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Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:21 pm
by Tiree
This is a basic poll for the new books. Basic set of Manga, Normal, Compilation, and other (explain)

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:25 pm
by Tiree
I'm of the opinion to keep it Manga but put out a small print run. Get the typos and mistakes cleared out. Then come back with a huge compilation of all three eras minus TSC material.

Leaving 4 Manga books and 2 Normal sized ones. Drop the Manga and they eventually will become collectors items (or send them to soldiers in need)

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:32 am
by Lt Gargoyle
I would by the Magna just to keep the collection the same. However i prefer the standard size and rather all further books after the new gen, be this way. I would love to get my hands on a compilation of the 3 core books. I would buy 3 of these.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:39 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
I Want Full sized books, a compleletaion of all 3 eras should have been the base book, wiht Era sourcebooks giving more detaisl for the eras... but instead we got New Generation as a Main book, wiht some Haydonites tossed in.... but no Icarus/Shimikaza, no Ark-angel, no Super-alpha and Super Beta... Just Prelude mecha, and New Generation with a few haydonites...
they should just Re-do the entire line, make the manga books the revised edition, and do a proper full sized new edition, wiht internal balance.. so guns that are the same size, dont do different Damage in 2 books.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:56 pm
by rtsurfer ... ber-1-2011
NO more manga size. We’ve decided to stop doing manga-sized Robotech® books. Starting with the Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook, all future Robotech® supplements will be our usual 8½ x 11 size and format. If and when we sell out of the existing manga-sized books, we will reprint them in the larger, standard format. The manga size was a noble experiment, but the overwhelming majority of gamers (75%) have pleaded for our return to the standard size. Well, we’ve heard your pleas and that’s what we’re doing. Let the rejoicing begin. ;)

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:08 pm
by Arnie100
WildWalker wrote:
rtsurfer wrote:
NO more manga size. We’ve decided to stop doing manga-sized Robotech® books. Starting with the Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook, all future Robotech® supplements will be our usual 8½ x 11 size and format. If and when we sell out of the existing manga-sized books, we will reprint them in the larger, standard format. The manga size was a noble experiment, but the overwhelming majority of gamers (75%) have pleaded for our return to the standard size. Well, we’ve heard your pleas and that’s what we’re doing. Let the rejoicing begin. ;)



What, you like the manga-size books??

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:47 pm
by Tiree
Arnie100 wrote:
WildWalker wrote:
rtsurfer wrote:
NO more manga size. We’ve decided to stop doing manga-sized Robotech® books. Starting with the Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook, all future Robotech® supplements will be our usual 8½ x 11 size and format. If and when we sell out of the existing manga-sized books, we will reprint them in the larger, standard format. The manga size was a noble experiment, but the overwhelming majority of gamers (75%) have pleaded for our return to the standard size. Well, we’ve heard your pleas and that’s what we’re doing. Let the rejoicing begin. ;)



What, you like the manga-size books??

Actually - Yes. They were easy to bring places. They were easy to put in your pocket. You can travel with them instead of having to put them in a backpack or computer sack, it can fit in a Jacket or Back Pocket (I have been known to put them in my Levi Jeans pocket).

As for the content, it was good and they did eventually reprint it. What sucks is that now the last 'Era' book will not be printed in Manga format. Thus not having a complete collection of the different Era's. Macross, Masters, New Gen, and TSC.

Would I like a compilation book - yes. I think it would be better than having individual larger format books that are thinner. A Compilation could be hard bound, but most of all - all you have to do is bring two books to the table. TSC and the Compilation.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:54 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Dewitt667 wrote:And you can read it in public without getting an are-you-crazy look or harassed for being a gamer.

I agree, they should finish out the era books in manga format so you collection does not look incomplete.

When they give you those strange looks, contort your facial expression before saying something on the lines of; what your not one of the elite gamers? then walk away. :eek:

I would not mind if they made the set complete i would buy both. but i prefer the full size books.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:40 am
by drewkitty ~..~
the sept 1st weekly update
NO more manga size. We’ve decided to stop doing manga-sized Robotech® books. Starting with the Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook, all future Robotech® supplements will be our usual 8½ x 11 size and format. If and when we sell out of the existing manga-sized books, we will reprint them in the larger, standard format. The manga size was a noble experiment, but the overwhelming majority of gamers (75%) have pleaded for our return to the standard size. Well, we’ve heard your pleas and that’s what we’re doing. Let the rejoicing begin. ;)

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:24 am
by Tiree
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:the sept 1st weekly update
NO more manga size. We’ve decided to stop doing manga-sized Robotech® books. Starting with the Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook, all future Robotech® supplements will be our usual 8½ x 11 size and format. If and when we sell out of the existing manga-sized books, we will reprint them in the larger, standard format. The manga size was a noble experiment, but the overwhelming majority of gamers (75%) have pleaded for our return to the standard size. Well, we’ve heard your pleas and that’s what we’re doing. Let the rejoicing begin. ;)

Yeah rtsurfer had already posted it.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:30 pm
by Kagashi
Manga is dead. I dont want to see it come back in ANY form. Reprint the manga books standard immediately and have a bon fire to get rid of manga surplus at the next PBOH. I like my books to stay open when I am using them.

Furthermore, Id like to see deluxe versions of Masters and Macross to include things like Masters NPCs, the SDF-1 and other things that were dropped off.

I wouldnt mind the proposed compilation idea for tSC, Masters, New Gen, and Macross. But gimme ships!!!!!!!

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:26 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Kagashi wrote:I wouldnt mind the proposed compilation idea for tSC, Masters, New Gen, and Macross. But gimme ships!!!!!!!

I Want the ships too!!!

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:45 am
by SailorCallie
Lt Gargoyle wrote:
Kagashi wrote:I wouldnt mind the proposed compilation idea for tSC, Masters, New Gen, and Macross. But gimme ships!!!!!!!

I Want the ships too!!!

Hell Yeah I want ships, too!!

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:57 pm
by Kagashi
Kagashi wrote:
Furthermore, Id like to see deluxe versions of Masters and Macross to include things like Masters NPCs, the SDF-1 and other things that were dropped off.

Oops, I meant the SDF3

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:04 pm
by SailorCallie
Kagashi wrote:
Kagashi wrote:
Furthermore, Id like to see deluxe versions of Masters and Macross to include things like Masters NPCs, the SDF-1 and other things that were dropped off.

Oops, I meant the SDF3

And New Generation, but it'll be out by the end of the year full-sized notwithstanding. And yes, we all know that.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:47 am
by Zer0 Kay
I want an ubersized compilation of the main three (RT:M, RT:TSC, RT:TNG). Maybe a limited run. Titled, "Robotech Saga: Macrosized" or "Robotech Saga: Zentradi Version" or "Robotech: Saga (vZ)" or "Robotech: Saga (with the understanding that it is the Zentradi/Macro size)." Hard backed, color art (NO ADS) in the neighborhood of $100 limited run of say 1000 and a free copy to me for coming up with the idea :) Maybe a printer proof to go along with my Hardback "Rifts® Machinations of Doom"? :D Don't forget that that large it should have one of those built in ribbon book marks. Heck lets make it $200 real leather and anti-acid gold trimmed pages and of course then the title would have to be "Robotech: Saga Bible," go with standard pages instead of parchment though (they don't rip as easy).

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:59 am
by Kagashi
Heh. Robotech: Gutenberg Edition. Hand written with a quill by a monk.

Seriously though, i like calling it "Zentraedi sized". That fits on so many levels.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:32 am
by Zer0 Kay
Dewitt667 wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I want an ubersized compilation of the main three (RT:M, RT:TSC, RT:TNG). Maybe a limited run. Titled, "Robotech Saga: Macrosized" or "Robotech Saga: Zentradi Version" or "Robotech: Saga (vZ)" or "Robotech: Saga (with the understanding that it is the Zentradi/Macro size)." Hard backed, color art (NO ADS) in the neighborhood of $100 limited run of say 1000 and a free copy to me for coming up with the idea :) Maybe a printer proof to go along with my Hardback "Rifts® Machinations of Doom"? :D Don't forget that that large it should have one of those built in ribbon book marks. Heck lets make it $200 real leather and anti-acid gold trimmed pages and of course then the title would have to be "Robotech: Saga Bible," go with standard pages instead of parchment though (they don't rip as easy).

No ADs for PT Cola :?:

But seriously, I can see in 'verse period Era ADs like recruitment ads, in 'verse movies, urban reconstruction campaign, promotional posters for stars, ect.

Okay maybe that but no ads like the Rifts Silver edition. Those ads would be freaking awesome as long as they were inverse.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:34 am
by Zer0 Kay
Kagashi wrote:Heh. Robotech: Gutenberg Edition. Hand written with a quill by a monk.

Seriously though, i like calling it "Zentraedi sized". That fits on so many levels.

Dude it it isn't about the size but how much you can sove in it... wait that doesn't sound "good" either. It isn't about the size of the binding but the quality of the pulp... nope how about Don't judge a book by its wrapper but by the girth of its volume... oh never mind no matter how its said it sounds bad.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:50 am
by mike19k
rtsurfer wrote:
NO more manga size. We’ve decided to stop doing manga-sized Robotech® books. Starting with the Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook, all future Robotech® supplements will be our usual 8½ x 11 size and format. If and when we sell out of the existing manga-sized books, we will reprint them in the larger, standard format. The manga size was a noble experiment, but the overwhelming majority of gamers (75%) have pleaded for our return to the standard size. Well, we’ve heard your pleas and that’s what we’re doing. Let the rejoicing begin. ;)

I missed this when it came out, but am very glad that it is the case as the manga books do not fit well with all my old books.

Re: Manga, Normal or, More

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:20 am
by Cybermancer
Full size and nothing but.

I'm so glad Palladium finally listened and gave this up. It did nothing but create controversy that didn't have to exist.