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Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:48 am
by Magus
1) Adhesion
2) Multiple Limbs (arms)
3) Flight: Winged
4) Color Manipulation
5) Stench

The character has the ability to manipulate micro-organisms. Getting large groups of them to change color or emit a smell is simple. Getting them to become sticky and as strong as titanium is harder, but he can do it if he is close enough. The extra arms and the wings are the result of long-term (like multiple years) bio-sculpt manipulation of the characters own cells. This also leaves room for additional powers as the character masters his ability further and perhaps performs more bio-sculpting.

Without color manipulation, all you would need is bio-sculpting as the overall ability, sculpting your hands into insect like feet and doing... modifications to increase the smell.

How about this one:
Plant Control
Slow Motion Control
EE: Fire

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:09 am
by Shadowfyr
Magus wrote:
How about this one:
Plant Control
Slow Motion Control
EE: Fire

hmm interesting fire and plant together. lets see if i can put this together.

With the ability to distort atoms and molecules around you to slow the motion of things around you, you learned how to accelerate those atoms in organic seeds to enhance the growing speed of plants, but through this mastery of modifying and distorting the molecules and atoms you can accelerate them so fast heating them up to a temperature so high that allows you to shoot fire bolts at people.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:33 am
by Gomen_Nagai
khyron1144 wrote:I usually don't.

My brother created a PC for my game that was from the Imbued category and he had five minor powers, so he chose:

1) Adhesion
2) Multiple Limbs (arms)
3) Flight: Winged
4) Color Manipulation
5) Stench

They don't make all that much sense together, but they are an interesting combination.

was the pc named " Stink bug"...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:49 pm
by Sir_Spirit
Hmm, try:
Empowered(turns into demigod as compensation):
Healing Factor

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:07 pm
by znbrtn
his transformation gives him greatly increased control over the molecules of his body. this gives him increased agility, the ability to absorb and convert nearby molecules into himself(healing factor and growth), and, oddly enough, the ability to unravel himself into a single string of atoms(can be small enough that it can punch through anything without damaging himself or the object, or it can be large enough to do a decent amount of damage) that can be directed to any area of his choosing(within range). if not for the fact that this literally unravels his brain, he could control it in mid-flight(teleport and ee:energy, but linked together). :D

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 3:32 pm
by Sir_Spirit
znbrtn wrote:his transformation gives him greatly increased control over the molecules of his body. this gives him increased agility, the ability to absorb and convert nearby molecules into himself(healing factor and growth), and, oddly enough, the ability to unravel himself into a single string of atoms(can be small enough that it can punch through anything without damaging himself or the object, or it can be large enough to do a decent amount of damage) that can be directed to any area of his choosing(within range). if not for the fact that this literally unravels his brain, he could control it in mid-flight(teleport and ee:energy, but linked together). :D

ACtually, Ever seen the Power Rangers?
Now try
(minor psychic power)Clairvoyance
Superhuman Strength
Power Binding

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:02 pm
by khyron1144
Gomen_Nagai wrote:
was the pc named " Stink bug"...

Actually, after he read the imbued section for himself, he decided that his imbuing agent should be radioactive and he called his character Fallout Man.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:34 pm
by Shadowfyr
we cant let this topic die its quite funny to see how some people can come up with strange reasonings to how powers that dont seem to go together can actually fit together.