Senses, or the supernatural) radiates at all times granting 100 MDC. A shout can be made at loud levels that will incite his charges to be stronger and faster gaining similar auras of 10 MDC. Unlike the lower levels, this ability allows the Man of Faith to use more than ability at a time. Can make any Miracle permanent without permanently using his Faith/PPE. Can expand the radius or effect of any miracle x3 (costs an added 40 Faith/PPE). May use prayer greetings to heal others +1d6, does 6d6 damage to Supernaturals, Creatures of magic, and Evil aligned characters.

Conviction: 35% to willing sentient. They must use their own PPE. Costs 25 permanent PPE, may use SDC and/or HP as supplement (MDC can be used as well) this is permanent no matter which way. Percentage can be raised if the player in question is in deep prayer. +20% and an added 5 PPE or physical substitution. Can a Evil aligned character do good? What about Dragons and the Supernatural? The answer is YES. Conviction changes evil aligned characters who wish to make the change into good aligned characters. Character can be no less than Unprinipled and will live strictly by a code based on that alignment. Thus can a Dragon (dragons lose metamorph ability and are stuck as humans, alignment changes. Loses inherent dragon abilities, but keeps Psionics and Magic. Is still MDC. Same as Supernaturals. This makes the Alignment good and they are considered blessed and not to be harmed by holiness and blessings) If an alignment change to evil occurs, the creature in question loses half MDC/SDC and/or HP. PS,PE,PP,PB, and Spd all drop. Same as a Minister who falls from grace.

Vampires lose all Vampiric abilities, convert HP to MDC, loses feral bloodlust but still needs to feed on animals and non-sentients.

This Hand to Hand/Kata is available only to those who are Clan of the Black Cross Ministers.

*Consecration takes 1 melee round, all Holy and Blessed items can be repaired through Spending Faith/PPE takes 30 minutes of Prayer.

*Faith Points are not levels of Faith at all. It is actually PPE or Chi that is channeled through the Minister's Faith.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:45 pm
by Shark_Force
2 things:

1) you do realise that this OCC is ludicrously powerful right? i mean, you don't have any crazy ideas about this OCC being balanced with, say, the headhunter OCC, or the rogue scholar, do you?

2) you give the OCC a PPE rating in your first post, which cannot be changed. then you change it. a lot. several times.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:59 pm
by Crucible
Shark_Force wrote:2 things:

1) you do realise that this OCC is ludicrously powerful right? i mean, you don't have any crazy ideas about this OCC being balanced with, say, the headhunter OCC, or the rogue scholar, do you?

2) you give the OCC a PPE rating in your first post, which cannot be changed. then you change it. a lot. several times.

I meant the actual minister. Due to his inner strength.

In the beginning of the whole post it says more in common with Pallidin and Cyber Knight. The name of the OCC is misleading in some ways. That goes along with the avid misconception of Ministers and such...LOL. The whole story and OCC explains that they are more like Knights and not priests, but the Faith Katas is a progression and takes a while for things to be learned. I think that I'll be using either the Mystic Knights (another VERY powerful OCC) or the Cyber-Knights(also very powerful) EXP.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:39 pm
by Shark_Force
oh, i know it's supposed to be somewhat paladin-like.

and it's not a problem that the class is powerful. or at least, it's not inherently a problem (if you didn't intend for it to be powerful, then it would be a problem... but so long as it's at the power level you intended, it should be fine).

also, my point was that you said their PPE couldn't be modified in any way, and then you immediately started introducing stuff that can (and obviously should) change it.

a few more observations then; i'm not particularly happy with the variable MDC rating on the body armor. it works for ley line walkers because there's not an organisation of ley line walkers making these things to a standard... you just pretty much grab whatever MDC monster bits you can find, and strap them to your body (so to speak). this is not the case for the ministers... i rather expect the armor is pretty much manufactored in a factory, or at the very least is standardised in some way.

i'm not sure i particularly like the mechanism of losing PPE permanently to create stuff. when you consider that the PPE in this case is representing faith, it really makes little sense (arguably, it should create *more* faith in them, but that's clearly not a good mechanic to use either). a better mechanic might be to have the PPE unavailable unless the weapon is destroyed etc. did you intend the weapons to last indefinitely by the way? as in, the current ministers may very well be using weapons made by other ministers?

i would add in an ability to repair at least the holy armor (the stuff they can create) somewhere.

i would also add a time frame into their 'enchanting' abilities (for lack of a better way to put it): how long does it take to consecrate(lesser), how long to make a blessed item, etc. (on a side note, turn undead is not defined to my knowledge in rifts. did you perchance mean turn dead? does it work against an unlimited number, or is it like the spell?). for that matter, how long does it take to activate their other special abilities gained from faith kata (i assume you intended 1 action, but it would be good to specify). does it cost you anything if you fail the % roll?

you've given an automatic dodge, but no bonus to automatic dodge anywhere. i have no idea if that was intended or not, mind you (they certainly look like they are intended to be most awesome in melee, and automatic dodge is mostly useful vs ranged, so i don't know if you intended them to have it but not be exceptionally good at it)

the level 12 bonuses includes +1dd to HP. i assume you meant 1d6.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:03 pm
by Crucible
Shark_Force wrote:oh, i know it's supposed to be somewhat paladin-like.

and it's not a problem that the class is powerful. or at least, it's not inherently a problem (if you didn't intend for it to be powerful, then it would be a problem... but so long as it's at the power level you intended, it should be fine).

also, my point was that you said their PPE couldn't be modified in any way, and then you immediately started introducing stuff that can (and obviously should) change it.

a few more observations then; i'm not particularly happy with the variable MDC rating on the body armor. it works for ley line walkers because there's not an organisation of ley line walkers making these things to a standard... you just pretty much grab whatever MDC monster bits you can find, and strap them to your body (so to speak). this is not the case for the ministers... i rather expect the armor is pretty much manufactored in a factory, or at the very least is standardised in some way.

i'm not sure i particularly like the mechanism of losing PPE permanently to create stuff. when you consider that the PPE in this case is representing faith, it really makes little sense (arguably, it should create *more* faith in them, but that's clearly not a good mechanic to use either). a better mechanic might be to have the PPE unavailable unless the weapon is destroyed etc. did you intend the weapons to last indefinitely by the way? as in, the current ministers may very well be using weapons made by other ministers?

i would add in an ability to repair at least the holy armor (the stuff they can create) somewhere.

i would also add a time frame into their 'enchanting' abilities (for lack of a better way to put it): how long does it take to consecrate(lesser), how long to make a blessed item, etc. (on a side note, turn undead is not defined to my knowledge in rifts. did you perchance mean turn dead? does it work against an unlimited number, or is it like the spell?). for that matter, how long does it take to activate their other special abilities gained from faith kata (i assume you intended 1 action, but it would be good to specify). does it cost you anything if you fail the % roll?

you've given an automatic dodge, but no bonus to automatic dodge anywhere. i have no idea if that was intended or not, mind you (they certainly look like they are intended to be most awesome in melee, and automatic dodge is mostly useful vs ranged, so i don't know if you intended them to have it but not be exceptionally good at it)

the level 12 bonuses includes +1dd to HP. i assume you meant 1d6.

With there being less than 100 of these guys or so, they are far more uniform than the LLW. More like the Cyber Knights. Automatic Dodge was meant to be +1 at levels 1,3,4,7,9,11,12, and 14 but Parry was intended to be more used than the automatic dodge. I didn't specify would it only takes one action. Its an old habit and house rule that makes me forget myself. If you fail the roll, then that means that you could not spend the energy for some reason. Maybe God said, "No". The turn dead and most others are as the spell (I think that was written in, "As the spell") except written in mods. The losing of permanent PPE is something that makes them a bit less likely to create weapons for everyone and their momma. A more experienced Minister can do this for them. Even in the true Ministry sacrifice for something greater for a Blessing is common and thats what I set out to do as well. An armor is a personal thing, so thats why the difference (once again cloistered group with strict standards). Also

I changed this....*Consecration takes 1 melee round, all Holy and Blessed items can be repaired through Spending Faith/PPE takes 30 minutes of Prayer.

*Faith Points are not levels of Faith at all. It is actually PPE or Chi that is channeled through the Minister's Faith.

The physical change rule is that they cannot be turned into a vampire or Juicer, or anything like that. Cybernetics and Bionics would likely fall off, but they are uncertain as no one has tried. No symbiotes, Magic tattoos, superhuman enhancements, etc.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:26 pm
by Lenwen
Crucible wrote:Clan of the Black Cross Minister OCC

Special OCC Training & Bonuses: +2 to MA, ME, PS, PP, and PP attributes and +1d4+1 Spd in addition to Physical Skills, 6d6 to SDC, +1d6 to HP, +1 attack per melee, +1 to initiative, +3 to Perception rolls, +2 to pull punch/disarm, +1 vs HF at levels 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,12, and 15. These are in addition to Faith Katas.

Inner Strength: PPE: 5d6, The Minister cannot be physically changed in any way, ie Vampire shape change etc.!

Demon Death Blow: Same as Palladin. See Palladium Fantasy RPG.

Clan of the Black Cross Minister OCC Stats

Alignment: Principled, Scrupulous, and Unprincipled ONLY! Anyone who slips to evil loses all abilities. See Faith Katas.

Attribute Requirements: Any!

Racial Requirements: None really. Most D-Bees shun this class because the Bible is more human oriented and many are still trying to figure out the short passage that speaks on the Nephilim. Others have read the Book of Enoch and are quite sure that their ancestors had been there at that time. There are some D-Bees who have taken up this challenge and are very happy living the life of a Minister.

OCC Skills
Language: English 98%
Language: One of choice +25%
Literacy: English 98%
Literacy: One of choice +30%
Sing +25%
History: Pre-Rifts +40%
History: Post Apocalypse +40%
Law: General +20%
Lore: Christianity/The Faith +55%
Lore: Demons & Monsters +30%
Lore: D-Bee +30%
Lore: Creatures of Magic +20%
Mythology +20%
Performance +15%
Public Speaking +45%
Aerobic Athletics
Body Building&Weightlifting
Kick Boxing
Climbing +15%
Physical Labor
Wilderness Survival +35%
Pilot Automobile or Hover Vehicle (choose one) +15%
WP: Ancient: Three of Choice
WP: Modern: Two of Choice
WP: Energy Pistol or Rifle (choose one)
Hand to Hand: Faith Katas

Select 10 other skills, plus two additional at levels 2,4,6,7,and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency

Communications: Any +5%
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any +15%
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: Intelligence only +10%
Horsemanship: Palladin & General only +5%
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics only
Medical: First Aid only +15%
Military: Military Etiquette only +10%
Physical: Any +10%
Pilot: Any +5% excluding power armor and bots
Pilot Related: Any +5%
Rogue: Any excluding Computer Hacking
Science: Any
Technical: Any +15%
Wilderness: Any +15%
WP: Any

Secondary Skills: Select 3 secondary skills from the secondary skill list in the Skill section at first level. +1 at levels 2,4,5,8,12, and 14.

Standard Equipment: Gets both Silver Armor (AR:16 250 SDC) and light MDC armor with the classic Clergyman's tab on the neck (1d4x10+20). Seven sets of Clergy suits (or Skirt suits) AR 12 40 SDC, full wardrobe, Gas mask and air filter (3 spare filters), tinted goggles, hatchet, 2 knives (one silver), 2d6 Wooden Stakes, a Silver Cross and a Black one (double the damage and turning), Three ancient weapons of choice (one silver), two modern weapons (SDC type weapons that do MD, half damage) 3 extra clips per weapon, Minister's Energy Glaive ( a rifle based on the weapon found in Manhunter...the blade is Vibro). 3 extra ammo clips. First aid kit with extra bandages, antiseptic, suture thread, tent, knapsack, backpack, two canteens, two week food rations, and some personal items.

Money: Starts with 1d4x100 credits (no need)

Cybernetics: Avoids...strictly!

This character has an over abundance of Skills .. That I do not think is "normal" for a character of this type to have. That is not saying the skills themselves are out of this character's ability to learn, rather that.. There are simply too many of them.

A 2nd lvl character has 47 .. Starting skills .. not counting the Secondary skill set ? A total skill set at lvl 2 of nuthing LESS then 54 Skills ?

This in an of itself makes the character vastly more powerful then anything you liken this class to.

Allow me to show you.

Lvl 2 Palladin = 24 TOTAL skills .. Primary and secondary combined.
Lvl 2 Cyber Knight = 35 total skills .. Primary and secondary combined.

This is my opinion.

Your short story about the family and everything was very well written and I enjoyed it but it also set several questions in my mind up that well .. would be wiser not to be asked on a text based medium, as its hard to see what people mean some times when they attempt to ask such things.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:40 pm
by Crucible
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:Clan of the Black Cross Minister OCC

Special OCC Training & Bonuses: +2 to MA, ME, PS, PP, and PP attributes and +1d4+1 Spd in addition to Physical Skills, 6d6 to SDC, +1d6 to HP, +1 attack per melee, +1 to initiative, +3 to Perception rolls, +2 to pull punch/disarm, +1 vs HF at levels 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,12, and 15. These are in addition to Faith Katas.

Inner Strength: PPE: 5d6, The Minister cannot be physically changed in any way, ie Vampire shape change etc.!

Demon Death Blow: Same as Palladin. See Palladium Fantasy RPG.

Clan of the Black Cross Minister OCC Stats

Alignment: Principled, Scrupulous, and Unprincipled ONLY! Anyone who slips to evil loses all abilities. See Faith Katas.

Attribute Requirements: Any!

Racial Requirements: None really. Most D-Bees shun this class because the Bible is more human oriented and many are still trying to figure out the short passage that speaks on the Nephilim. Others have read the Book of Enoch and are quite sure that their ancestors had been there at that time. There are some D-Bees who have taken up this challenge and are very happy living the life of a Minister.

OCC Skills
Language: English 98%
Language: One of choice +25%
Literacy: English 98%
Literacy: One of choice +30%
Sing +25%
History: Pre-Rifts +40%
History: Post Apocalypse +40%
Law: General +20%
Lore: Christianity/The Faith +55%
Lore: Demons & Monsters +30%
Lore: D-Bee +30%
Lore: Creatures of Magic +20%
Mythology +20%
Performance +15%
Public Speaking +45%
Aerobic Athletics
Body Building&Weightlifting
Kick Boxing
Climbing +15%
Physical Labor
Wilderness Survival +35%
Pilot Automobile or Hover Vehicle (choose one) +15%
WP: Ancient: Three of Choice
WP: Modern: Two of Choice
WP: Energy Pistol or Rifle (choose one)
Hand to Hand: Faith Katas

Select 10 other skills, plus two additional at levels 2,4,6,7,and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency

Communications: Any +5%
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any +15%
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: Intelligence only +10%
Horsemanship: Palladin & General only +5%
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics only
Medical: First Aid only +15%
Military: Military Etiquette only +10%
Physical: Any +10%
Pilot: Any +5% excluding power armor and bots
Pilot Related: Any +5%
Rogue: Any excluding Computer Hacking
Science: Any
Technical: Any +15%
Wilderness: Any +15%
WP: Any

Secondary Skills: Select 3 secondary skills from the secondary skill list in the Skill section at first level. +1 at levels 2,4,5,8,12, and 14.

Standard Equipment: Gets both Silver Armor (AR:16 250 SDC) and light MDC armor with the classic Clergyman's tab on the neck (1d4x10+20). Seven sets of Clergy suits (or Skirt suits) AR 12 40 SDC, full wardrobe, Gas mask and air filter (3 spare filters), tinted goggles, hatchet, 2 knives (one silver), 2d6 Wooden Stakes, a Silver Cross and a Black one (double the damage and turning), Three ancient weapons of choice (one silver), two modern weapons (SDC type weapons that do MD, half damage) 3 extra clips per weapon, Minister's Energy Glaive ( a rifle based on the weapon found in Manhunter...the blade is Vibro). 3 extra ammo clips. First aid kit with extra bandages, antiseptic, suture thread, tent, knapsack, backpack, two canteens, two week food rations, and some personal items.

Money: Starts with 1d4x100 credits (no need)

Cybernetics: Avoids...strictly!

This character has an over abundance of Skills .. That I do not think is "normal" for a character of this type to have. That is not saying the skills themselves are out of this character's ability to learn, rather that.. There are simply too many of them.

A 2nd lvl character has 47 .. Starting skills .. not counting the Secondary skill set ? A total skill set at lvl 2 of nuthing LESS then 54 Skills ?

This in an of itself makes the character vastly more powerful then anything you liken this class to.

Allow me to show you.

Lvl 2 Palladin = 24 TOTAL skills .. Primary and secondary combined.
Lvl 2 Cyber Knight = 35 total skills .. Primary and secondary combined.

This is my opinion.

Your short story about the family and everything was very well written and I enjoyed it but it also set several questions in my mind up that well .. would be wiser not to be asked on a text based medium, as its hard to see what people mean some times when they attempt to ask such things.

Thanks for the skills reply. I'll look deeper into it. I think that some of the Physical skills and Maybe one or two technicals can go away. Ask away man, I'll do my best.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:20 pm
by Lenwen

You asked me for my opinion an so I shall give you it but please do not take this for any sort of an attack against you or your character as to be quite honest I actually rolled up one for myself already to be used against Evil aligned PC's :P

I will be sticking to my lvl 2 O.c.c. character I put forth in my prior post for ease.

Lvl 2 Character now has at low end.

IQ - 3-18
ME - 7-22
MA - 7-23
PS - 7-22
PP - 6-21
PE - 7-22
PB - 3-18
Spd- 4-23

HP - 3-24 (acceptable)
SDC- 12-72 (acceptable)
PPE- 50-110 (acceptable)

4 Attacks per melee (good amount)
1) - Auto-Dodge________(Impressive at lvl 1 to say as an understatment.)

2) - Karmic Powers_____(even tho only for a few melee's this combined with Auto-Dodge equates to a near unbeatable lvl 1 character)

3) - Death Blow Nat-20 ( this only serves to strengthen my earlier claim of this being perhaps the most powerful human Occ already)

4) - Istantly Heals : +1d4+1/lvl at lvl 2 that is +3-6 Hp/SDC per 15 PPE which at 50 = 3 healings or 9-18 HP/SDC instantly or
A total of 7 healings which is now 21-42 HPs/SDC. (This is an incredibly powerful ability.)

You start out at lvl 1 with these abilities
Auto-Dodge, Karmic Power, Death Blow on a natural 20, and the ability to instantly heal for 21-42 health .. These abilities make you a Demi-God lvl O.C.C.
Lvl 3 you can turn unlimited amounts of undead away (Demi-God lvl Power)
Level 4 you can litterally turn yourself into a Supernatural Being (Demi-God lvl power)
Level 5 You can litterally Create a Holy Weapon (This power coupled with all the other powers up to this point makes you a God) Holy Weapons are as powerful as Rune Weapons in the Palladium Megaverse (dont know if you knew this or not)

Anything more that you have given them only strengthens thier God lvl abilities already.
This class is no more a priest then a DemiGod or a full on fedged Godling..

I stopped reading at see'ing what this character can do at lvl 7. No offense ment because quite litterally after this characer reaches lvl 5 and is granted lvl 5 new abilities. This character truly stops being a human and is in fact a Godling. But needlessly I created one for use against my PC's when they play evil aligned characters (which they seem to prefure)

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:43 pm
by Crucible
Thank you Lenwen, I asked because I wanted help. Lessee

Lenwen wrote:Crucible,

You asked me for my opinion an so I shall give you it but please do not take this for any sort of an attack against you or your character as to be quite honest I actually rolled up one for myself already to be used against Evil aligned PC's :P

I will be sticking to my lvl 2 O.c.c. character I put forth in my prior post for ease.

Lvl 2 Character now has at low end.

IQ - 3-18
ME - 7-22
MA - 7-23
PS - 7-22
PP - 6-21
PE - 7-22
PB - 3-18
Spd- 4-23

HP - 3-24 (acceptable)
SDC- 12-72 (acceptable)
PPE- 50-110 (acceptable)

4 Attacks per melee (good amount)
1) - Auto-Dodge________(Impressive at lvl 1 to say as an understatment.) Changed to third level.

2) - Karmic Powers_____(even tho only for a few melee's this combined with Auto-Dodge equates to a near unbeatable lvl 1 character) PPE must be spent, also its a percentage roll and very low.

3) - Death Blow Nat-20 ( this only serves to strengthen my earlier claim of this being perhaps the most powerful human Occ already) I like this...

4) - Istantly Heals : +1d4+1/lvl at lvl 2 that is +3-6 Hp/SDC per 15 PPE which at 50 = 3 healings or 9-18 HP/SDC instantly or
A total of 7 healings which is now 21-42 HPs/SDC. (This is an incredibly powerful ability.) It would be 1d4+1 at level 2 (2-5) The propsect of this being a extremely rare class and alignment restricted, means that most wouldn't play it.

You start out at lvl 1 with these abilities
Auto-Dodge, Karmic Power, Death Blow on a natural 20, and the ability to instantly heal for 21-42 health .. These abilities make you a Demi-God lvl O.C.C. Its actually not that high 1d4 +1 per level (2-5 SDC/HP), Karmic power is only 25% workable. I can make it even more difficult to use.

Lvl 3 you can turn unlimited amounts of undead away (Demi-God lvl Power) Its supposed to be the same as the spell...sorry.

Level 4 you can litterally turn yourself into a Supernatural Being (Demi-God lvl power): It takes a percentage roll and PPE. Pain in the butt actually. Potentially awesome, but not really. Can only use one ability at a time until 14th or 15th level.

Level 5 You can litterally Create a Holy Weapon (This power coupled with all the other powers up to this point makes you a God) Holy Weapons are as powerful as Rune Weapons in the Palladium Megaverse (dont know if you knew this or not) Yes, I knew. Its a limited Holy Weapon in comparison. No different than having a MD Psi Weapon that never costs a thing IMO.

Anything more that you have given them only strengthens thier God lvl abilities already.
This class is no more a priest then a DemiGod or a full on fedged Godling.. Definately not a Priest in the sense of what you think of a Priest. More akin to Wormwood type characters. The character is a Hero of a small town type of Character.

I stopped reading at see'ing what this character can do at lvl 7. No offense ment because quite litterally after this characer reaches lvl 5 and is granted lvl 5 new abilities. This character truly stops being a human and is in fact a Godling. But needlessly I created one for use against my PC's when they play evil aligned characters (which they seem to prefure)

Thanks man :D

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:09 pm
by Lenwen
Crucible wrote:Thank you Lenwen, I asked because I wanted help. Lessee

I hope that I helped more then hindered.

I tend to hinder more so then help, due to my directness I think. But I hope that I helped :D

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:34 pm
by Crucible
Lenwen wrote:
Crucible wrote:Thank you Lenwen, I asked because I wanted help. Lessee

I hope that I helped more then hindered.

I tend to hinder more so then help, due to my directness I think. But I hope that I helped :D

Thats why I asked you. You're a GM. What it made me look at is how high powered is it. The answer is Medium High. After rolling the dice to try and access use, I ended up spending 3 attacks to finally gain use of the abilities in question which then takes 1 attack or more to activate. Then the use of PPE. It makes far more sense to go as is than to activate during combat unless you have serious cover. The abilities are near useless until activated. So, it challenged me to try it out. I'm playtesting it tomorrow.

Re: Christian Minister

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:14 pm
by Shark_Force
it is very powerful, i don't know i would go quite so far as to say demigod/godling level... but it definitely is up there.