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Re: Systema

Unread post by Mantisking »

I think you'd be better off with a cross between Aikido and Ch'in Na.
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Re: Systema

Unread post by NMI »

Or you could use this:
By BocephusKhan
Entrance Requirements:
Skill Cost: 10 Years (Primary),5 Years (Secondary)
Systema is a martial art native to Russia. It originated in the eastern part of the country to fend of the Invaders from the east. During the communist revolution the practice of this martial art was suppressed and replaced with Sambo. Sambo is a newer martial art based on Russian folk wrestling, Jujitsu, and Goju Karate. Systema during communist rule was only practiced by the elite spetznaz (special forces) teams. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Vasiliev brought this martial art to the west with him. His school in Toronto is the main Systema school in the world. Dedicated Systema practitioners fast (no food or Water) for 24 hours once a week and douse them selves twice daily (dump a bucket of ice cold water over themselves outside in any weather).

Costume: Military Style pants and t shirt
Stance: Conversational stance--Systema discourages formal stance work and prefers a more fluid and less rigid way of moving
Character Bonuses
Add +3 to save v.s. pain
+5 roll with punch/fall
+1 P.S., P.E., M.E.
+ 3D6 S.D.C.
Combat Skills
Attacks per Melee: 1
Escape Moves: break fall, roll, somersault, roll with punch/fall
Attack Moves: holds, locks, tackle, take-down
Basic Defense Moves: automatic parry, dodge
Advanced Defense Moves: Disarm, automatic body flip/throw
Hand Attacks: punch, power punch, backhand, elbow, body flip
Foot Attacks: kick, knee
Jumping Foot Attacks: none. Systema discourages jumping except as an escape
Special Attacks: Systema Slap!! does 1D4-1 points of damage(no P.S. bonuses added and yes can do zero points of damage) defender must roll save v.s. pain(using the P.S. bonus as a negative modifier for the defender) or defender loses next attack cannot be rolled with, characters may only parry this attack with a weapon or forearm guards of some type.
Holds/Locks: arm hold, neck hold, arm lock, wrist lock
Weapon Kata: knife
Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike 20, Critical Strike From Behind +3, Knock-Out/Stun +1 , Knockout/Stun from Behind +3
Skills Included in Training
Martial Art Powers: Select one of the following: Dam Sum Sing, Vital Strike Atemi, Kangeiko
Languages: Russian
Cultural: Russian Folk Medicine(equal to Medical: First Aid )
Physical: None
Survival: None
Temple: Fasting
Weapon Proficiencies: None
Philosophical Training: Systema is a very fluid style which believes in taking the natural tendencies(defensive and offensive) and turning them into the individuals fighting style. Systema is ruled by three maxims breath, maintain form, and relax. Systema does not teach techniques instead the student is presented with a situation and they are to explore the various solutions to the problem while adhering to the three maxims.

If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time:
Moo Gi Gong, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Hwarang-do may be learned in half the normal time
Level Advancement Bonuses
1st: (+5 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 parry) or +1 attack
2nd: (+3 disarm or +1 to strike)
3rd: (+1 attack per melee or +5 to roll with punch/fall/impact)
4th: +2 to strike or +2 to damage or +3 roll with fall/punch/impact
5th: tripping leg hook or backward sweep or +1 strike
6th: +1 attack per melee or +4 save v.s. pain, poison, mind control or +1 to strike
7th: critical strike on 18+ or automatic dodge
8th: special: may use Systema slap as a parry
9th: +1 attack per melee or deathblow
10th: +3 strike or +3 roll with punch/fall/impact
11th: +2 strike, disarm, body flip/throw
12th: +1 attack per melee
13th: may use ordinary objects as Moo Go Gong (1D6 damage with non-weapon objects) or Critical Strike 17+
14th: Select any martial art power or deathblow
15th: +1 attack per melee or deathblow
Why Study Systema?
Learn the secret fighting art of the Russian Special Forces. Instead of molding yourself to fit a style of martial art, mold the martial art to fit your style. Study a martial art most people have never heard of.
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