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Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:51 am
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:Magic alone is pointless. What can magic do when it's not directed? Pretty much the only thing is sit in a ley line. In order for magic to acomplish anything, such as a teleport spell, it MUST be directed. Can magic by itself lift a table? Light a fire? Or any of the multitude of things that Directed magic can? I think not.

You mean like a ley line storm? :)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:55 am
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:
Temporalmage wrote:Magic alone is pointless. What can magic do when it's not directed? Pretty much the only thing is sit in a ley line. In order for magic to acomplish anything, such as a teleport spell, it MUST be directed. Can magic by itself lift a table? Light a fire? Or any of the multitude of things that Directed magic can? I think not.

You mean like a ley line storm? :)

Ah, but a ley line storm is an accidental effect of magic that is dormant. Kinda like a presure cooker. Eventually it's gonna blow. But a "natural" ley line storm is no more directed than the ley line itself. It simply travles down a set path, which is to say the ley lines. A directed ley line storm is much differant, and much more dangerous also. Because it's directed.

Just curious but what does a ley line storm have to do with this topic anyway??

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:04 am
by Zer0 Kay
Temporalmage wrote: ["Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot."

So if your teleporting into a giant robot into an empty space how is that affecting occupants or internal systems of the vehicle/robot? Air is not a system and though it occupies space I don't think it's an occupant. If the occupants are able to sense the change in air density I don't think that would count as affecting occupants. Besides that would be the air not the spell itself.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 4:23 am
by Zer0 Kay
Temporalmage wrote: "Magic can not penetrate the skin of giant robots, or vehicles." Seems self evident and self explanitory to me.
"Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot."
So any spell that you wish to cast, any thats in the books, will not be able to get out of the vehicle. Even if you have some sort of line of sight. Unless you wish to effect your companion or some aspect of the interior of the robot of course. Seems simple enough.

The spell doesn't target the location. The caster targets what he wishes to teleport and visualizes the location. All the failure rates are essentially wether or not the mage is able to visualise the "target" correctly/clearly (if his memory is foggy or if the picture is current enough or detailed enough). I put it target in quotes because it is only a target in his mind.

So the only way to argue that he wouldn't be able to teleport into the GR or V is if somehow the MDC skin made it so that he was unable to imagine/visualize the location to be teleported to. If the mage even has blue prints and can read Technocan he should be able to visualise the insides. In this case if there was a recent mod where an extra seat or the interior paint job was changed then he shouldn't be able to teleport or would end up teleporting to another one that does look like the blueprints. Even the blueprints shouldn't be 100% teleport because he still doesn't have an exact idea of what the interior really looks like. Blueprints don't always list colors.

I don't think I'd allow teleport into GR or Vs because the mage has never been in that particular unit. As I asked before and no one answered. How does the mage teleport into one specific Spider Skull Walker? Does he send some fuzzy dice to the crew as a present and hope they hang it up? Then with his knowledge of the blueprints and the fuzzy dice is he then able to teleport into a specific SKW? Saying that the numbers on the hulls would allow him to specify would be cheap. The mage needs to visualize where he wants to end up not what is on the outside of it.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:15 am
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:Ah, but a ley line storm is an accidental effect of magic that is dormant. Kinda like a presure cooker. Eventually it's gonna blow. But a "natural" ley line storm is no more directed than the ley line itself. It simply travles down a set path, which is to say the ley lines. A directed ley line storm is much differant, and much more dangerous also. Because it's directed.

Just curious but what does a ley line storm have to do with this topic anyway??

A ley line storm is undirected magic.
They do a lot of things including teleporting stuff. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:20 am
by Dr. Doom III
Zer0 Kay wrote:The spell doesn't target the location. The caster targets what he wishes to teleport and visualizes the location. All the failure rates are essentially wether or not the mage is able to visualise the "target" correctly/clearly (if his memory is foggy or if the picture is current enough or detailed enough). I put it target in quotes because it is only a target in his mind.

So the only way to argue that he wouldn't be able to teleport into the GR or V is if somehow the MDC skin made it so that he was unable to imagine/visualize the location to be teleported to. If the mage even has blue prints and can read Technocan he should be able to visualise the insides. In this case if there was a recent mod where an extra seat or the interior paint job was changed then he shouldn't be able to teleport or would end up teleporting to another one that does look like the blueprints. Even the blueprints shouldn't be 100% teleport because he still doesn't have an exact idea of what the interior really looks like. Blueprints don't always list colors.

I don't think I'd allow teleport into GR or Vs because the mage has never been in that particular unit. As I asked before and no one answered. How does the mage teleport into one specific Spider Skull Walker? Does he send some fuzzy dice to the crew as a present and hope they hang it up? Then with his knowledge of the blueprints and the fuzzy dice is he then able to teleport into a specific SKW? Saying that the numbers on the hulls would allow him to specify would be cheap. The mage needs to visualize where he wants to end up not what is on the outside of it.

Doom answered.
He can't unless he is familiar with the inside of that vehicle or at the very least one of the same type. Success and failure ultimately depend on the percentiles given for Teleport Superior.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:59 am
by Svartalf
Beatleguise wrote:I hope this forum uses Energizers.

Ya bet. I'm so certain of being right in that area that I'm ready to pull a Nekira. Having the support of Doom is no hindrance either.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:45 pm
by Temporalmage
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Temporalmage wrote: ["Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot."

So if your teleporting into a giant robot into an empty space how is that affecting occupants or internal systems of the vehicle/robot? Air is not a system and though it occupies space I don't think it's an occupant. If the occupants are able to sense the change in air density I don't think that would count as affecting occupants. Besides that would be the air not the spell itself.

Your comment is void. The specific sentance: "Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot." Is specifically refering to a spell that is cast while the mage is inside of the vehicle. The sentence that follows: "Likewise, any spell directed at vehicles/robots outside, only affect the robot itself and can not affect the occupants inside." is refering to casting magic while the mage is outside of the vehicle. For the compleate quote please refer to another page on this topic, where it's been quoted several times in full, or turn to page 21 of the BOM.

Oh ya, one more thing Zero...I have answered your question before. Even if the mage had a compleate blueprint, color photo, video scan, or whatever of the inside of a robot or vehicle...if it's sealed up the mage could never teleport inside.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:58 pm
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:
Temporalmage wrote:Ah, but a ley line storm is an accidental effect of magic that is dormant. Kinda like a presure cooker. Eventually it's gonna blow. But a "natural" ley line storm is no more directed than the ley line itself. It simply travles down a set path, which is to say the ley lines. A directed ley line storm is much differant, and much more dangerous also. Because it's directed.

Just curious but what does a ley line storm have to do with this topic anyway??

A ley line storm is undirected magic.
They do a lot of things including teleporting stuff. :)

Ok Doom. Enough. The magic that I was refering too was the magic inherant in all mages. Ya know...the PPE that all mages have. Does that internal magic do anything if it's not directed? No. Ya I left the door open with my previous post, and even kicked it open further by continuing the conversation with you. But once again this does not have one thing to do with weither or not a mage/dragon/superwatzis could teleport into a robot or vehicle according to cannon rules. If your only opening in my argument is to attack weather or not a ley line storm is directed magic or not......"sigh" :nh:
Ya got anything to say about the rest of the rather lengthy post I made? Anything constructive I should say?? I'll help ya out and repost the thing right here:

Tyciol, you make a very good argument. And perhaps the way I've been stating it could be construed the way you've suggested. I'm sorry for any confusion and will explain myself a bit better.

Any teleport spell or ability works by taking one object and instantaniously transporting it to a differant location. This is how both teleport spells and dragons teleport abilities would seem to work. I consider it more of a shifting effect. The object simply ceases to exist in one place and blinks into existance in a seperate place. Thus in my campaigns there is a "bamf" type sound that is heard on both ends as air is either rushed into the spot that is instantly vacated, or suddenly displaced as the object appears. There is no seperate dimensional pocket/wormhole effect/or whatnot. The magic is just a simple your in one spot and "poof" your in another.
Now what ever is in between is irrelivant to a teleport spell. Teleporting from one side of a radiation zone to the other side isn't going to subject the caster to the effects of radiation, neither would an anti-magic cloud placed somwhere inbetween have any adverse effect. That would be like having someone teleport from thier house to the local bar and appear soaked if it happens to be raining outside.
The ruling in Source Book 1 has always suggested to me that magic could not pass through the thick MDC of Robots and vehicles. (For a compleate quote look elsewhere on this topic) It's never been stated as to why this happens, just that magic, and specifically paranormal powers, cannot work in either direction.
The Book of Magic has overruled the passage when it comes to power armor. It seems that while mages in Rifts can no longer wear environmental armor, (at least without major complications) they can now cast magic through power armor. (Though with some even greater penelties) Yet the BOM does indeed tell us that casting magic through robots or vehicles is still impossible.
Now I've been accused of only looking at one sentance in the BOM. So lets tear the passage in question appart and take it step by step shall we?
"Magic can not penetrate the skin of giant robots, or vehicles." Seems self evident and self explanitory to me.
"Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot."
So any spell that you wish to cast, any thats in the books, will not be able to get out of the vehicle. Even if you have some sort of line of sight. Unless you wish to effect your companion or some aspect of the interior of the robot of course. Seems simple enough.
"Likewise, any spell directed at vehicles/robots outside, only affect the robot itself and can not affect the occupants inside."
Hmm. So if I can see the pilot of a robot, and wish to Swap places with him, as per the 13th level "Swap Places" spell, (which by the way is a type of teleport spell) then it wouldn't be possible. Because you can not affect anyone inside a robot vehicle, from the outside of it. If I wish to teleport into the vehicle, and direct my teleport spell at the vehicle, then it would only affect the robot's outside, not being able to deposit me inside.

Now as I've said in the past, teleport MUST target the final location of a teleport. It's simply logical. I'm sorry but no matter what type of teleportation that you believe in, or use. Pocket dimension, wormhole, sliding, gods hand with a pair of tweezers.....the magic takes the object/person, and places them somplace else. There is no pushing, shoving, or any other type of kinetic effect happening. The person wouldn't feal any type of inertia from a teleport. Yet they have travled several hundereds of miles. Why? Because it's magic. And it would be in effect for the exact time that a teleport is in effect. Which is to say instantaniously. But that same magic would indeed be felt at both the location you teleported from, and the one you arrived at. By dogboys, psi-stalkers, etc. Because magic has been used in both areas simultaniously. Probably why the spell takes so much PPE if ya think about it.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:08 pm
by Svartalf
Temporalmage wrote:
Oh ya, one more thing Zero...I have answered your question before. Even if the mage had a compleate blueprint, color photo, video scan, or whatever of the inside of a robot or vehicle...if it's sealed up the mage could never teleport inside.

Sorry, but what does the bot/vehicle being sealed have to do with anything?

I agree that blueprints or the like would not help any in teleporting into a place, but a good picture, or familiarity with the specific vehicle definitely would (that, and the availability of room to telport to, or we stand to have a choice between failure and horrible backfire)... and if those conditions were met, he could get in, seal or not.

and sorry... but you contradict yourself. if a teleport is an instant transference, with no regard at all for whatever may be between point A and point B, then how come you insist that the spell must target the destination point? (it doesn't of course, its only targets, for purpose of the armored shell rule is whatever it is meant to affect))

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:09 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote: Ya got anything to say about the rest of the rather lengthy post I made? Anything constructive I should say?? I'll help ya out and repost the thing right here:

I refuted all those points about six times already.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:48 pm
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:No.
I refuted all those points about six times already.

Book Of Magic, page 21:
Magic can not penetrate the skin of giant robots, or vehicles. Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot. Likewise, any spell directed at vehicles/robots outside, only affect the robot itself and can not affect the occupants inside.

Your refuting this? Or ignoring it? Seems you can't refute a written rule, only ignore it.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:06 pm
by Temporalmage
svartalf wrote:Sorry, but what does the bot/vehicle being sealed have to do with anything?

Just abiding by the rules. The rules say that any spell directed at a robot or vehicle can't get in. In other passages the rules tell us that a mage inside of a vehicle can open a window or lean out a door and cast magic at an exterior target. So the logical step is that a sealed vehicle blocks magic, an open one does not.

I agree that blueprints or the like would not help any in teleporting into a place, but a good picture, or familiarity with the specific vehicle definitely would (that, and the availability of room to telport to, or we stand to have a choice between failure and horrible backfire)... and if those conditions were met, he could get in, seal or not.

and sorry... but you contradict yourself. if a teleport is an instant transference, with no regard at all for whatever may be between point A and point B, then how come you insist that the spell must target the destination point? (it doesn't of course, its only targets, for purpose of the armored shell rule is whatever it is meant to affect))

Sorry for the contradiction. What was intended was to say that whatever is between point A and point B is irrelevant as long as it obeys the rules that all magic must adhere too. Such as the aformentioned rule that magic can not get into a vehicle from the outside. I mean we arn't arguing about weither or not the mage has the required PPE are we? No. So any other rule of magic that would apply to the teleport spell, such as time to cast, required PPE...etc would obviously have to be obeyed also.

Casting a teleport spell takes some time. During that time the mage is expending his PPE and thinking of the final destination he wishes the teleport spell to take him/ or an object, too. Is this correct?
If it is then logically the mage is directing the magic to take him to the vehicle in question. But wait! According to the aformentioned rule any magic directed at a vehicle only affect the vehicle itself. Thus being the outside of said vehicle, not the inside. End result: you can not teleport into, or even out of, a vehicle. As per the rules.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:11 pm
by Temporalmage
svartalf wrote: Having the support of Doom is no hindrance either.

Having the support of the President couldn't hurt either. Unless you realize that the President is just a guy that won a popularity contest. Being the President just means your popular, doesn't mean your right.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:58 pm
by Svartalf
Just abiding by the rules. The rules say that any spell directed at a robot or vehicle can't get in. In other passages the rules tell us that a mage inside of a vehicle can open a window or lean out a door and cast magic at an exterior target. So the logical step is that a sealed vehicle blocks magic, an open one does not.

actually, you're already interpreting the rule heavily. There is no mention of the effect of a vehicle being sealed, ever. Actually, some vehicles, like the Triax haulers are never really sealed (as in environmentally separating the inside from the outside) but they are quite massive, and I would definitely apply the rule to them. What you say about a mage being able to cast through an open window or door exploits breaks through the shell and the fact that this definitely establishes a line of sight, but has fairly little bearing with a "seal". Personally, I'm still wondering if you can cast a spell at a target inside a building, through an ordinary, closed glass window. Also, remember that a teleport is direct transference, with no regard at all for what is between departure and arrival points, so breaks in the shell are immaterial, either you can 'port into a bot or vehicle (if usual conditions are met), or you can't, and environmental seal, or the presence of an open door or window is of no import at all.g

I agree that blueprints or the like would not help any in teleporting into a place, but a good picture, or familiarity with the specific vehicle definitely would (that, and the availability of room to telport to, or we stand to have a choice between failure and horrible backfire)... and if those conditions were met, he could get in, seal or not.

and sorry... but you contradict yourself. if a teleport is an instant transference, with no regard at all for whatever may be between point A and point B, then how come you insist that the spell must target the destination point? (it doesn't of course, its only targets, for purpose of the armored shell rule is whatever it is meant to affect))

Sorry for the contradiction. What was intended was to say that whatever is between point A and point B is irrelevant as long as it obeys the rules that all magic must adhere too. Such as the aformentioned rule that magic can not get into a vehicle from the outside. I mean we arn't arguing about weither or not the mage has the required PPE are we? No. So any other rule of magic that would apply to the teleport spell, such as time to cast, required PPE...etc would obviously have to be obeyed also.

Casting a teleport spell takes some time. During that time the mage is expending his PPE and thinking of the final destination he wishes the teleport spell to take him/ or an object, too. Is this correct?
If it is then logically the mage is directing the magic to take him to the vehicle in question. But wait! According to the aformentioned rule any magic directed at a vehicle only affect the vehicle itself. Thus being the outside of said vehicle, not the inside. End result: you can not teleport into, or even out of, a vehicle. As per the rules.[/quote]

we come back to the old basic stumbling point. my point is that the rule is satisfied by being applied to the extent I say, rather than the blanket extent you give it. there may be no armored shell between the mage and what will be teleported, but beyond that, the rule stops. This particular brand of magic is *geared toward* sending an item or person to point B, whatever might be in between. With this interpretation, things stay more or less logical (as much as can be when dealing with magic). If I accept your version, I'll wonder what in reality, or the game system makes it so that I can port into or out of a sealed installation buried under miles of rock in a mountain, but that the shell of a power armor, bot, or large vehicle is a secure and teleport proof barrier. Of course, I won't find any understandable explanation, and would have to add that to the list of game rules that are pointless but to be enforced... I hate pointless rules, especially when I've got some logical (actually, to me self-evident to the point that I never thought of it until I saw the matter raised on these boards) interpretation of the rule text that makes good sense .

Fact is, Teleport magic does not in the slightest affect the destination point : it affects the target person(s) or object by sending them to the mentioned location. Since there was no obstacle between mage and target(s) at casting time, the rule is respected, the presence of an armored shell between A and B, like the presence of material obstacles, rain, radiation, anti magic clouds or whatever just doesn't matter at all, because the bot, PA or vehicle won't be affected...

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:06 pm
by Svartalf
Temporalmage wrote:
svartalf wrote: Having the support of Doom is no hindrance either.

Having the support of the President couldn't hurt either. Unless you realize that the President is just a guy that won a popularity contest. Being the President just means your popular, doesn't mean your right.

Far as I know, Doom is as likely to win a popularity contest as I am myself. From what I've heard, and what I've been able to see for myself, he has a mastery of the Rulez that give weight to his opinions ... if officials were elected on the same grounds, the political arena would get cleared in a jiffy.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:24 pm
by Temporalmage
svartalf wrote:actually, you're already interpreting the rule heavily. There is no mention of the effect of a vehicle being sealed, ever. Actually, some vehicles, like the Triax haulers are never really sealed (as in environmentally separating the inside from the outside) but they are quite massive, and I would definitely apply the rule to them. What you say about a mage being able to cast through an open window or door exploits breaks through the shell and the fact that this definitely establishes a line of sight, but has fairly little bearing with a "seal". Personally, I'm still wondering if you can cast a spell at a target inside a building, through an ordinary, closed glass window. Also, remember that a teleport is direct transference, with no regard at all for what is between departure and arrival points, so breaks in the shell are immaterial, either you can 'port into a bot or vehicle (if usual conditions are met), or you can't, and environmental seal, or the presence of an open door or window is of no import at all.g

Very good points. You say that I "interpret the rule heavily". As I have said a few times on this rather lengthy post, that particular rule seems to apply to ALL magic. Now there are certain spells that state that they defy the rule, and can effect those in robots, etc. But unfortunatly at this time there is no place in any of the books that name any of the teleport spells as one of the exceptions. Either it's an exception to the rule that is sopposed to apply to all magic, or it's not.

we come back to the old basic stumbling point. my point is that the rule is satisfied by being applied to the extent I say, rather than the blanket extent you give it. there may be no armored shell between the mage and what will be teleported, but beyond that, the rule stops. This particular brand of magic is *geared toward* sending an item or person to point B, whatever might be in between. With this interpretation, things stay more or less logical (as much as can be when dealing with magic). If I accept your version, I'll wonder what in reality, or the game system makes it so that I can port into or out of a sealed installation buried under miles of rock in a mountain, but that the shell of a power armor, bot, or large vehicle is a secure and teleport proof barrier. Of course, I won't find any understandable explanation, and would have to add that to the list of game rules that are pointless but to be enforced... I hate pointless rules, especially when I've got some logical (actually, to me self-evident to the point that I never thought of it until I saw the matter raised on these boards) interpretation of the rule text that makes good sense .

I concur. I personaly don't use this rule as it applies to the teleport spell, and other spells also. But as this topic is asking a game rule question I am forced to at least acknowlage cannon rules. Truth be told there is simply too many unknown factors in deciding what about robots that would make them teleport proof. Besides Big Kev's decision that they just are! :lol:

Fact is, Teleport magic does not in the slightest affect the destination point : it affects the target person(s) or object by sending them to the mentioned location. Since there was no obstacle between mage and target(s) at casting time, the rule is respected, the presence of an armored shell between A and B, like the presence of material obstacles, rain, radiation, anti magic clouds or whatever just doesn't matter at all, because the bot, PA or vehicle won't be affected...

This is wear you and I disagree a bit. If someone runs at a tree and leaps at it full force is there even the slightest chance that they will "merge" with the tree? Thus it seems obvious to me that the magic of a teleport spell is at least partially active at the arrival point of a teleport. And since this magic originated outside of the vehicle, and is attempting to gain entrance to said vehicle, it kinda breaks the BOM rule. Lets take the Teleport lesser spell as an example shall we. (After all there are easier and less costly ways to gain entrance to a vehicle or robot besides teleporting inside) Teleport lesser states that "The only requirements are that the mage touches the object to be teleported and that the location of where it is being sent to is known to him." Now if it's a requirement for the mage to know the location for the spell to work, then isnt' the spell being directed at the vehicle? We know that the spell is being directed at the object, that's a no brainer. But if the magic is being directed at the vehicle, from outside, then according to the rules...(not logic) the spell would fail. Sorry but rules are rules. They don't always make sense to everyone all the time. But that does not make them less of a rule.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 11:29 pm
by Temporalmage
svartalf wrote:Far as I know, Doom is as likely to win a popularity contest as I am myself. From what I've heard, and what I've been able to see for myself, he has a mastery of the Rulez that give weight to his opinions ... if officials were elected on the same grounds, the political arena would get cleared in a jiffy.

Your a Republican ain't ya! :nh:

Just kidding! Dont' sue!! :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:17 am
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:Book Of Magic, page 21:
Magic can not penetrate the skin of giant robots, or vehicles. Any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle/robot. Likewise, any spell directed at vehicles/robots outside, only affect the robot itself and can not affect the occupants inside.

Your refuting this? Or ignoring it? Seems you can't refute a written rule, only ignore it.

Doom refutes your interpretation of that.

For what the seventh time?
Teleport does not affect anything inside the vehicle and the spell descriptions saying anywhere clearly shows that they can teleport someone or something anywhere including inside vehicles.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:41 am
by Zer0 Kay
Sorry just had to say this...

This is the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friends;
I'm the one who started it not knowing what I'd done;
Then Doomey and T'mage posted and they'll continue just cuz;
This is the thread that never ends;
It goes on and on my friends;
I'm the one who started it not knowing what I'd done;
Then Doomey and T'mage posted and they'll continue just cuz;
This is the thread that never ends....


Wow it's Doomey and T'mage tennis. Anyone know the score? Anyone want to keep score? Say like number of Doomey and T'mage posts and who has possitive comments for a post. Nah too much work.


Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 7:16 am
by Zer0 Kay
Tyciol wrote:I call ball boy! If Kramer can do it so can I!


Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:10 am
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:Doom refutes your interpretation of that.

For what the seventh time?
Teleport does not affect anything inside the vehicle and the spell descriptions saying anywhere clearly shows that they can teleport someone or something anywhere including inside vehicles.

Refute all you want. It's plain english. The spell teleport would be directed at the target vehicle, and so could not teleport inside. Your only looking at one word to back your statements up. "Anywhere". This word still has to obey the laws of magic that apply to all spells except those that specifically state otherwise. And the word "anywhere" just isnt' enough of an exceptive statemnent to apply. Surely in over 20 books there would be some sort of example of someone teleporting inside of a vehicle? Or even teleporting somthing as benign as flowers into a vehicle? No there is not. Seems you have hung your argument on a single word this time Doom. Somthing you once accused me of doing! By the way the spell Teleport Superior in the BOM does not say "anywhere". Though admitadly that spell has some printing errors, at least in my book.

A mystic portal would work as the magic follows the rule. It works by affecting the robot from the outside, and is indeed directed at the robot itself. Swap Places, a type of teleportation spell, would not as it targets the person inside the vehicle. The spell 4-D transformation would also work as the caster is 4-D at the time and normal things have the same effect on him as air. There are ways to gain intrance to vehciles. Just not by teleportation.

I don't care about the's the final point that counts! :D

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:12 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:Refute all you want. It's plain english. The spell teleport would be directed at the target vehicle, and so could not teleport inside. Your only looking at one word to back your statements up. "Anywhere". This word still has to obey the laws of magic that apply to all spells except those that specifically state otherwise. And the word "anywhere" just isnt' enough of an exceptive statemnent to apply. Surely in over 20 books there would be some sort of example of someone teleporting inside of a vehicle? Or even teleporting somthing as benign as flowers into a vehicle? No there is not. Seems you have hung your argument on a single word this time Doom. Somthing you once accused me of doing! By the way the spell Teleport Superior in the BOM does not say "anywhere". Though admitadly that spell has some printing errors, at least in my book.

A mystic portal would work as the magic follows the rule. It works by affecting the robot from the outside, and is indeed directed at the robot itself. Swap Places, a type of teleportation spell, would not as it targets the person inside the vehicle. The spell 4-D transformation would also work as the caster is 4-D at the time and normal things have the same effect on him as air. There are ways to gain intrance to vehciles. Just not by teleportation.

I don't care about the's the final point that counts! :D

I don't see any examples of someone shooting an ATL-7 either but I know it can be done.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:38 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Writers Block wrote:I am still waiting on the simple explaination I asked for so long ago...what does the fact a vehicle is environmentally sealed have to do with blocking a magic that can move me miles across any terrain in an instant? What about environ sealing causes this protection?


Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:00 pm
by Dr. Doom III
As I've said before the only reason you can't cast a spell on someone inside a vehicle/bot from the outside is because of line of sight issues.
Teleport of course not being a spell affected by line of sight.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:01 pm
by Temporalmage
Writers Block wrote:I am still waiting on the simple explaination I asked for so long ago...what does the fact a vehicle is environmentally sealed have to do with blocking a magic that can move me miles across any terrain in an instant? What about environ sealing causes this protection?

I'm sorry...what kind of explanation are you looking for? There is no explanation given, just the rule. It's the same explanation as all rules of the game. The same reason we roll 3D6 for stats for humans. No explanation is given for the's just the rule and thus accepted. In this case the rule is plainly written, yet ignored. And those that ignore it call for an explanation of why. Once again I can't tell anyone why a robot or vehicle stops magic, including teleportation. Only that the rules say that it's so, and accept it as such. I've never said it made any logical sense.....just that it's a cannon rule.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:03 pm
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:As I've said before the only reason you can't cast a spell on someone inside a vehicle/bot from the outside is because of line of sight issues.
Teleport of course not being a spell affected by line of sight.

Your absolutly correct. Teleport is not a line of sight spell. And I've never claimed as such. But the ruling we are discussing does not mention line of sight spells either. It just says that spells directed from the outside can not effect the inside and vice versa. Line of sight is covered in another section of the rules, seperate from the robot/vehicle issue.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:04 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:I'm sorry...what kind of explanation are you looking for? There is no explanation given, just the rule. It's the same explanation as all rules of the game. The same reason we roll 3D6 for stats for humans. No explanation is given for the's just the rule and thus accepted. In this case the rule is plainly written, yet ignored. And those that ignore it call for an explanation of why. Once again I can't tell anyone why a robot or vehicle stops magic, including teleportation. Only that the rules say that it's so, and accept it as such. I've never said it made any logical sense.....just that it's a cannon rule.

Except it doesn't and isn't. :)

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:08 pm
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:Except it doesn't and isn't. :)

Is teleport a spell?

Does the rule stipulate that no spell from the outside can get into a vehicle?

Then why would teleport be an exception?

Sorry Doom, but your trying to place meaning where there is none.

Also there is a place that gives examples of an ATL-7 being's called "Understanding High Tech Weapons" starting on page 40 of the Game master guide. The rules and discusion in that section apply to ALL energy weapons, including the ATL-7. Just like it's counterpart in the BOM apply to ALL magic including teleportation. :D

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:19 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:Is teleport a spell?

Yep. Two spells actually.

Does the rule stipulate that no spell from the outside can get into a vehicle?

No. It says you can't cast a spell from the outside to affect the occupants on the inside and vice versa.

Then why would teleport be an exception?

Because it doesn't affect anyone on the inside and the descriptions allow you to teleport stuff to anywhere known by the caster.

Sorry Temporalmage, but your trying to place meaning where there is none.

Fixed that for you.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:36 pm
by The Galactus Kid
I totally disagree with the "different environment" argument. Thats lke saying you can't teleport from a rain forrest to a desert because it is a different environment. I think that if what the character is trying to do would ve detrimental to the enjoyment of the game, then simply don't allow it. If it will not screw up the campaign, then just let them try it, even if they teleport inside the vehicle, they still have to deal with the crew, who could tackle and restrain them, preventing them from teleporting away. Laser pisotl to the face. Roll up a new character I'll see you next week. oh yeah, and next time, dont do anything stupid.

There that was easy. Problem solved

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:32 pm
by Temporalmage
The Galactus Kid wrote:I totally disagree with the "different environment" argument. Thats lke saying you can't teleport from a rain forrest to a desert because it is a different environment. I think that if what the character is trying to do would ve detrimental to the enjoyment of the game, then simply don't allow it. If it will not screw up the campaign, then just let them try it, even if they teleport inside the vehicle, they still have to deal with the crew, who could tackle and restrain them, preventing them from teleporting away. Laser pisotl to the face. Roll up a new character I'll see you next week. oh yeah, and next time, dont do anything stupid.

There that was easy. Problem solved
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:45 pm
by Temporalmage
Writers Block wrote:I'm talking about some sort of game mages can't wear armor cuase it blocks their "tuning in" with the world....some reason in Rifts that environ seals block magic. Is magic made up of metachlorian style gaseous particles? What....

Sorry WB, I've been trying pretty hard to keep my own opinions out of this argument. I actually don't see any problem with teleporting into a vehicle from a game point of view. It's just that according to the written rules it can't be done.
Now for hypothetical reasons why one couldn't teleport into a vehicle? Or why magic itself can't pass through a MDC windsheild and affect the pilot? Well I'd have to wonder at the actual materials that made up the majority of robots and vehicles in Rifts. The Russions used to make a tank that had lead based foam that was sandwitched inbetween the bulkheads of the tank. This foam was to keep the crew from suffering from radiation sickness if the tank was operating near radiation fallout. Ironically enough it's the only "proven" vehicle to be radiation proof. (Dont' ask me how they proved it, I don't know the whens and where's.) Now lead blocks x-rays. So this tank for instance would be proof against x-ray vision wouldn't it? So perhaps the way robots are made, and vehicles too, actually compose some material, or mixture of materials that for some unknown reason blocks magical energy. I'd say this was probably some accidental discovery. Something that was very unitientinal at the invention stage. After all the Behemoth Explorer is a giant robot and proof against magic. Yet at the same time it's purely Pre-rifts equipment, when magic was unknown. I'd say that just being environmental isn't enough, as a rubber seal shouldn't stop magic. So it must be some aspect of the robot that helps make it radiation proof. After all sunlight is a type of radiation, and certain aspects of sunlight can pass through solid objects....yet can be blocked by very thin layers of specific materials. Magic may have that weakness too. Though what it is is never, and should never, be divulged to anyone. After all that would wreak great havoc in the game if someone could just wear long-johns made of this material and be totally magic proof!!
Just a hypothesis!

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:53 pm
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:
Temporalmage wrote:Is teleport a spell?

Yep. Two spells actually
Nice to know we can agree on somthing. Even if it was never in contention.

Does the rule stipulate that no spell from the outside can get into a vehicle?

No. It says you can't cast a spell from the outside to affect the occupants on the inside and vice versa.

Then why would teleport be an exception?

Because it doesn't affect anyone on the inside and the descriptions allow you to teleport stuff to anywhere known by the caster.

First off the "anywhere" still has to obey the full rules that apply too magic.
Secondly the book actually says that any spell cast from the outside can only affect the vehicle itself, and not the occupants. So your trying to worm your way around it by saying the inside of the vehicle is still the vehicle?? I expected better of you Doom. That's pretty lame. :nh: It's pretty obvious from the whole passage that a spell can't get into the vehicle.

Sorry Doom, but your trying to place meaning where there is none.

Fixed that for you.

Gee thanks :D

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:33 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:First off the "anywhere" still has to obey the full rules that apply too magic.

It does.

Secondly the book actually says that any spell cast from the outside can only affect the vehicle itself, and not the occupants. So your trying to worm your way around it by saying the inside of the vehicle is still the vehicle?? I expected better of you Doom. That's pretty lame. It's pretty obvious from the whole passage that a spell can't get into the vehicle.

Teleport doesn't affect either one so no worries there.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:39 pm
by Temporalmage
Dr. Doom III wrote:
Temporalmage wrote:First off the "anywhere" still has to obey the full rules that apply too magic.

It does.

Not if you allow anyone to teleport into a robot or vehicle.

Secondly the book actually says that any spell cast from the outside can only affect the vehicle itself, and not the occupants. So your trying to worm your way around it by saying the inside of the vehicle is still the vehicle?? I expected better of you Doom. That's pretty lame. It's pretty obvious from the whole passage that a spell can't get into the vehicle.

Teleport doesn't affect either one so no worries there.

Your right. Since a teleport couldn't get into a vehicle, there are no worries!

WB, play your game your way. It's your game after all! :ok:

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:37 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:WB, play your game your way. It's your game after all! :ok:

I do.
It's called the right way. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 12:19 am
by Killer Cyborg
I gotta agree with Doom on this one.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 4:42 am
by Zer0 Kay
Tyciol wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Tyciol wrote:I call ball boy! If Kramer can do it so can I!


Ball boys are the guys who run across the middle of the court during tennis matches to pick up balls. It was in reference to your tennis match comment. Joke.

:lol: ok now I get it. It's all reference.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:57 am
by The Galactus Kid
If the environmental protection is that big of a deal, and the GM can't bend in order for the players to have a good time, then there is a problem. Too much rules lawyering = sucky time. Anyway, why not just shoot the freaking MDC glass? "Uh oh. Hey joe...our super awesome magic proff environmental shielding was just ruined by a wilks laser pistol" enter three battle mages with battle fury swords andcuts the crew to ribbons. Also, most APC vehicles (the mark V for example) have gunports. If the crew is firing out, then it is not environmentally sealed. Good times.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 1:41 am
by PigLickJF
What this "tennis match" really comes down to is whether or not the destination of a teleport is a "target" which is affected by the magic of the spell. To be honest, the wording of the spell descriptions are arbitrary/unclear enough that there's no definitive answer. Logic isn't worth a whole lot in the debate either, since it's a discussion about magic which, by it's very definition, doesn't necessarily follow logic; good arguments can be made either way.

On one hand, I can see how it's hard to accept that the destination point is not being affected by magic. The teleported object is, after all, being moved to that point by magic.

On the other hand, magic makes no sense, and I personally don't find it hard to rule that the destination point itself is not in any way affected by magic- all the magic is used at the "front end" by the caster, and the the teleported object just poofs into existence at the definition- the magic is instanatneous at the origin of teleportation.

So basically, like so many other things, it really does come down to opinion. Even the most broad set of rules cannot cover every situation- there are plenty of things for which there simply is no "canon" rule, and I feel that this is one of them.

Personally, I lie on the "Doom" side of the argument- it is possible to teleport into a vehicle, environmentally sealed or no. Of course, I would also house-rule that all magic can bypass such things, so long as all the other conditions of casting, especially LoS, are met.


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:33 am
by grandmaster z0b
Just to add fuel to the fire, what about Mystic Portal? If cast on the side of an environmentally sealed fortification? It says that it can pass through any wall, and for that matter what about the "wall" of a Robot or APC?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 7:50 am
by Temporalmage
Doom, your so hung up on the spell discription of Teleport. You argue that because the spell says it can teleport the mage anyplace that this must be true. But a vehicle isn't a place. It's an object that is in a place. The only way to teleport into an object that is in a place is to merge with it and die instantly. So go ahead and teleport at will. Find me a referance that says you can teleport into an object and I just may buy it.

By the way once an object has become large enough, it can classify as a place. Such as space stations and man made moons. A behemoth explorer is quite large, but would never qualify as a place.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:58 am
by The Galactus Kid
Doom, your so hung up on the spell discription of Teleport. You argue that because the spell says it can teleport the mage anyplace that this must be true. But a vehicle isn't a place. It's an object that is in a place. The only way to teleport into an object that is in a place is to merge with it and die instantly. So go ahead and teleport at will. Find me a referance that says you can teleport into an object and I just may buy it.

By the way once an object has become large enough, it can classify as a place. Such as space stations and man made moons. A behemoth explorer is quite large, but would never qualify as a place.

Did he just say that the inside of a vehicle isn't a place? :?

z0b Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:33 am Post subject:


Just to add fuel to the fire, what about Mystic Portal? If cast on the side of an environmentally sealed fortification? It says that it can pass through any wall, and for that matter what about the "wall" of a Robot or APC?

:lol: I agree

By the way, I'm on the Doom side of the argument as well. I say just have fun, and don't get tied up so much in semantics. If you guys don't play nice, then my Hundred Handed Cosmo Knight, true Samurai is gonna drop the hammer and dispence indiscriminate justice. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:11 am
by Dr. Doom III
Temporalmage wrote:Doom, your so hung up on the spell discription of Teleport. You argue that because the spell says it can teleport the mage anyplace that this must be true. But a vehicle isn't a place. It's an object that is in a place. The only way to teleport into an object that is in a place is to merge with it and die instantly. So go ahead and teleport at will. Find me a referance that says you can teleport into an object and I just may buy it.

By the way once an object has become large enough, it can classify as a place. Such as space stations and man made moons. A behemoth explorer is quite large, but would never qualify as a place.

Doom would answer this if it made any sense at all. :-?

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:03 pm
by The Galactus Kid
...and then TemporalMage gets into his car and dies because he is suddenly INSIDE and oblect and not actually at a place or location. Alas TemporalMage. He will be missed. A moment of silence please, gentlemen. :(

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 4:48 pm
by Temporalmage
The Galactus Kid wrote:...and then TemporalMage gets into his car and dies because he is suddenly INSIDE and oblect and not actually at a place or location. Alas TemporalMage. He will be missed. A moment of silence please, gentlemen. :(

Please send flowers. :rose: :lol:

Sorry bout that one. A post made in the wee hours when the mind was still asleep.
The point I was attempting to make is Dooms hang up on the wording of the spell teleport: superior. The spell discription uses words like, destination, location, place. These can be interpreted as the inside of a vehicle. But they can also be interpreted as locations in the world. Such as a specific non-moving building, town, city, etc. Not a vehicle who's location changes periodically. If a mage wished to teleport into his behemoth explorer, and someone had robot-snatched it and took it 20 miles away....would the mage arrive at that location? According to your interpretation?
Unfortunatly there are too many variables and unknowns in the world of Rifts, and this game system to make such a judgment call. Thus the only reliance any player has is to obey the rules as they were written. And in this case, like it or not, accept it or not, the rules state that you could not teleport into a robot or vehicle. Twist the words around all you want, but each spell must abide by those rules, unless they specifically state they don't. Teleport does not state that one can teleport into a vehicle.

Someone brought up Mystic Portal. Mystic Portal states that it makes a door way in MDC materials. Thus it would be able to bypass the aformentioned rules, because it makes a door into the vehicle for the person to walk through. As the rules state, "any spell cast inside will only affect the occupants and the internal systems of the vehicle", so it could affect the inside and make a doorway to the outside. Also the inverse: "any spell directed at vehicles ouside, only affect the robot itself and can not affect the occupants inside". The spell would be casts on the outside and make a doorway to the inside. Thus the spell Mystic portal would obey the written rule exaclty as written. Teleport does not obey that rule, and so could not work. It's that simple.
There are way's to get in by using magic, just not by teleportation.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:59 pm
by PigLickJF
Temporalmage wrote:Teleport does not obey that rule, and so could not work. It's that simple.

Except it's not that simple because, as I mentioned above, there's no definitive answer as to whether or not the destination of the spell is to be considered as a target of the spell. If it is, then you're correct and you can not teleport in/out. If it isn't, then you're incorrect and you can teleport in/out. Since we're not given enough information in any of the books to answer definitively which of these two cases holds true, it comes down to a GM ruling, and ther is no "true" canon rule.


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:31 pm
by Svartalf
Temporalmage wrote:By the way once an object has become large enough, it can classify as a place. Such as space stations and man made moons. A behemoth explorer is quite large, but would never qualify as a place.

Is that why you can't teleport out of a bot or vehicle? because you need to be someplace to start from and that inside a vehicle is no place?

Temporalmage wrote:The point I was attempting to make is Dooms hang up on the wording of the spell teleport: superior.

Because you're not hanging on the wording of the armored shell rule?
Not only are you doing that but, like some others, you're giving that rule a blanket effect it was never intended to have, and apply it ad absurdum even in cases where it's use does not make sense, is contradicted by the assumptions in the text, and gets just boiled down to "it's so because it says so here", rather than "it's so because not only doest it say it does, but it's logical".

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:13 am
by Temporalmage
Basilisk wrote:To add more evidence (hopefully fresh) to the argument for teleportation being able to penetrate an environmental seal I submit the following example:

The eighth level invocation spell Locate does not specifically mention that it penetrates an environmental seal. Therefore, a hardliner of the 'environmental seal=100% barrier' camp would thus conclude that by simply squatting inside of a sealed vehicle, 'bot, or building one would be completely unlocatable with this spell. The Locate spell, however, lists a series of examples for the 'general location' that an object can be pinpointed to:

'the location is limited to a specific apartment building, aircraft, house, shopping mall, church . . .'

Aircraft, of course, have to be environmentally sealed. Otherwise the passengers and pilot would suffer the joys of a sudden lack of atmospheric pressure shortly after they left the ground.

It's circumstantial evidence to be sure, but it seems to me that both teleportation spells and the Locate spell, by their very nature, follow similar restrictions. The caster of both spells is well away from either the destination of the teleport or the object being sought. Neither spell is affected by physical barriers between the caster and the location/object, only by distance and/or familiarity.

It's up to the individual GM whether to allow teleportation into a sealed vehicle, of course. The logic implied both by the words 'any location' in the teleportation spells' descriptions and the off-hand mention of an environmentally sealed vehicle as a 'location' in the Locate spell description indicates to me that an environmental seal is no barrier to teleportation as well as the Locate spell.

Any chance this word-parsing will increase my chances of finding a mate within the herd? :-D

The spell locate seems to have been taken directly Beyond the Supernatural. An SDC only game by Palladium. Now I personally would like to believe that the elders at Palladium would proof read thier work, and not cut and paste, this is another example that they don't. Also according to Source Book 1 page 10, a locate spell would not work to find anyone inside a robot or vehicle, just like a psi-stalker couldn't sense a mage inside a robot. This has been covered before.