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Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:09 pm
by Aramanthus
I think your creations are outstanding. I hope that someday you will post more of them.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:01 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Aramanthus wrote:I think your creations are outstanding. I hope that someday you will post more of them.

I do not have any plans right now to continue with this group. I am not in a position right now to do so, and I don't have ready access to my books to do so even if I wanted to. Glad you like them, though.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:39 pm
by Aramanthus
You are very welcome. Again thank you for sharing your ideas with us here on the board.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:59 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I started doing more clockwork gods for my Kronos, God of Time thread and may eventually do more deities hare as well.

I wrote up some Prototypical Deific Powers and had nowhere else to post them, so I will post them here.

The first one is an alternative to Deific Curse: Godblind. After writing it, I thought why not just blind someone other ways, but whatever.

Deific Curse: Blindness
Range: Sight
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 450 P.P.E., plus Token Body Investment
Saving Throw: Natural Twenty Only!

The god can strike any chosen individual blind. This causes one of two things to happen, either the individual is bombarded with so much light in their eyes that they can no longer differentiate shapes, or their eyes will be deprived of seeing any light. In either case, reading and other tasks made possible by sight become impossible.
Penalties: No initiative, -10 to all combat rolls, skills requiring sight become impossible, attacks per melee reduced to half, Spd reduced to half.
The victim of the curse remains blind until the god or one of his high priests removes it. Some great deed(s) will have to be performed or years of penance suffered before most gods will consider restoring the character's vision. Some good or compassionate gods may eventually decide the character has suffered enough at some point or has learned his lesson and restore his sight, but evil and vindictive gods may never consider removing the curse for any reason.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:20 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Prototypical Deific Powers

Control Light: Local
Range: Sight
Duration: One Hour or cancelled any time sooner, as the god wishes
Cost: 200 P.P.E., no body investment is necessary

Taking control of available light over a geographic region (about 200 miles in diameter), the god can choose any one of the following effects. It will appear to those in the region that the sky darkens or brightens.
1. Intense Glare: The sky becomes so bright that those in the area are effectively blinded, with only a hint of vision remaining. Penalties: No initiative, reduce all combat bonuses and skill performance requiring sight by half, and attacks per melee by one. If characters try to move faster than half normal Spd, they will constantly stumble, fall and hurt themselves.
2. Mild Glare: The sky becomes brighter so that those in the area must squint to see. Penalties: -2 initiative, -4 to combat rolls, -20% to skill performance.
3. Daylight: Regardless of the time of day, Helios can create light as if it were the middle of the day. Penalties: None.
4. Slight Darkness: The sky darkens to that of a night sky. Penalties: Those without nightvision suffer -2 to initiative, -4 to combat rolls, -20% to skill performance. Note: Magic, flame and/or artificial lighting may be used to create light to offset penalties.
5. Pitch Darkness: The sky becomes pitch black and all in the area become effectively blind. Penalties: Those with nightvision suffer -2 to initiative, -4 to combat rolls, -20% to skill performance. Those without nightvision suffer loss of all initiative, -10 to all combat rolls, skills requiring sight become impossible, attacks per melee reduced to half, and if characters try to move faster than half Spd, they will constantly stumble, fall and hurt themselves. Note: Magic, flame and/or artificial lighting my be used to create light to offset penalties.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:26 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Prototypical Deific Powers

Stop Time
Range: Infinite
Duration: Special
Cost: 1,500 P.P.E., plus Severe Body Investment

The deity can completely stop time for his M.E. number of minutes, plus one minute per magical O.C.C. level. This allows him to move in relation to objects and people, but everything is locked in place. He cannot move objects other than things attached to his person when the power is in use, nor attack people or things frozen in time.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:14 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Since I am writing up mechanically oriented deities in the Kronos, God of Time thread, I am also needing deific powers to suit them.

Mechanical Deific Powers

Greater Metamorphosis: Robotic
Range: Sight
Duration: Until Dispelled
Saving Throw: 16 or higher if this magic is unwanted
Cost: 900 P.P.E., no token body investment necessary

Usually used on a follower (although the god could self-impose it), this changes one into the form of an automatic automaton. In addition to changing shape, size and appearance, the affected character gains superhuman P.S. and A.R. of the robotic form. The transformed character retains his own I.Q. and skills, but Hit Points are added to S.D.C. and he gets an S.D.C. bonus of 1d4X100 points. Any special weapons and abilities of the robot are added when the character is changed (use Robot Construction Rules in the Heroes Unlimited Second Edition core rulebook Robotics section), and the power source will determine how well the person remains active, as fuel sources must be maintained in order for the person to remain active and mobile. They do not age in robot form, however. This does not "wear off", and only the god may reverse the metamorphosis.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 2:31 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Mechanical Deific Powers

Create Mechanical Minion
Range: Touch by the god
Duration: Permanent
Cost: 1000 P.P.E., plus Token Body Investment

By touching metal, the god can create a minion of metal and steam. This is a wholly separate, intelligent being/automaton which is innately devoted to its creator god. The appearance and nature of the minion can be anything the god wishes, and it will have all the ailities of a robot (create as robot in the Heroes Unlimited Second Edition core rulebook Robotics category).

Control Machines: Local
Range: Sight
Duration: One Hour or cancelled any time sooner, as the god wishes
Cost: 400 P.P.E., no body investment is necessary

This puts the god in charge of all machines in a modest geographic region (40 miles in diameter) to manipulate as he sees fit. He can cause them to turn on or off, move any mechanical armature, cause them to steer in a chosen direction (if mobile), shoot any weapons, or perform any task the machines are built to perform. This allows him to use construction equipment for building without any other manual control. Can operate all machines simultaneously with but a thought. This also includes control of machines used to build other machines.

Deific Curse: Power Outage
Range: Sight
Duration: One Day
Cost: 40 P.P.E., no body investment is necessary

This is a curse laid upon all machines in a modest geographic area (about 40 miles in diameter), causing all power to machines, whether electrical, steam, etc., to fail. Machines will not start or work properly, continuing to malfunction for the duration of the curse. Whatever task set to the machine will be interrupted and will be unable to be performed until the end of the curse or at such time as the deity chooses to lift it, which he may choose to do at any time.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:04 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Since I am writing up mechanically oriented deities in the Kronos, God of Time thread, I am also needing deific powers to suit them.

Mechanical Deific Powers

Greater Metamorphosis: Robotic
Range: Sight
Duration: Until Dispelled
Saving Throw: 16 or higher if this magic is unwanted
Cost: 900 P.P.E., no token body investment necessary

Usually used on a follower (although the god could self-impose it), this changes one into the form of an automatic automaton. In addition to changing shape, size and appearance, the affected character gains superhuman P.S. and A.R. of the robotic form. The transformed character retains his own I.Q. and skills, but Hit Points are added to S.D.C. and he gets an S.D.C. bonus of 1d4X100 points. Any special weapons and abilities of the robot are added when the character is changed (use Robot Construction Rules in the Heroes Unlimited Second Edition core rulebook Robotics section), and the power source will determine how well the person remains active, as fuel sources must be maintained in order for the person to remain active and mobile. They do not age in robot form, however. This does not "wear off", and only the god may reverse the metamorphosis.

After pondering this one a while, I realized it might make sense to have additional P.P.E. costs for the parts of the robot added, essentially building it with spells, so it may have to be rewritten at some point.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:50 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Since I am writing up mechanically oriented deities in the Kronos, God of Time thread, I am also needing deific powers to suit them.

Mechanical Deific Powers

Greater Metamorphosis: Robotic
Range: Sight
Duration: Until Dispelled
Saving Throw: 16 or higher if this magic is unwanted
Cost: 900 P.P.E., no token body investment necessary

Usually used on a follower (although the god could self-impose it), this changes one into the form of an automatic automaton. In addition to changing shape, size and appearance, the affected character gains superhuman P.S. and A.R. of the robotic form. The transformed character retains his own I.Q. and skills, but Hit Points are added to S.D.C. and he gets an S.D.C. bonus of 1d4X100 points. Any special weapons and abilities of the robot are added when the character is changed (use Robot Construction Rules in the Heroes Unlimited Second Edition core rulebook Robotics section), and the power source will determine how well the person remains active, as fuel sources must be maintained in order for the person to remain active and mobile. They do not age in robot form, however. This does not "wear off", and only the god may reverse the metamorphosis.

After pondering this one a while, I realized it might make sense to have additional P.P.E. costs for the parts of the robot added, essentially building it with spells, so it may have to be rewritten at some point.

I would raise the PPE cost to upwards of about 1000-1500 PPE myself and the body investment would be a Token Investment, minimum. However, if the god in question decides to self impose this power to turn himself into a machine, I'd put the body investment up a few notches to a Consumed Investment to represent the god essentially 'burning off' his old body to replace it with a machine. other than that, fine work. Well done, Stoney.

Re: Ye Gods

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Since I am writing up mechanically oriented deities in the Kronos, God of Time thread, I am also needing deific powers to suit them.

Mechanical Deific Powers

Greater Metamorphosis: Robotic
Range: Sight
Duration: Until Dispelled
Saving Throw: 16 or higher if this magic is unwanted
Cost: 900 P.P.E., no token body investment necessary

Usually used on a follower (although the god could self-impose it), this changes one into the form of an automatic automaton. In addition to changing shape, size and appearance, the affected character gains superhuman P.S. and A.R. of the robotic form. The transformed character retains his own I.Q. and skills, but Hit Points are added to S.D.C. and he gets an S.D.C. bonus of 1d4X100 points. Any special weapons and abilities of the robot are added when the character is changed (use Robot Construction Rules in the Heroes Unlimited Second Edition core rulebook Robotics section), and the power source will determine how well the person remains active, as fuel sources must be maintained in order for the person to remain active and mobile. They do not age in robot form, however. This does not "wear off", and only the god may reverse the metamorphosis.

After pondering this one a while, I realized it might make sense to have additional P.P.E. costs for the parts of the robot added, essentially building it with spells, so it may have to be rewritten at some point.

I would raise the PPE cost to upwards of about 1000-1500 PPE myself and the body investment would be a Token Investment, minimum. However, if the god in question decides to self impose this power to turn himself into a machine, I'd put the body investment up a few notches to a Consumed Investment to represent the god essentially 'burning off' his old body to replace it with a machine. other than that, fine work. Well done, Stoney.

Thanks. I did come up with an alternative to this as well, called Transmutation: Machine, but it needs work as well.