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Chaos War Ruins

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:34 am
by MrMom
How come we dont see more ruins from the Time of Chaos? Surely there would have been some magics which didnt destroy but kept things frozen in time.

Re: Chaos War Ruins

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:03 am
by Library Ogre
My speculation:

1) Decay. Not everything was preserved by magic, so a lot just fell down. Even things that WERE preserved by magic might have had those magics fail or been more actively destroyed.

2) Plunder. Things from the Age of Chaos would be valuable, both to scholars and to adventurers. A large number of sites may have simply been looted to death.

3) Millennium of Purification. Most things that would be surviving from the Chaos Wars would be associated, rightly or wrongly, with the Old Ones. That's not going to be something they keep around.

If you're going to find much about the Chaos wars, aside from the Land of the Damned, you're probably going to have to look at the Yin-Sloth, maybe some off-shore islands and the Northern Wilderness. Keep in mind we're talking about a hundred thousand years... in only a few thousand, there's not going to be any standing stone structures.

Re: Chaos War Ruins

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:59 am
by azazel1024
100,000+ years is an incredibly long time. I wouldn't say there would no standing structures, but your only going to find a very few, such as large pyramids that might not have weathered completely away. There are a few ruins from the age of chaos left, Yin Sloth makes mention of the pyramid of Kirgi (adventure) which I believe is from then. Probably a few others, but you aren't likely to recognize something as coming from then or else it might be completely buried. Heck look at modern cities, they are built over the ruins of ancient ones. After 100,000 years there are probably at least a few cities that are buried dozens or hundreds of feet under newer cities. A lot of other stuff has weathered away, been destroyed or reused. Look at the collaseum, a lot of the damage done to it was people using stone from the building to build their own homes, churchs, etc of the centuries.

Re: Chaos War Ruins

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:15 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Most of the remaining ruins from the time of chaos would be in the "The Land of the Damned"

Re: Chaos War Ruins

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:40 am
by Northern Ranger
After that long, a lot the magics protecting those things would have simply ended. Most, not all granted, but most magic has a time limit.