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Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:56 am
by Crucible
I have said many times that this is why I could not stand the Splugorth or the just reminds me too much of writer's block.

Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 5:16 am
by TechnoGothic
Crucible wrote:I have said many times that this is why I could not stand the Splugorth or the just reminds me too much of writer's block.

More like a Forced revisioning using things from the older books only.
Atlantians, Khunku Dragons, Psionics, get it.
Nothing new was really added PC wise for me. Druids kinda boring, Star/Earth Child weak...

Temporal Raiders and Warriors were Interesting and new.
Kev, could have made Arthur a Temporal Warrior, which would have been interesting a fresh.

Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:14 pm
by Crucible
TechnoGothic wrote:
Crucible wrote:I have said many times that this is why I could not stand the Splugorth or the just reminds me too much of writer's block.

More like a Forced revisioning using things from the older books only.
Atlantians, Khunku Dragons, Psionics, get it.
Nothing new was really added PC wise for me. Druids kinda boring, Star/Earth Child weak...

Temporal Raiders and Warriors were Interesting and new.
Kev, could have made Arthur a Temporal Warrior, which would have been interesting a fresh.
Anything is better than opening up a fresh new book and getting that new book smell only to see AI behind the whole thing...

Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Lenwen wrote:What powers did the Excaliber have exactly anyways according to its myths an legends ?

-can only be drawn from the stone by the true king (this might of been the sword Caliburn, found in other sources, with excaliber being given to aurther by the lady of the lake after caliburn is broken)
-a blinding light of thirty touches when 1st drawn
-(the scaberd) the holder would not be killed from loss of blood (later stolen and lost by Morgon le Fay in a lake)

--the wielder could not be harmed
-name meaning "cut-steel", or "steel cutter"

Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:32 am
by Crucible
Iron Manticore wrote:Sort of off-topic, but its where this convo seems to be going...

I have always like England, not sure where all the hate comes from. It is a kingdom of heroes with a dark heart at its core. There aren't a lot of these in Rifts at all. Every kingdom pretty much advertises GOOD or BAD, but New Camelot is fresh and shiny and new, but once you learn the awful truth is rotten to the core. And it's one of the Four Great Dangers (ala Sourcebook Two). And there's a small kingdom of Goblins. How kewl is that? Camelot is an importer of Triax goods as well. And there's a Splugorth outpost. And, the Gathering of Heroes in Africa to stop the Four Horseman, had many a knight from Camelot in it. It's also the book that gave us Temporal Magic. Please do enlighten me? You can PM me if you don't want to gunk up the board.

I liked the Temporal Mages and raiders, but the AI plotline is just plain annoying. I've explained it too many times already...AI=writer's block to me.

Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:14 pm
by Nightmaster
Crucible wrote:I liked the Temporal Mages and raiders, but the AI plotline is just plain annoying. I've explained it too many times already...AI=writer's block to me.

Then you are in a lot of trouble with the Paradigm of the Palladium Megaverse. AIs are at the center of almost all the metaplots in the books in a way or another.

In the same way that you cannot easily remove Splyncrth and the Splugorth from Atlantis without rewriting several major factions on North America alone you cannot remove AIs from the rest of the books without needing of rewrite those books.

Deal with it the same way I do. Accept then but "tweak" some details so that in a way they become more easy to swallow.

Its like a bad tasting medicine, you cannot live without it so you need to stood there and face it. The other option is too much of a trouble to be wort it.

Re: Where is Excalibur?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:34 pm
by Crucible
Nightmaster wrote:
Crucible wrote:I liked the Temporal Mages and raiders, but the AI plotline is just plain annoying. I've explained it too many times already...AI=writer's block to me.

Then you are in a lot of trouble with the Paradigm of the Palladium Megaverse. AIs are at the center of almost all the metaplots in the books in a way or another.

In the same way that you cannot easily remove Splyncrth and the Splugorth from Atlantis without rewriting several major factions on North America alone you cannot remove AIs from the rest of the books without needing of rewrite those books.

Deal with it the same way I do. Accept then but "tweak" some details so that in a way they become more easy to swallow.

Its like a bad tasting medicine, you cannot live without it so you need to stood there and face it. The other option is too much of a trouble to be wort it.

Oh believe me I do. Tweaks here and there, ignoring a whole country or continent, and a mix of not worrying about it.