Consumed by Lemuria

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Consumed by Lemuria

Unread post by Kevin »

I’ve been consumed with finishing Rifts® Lemuria to the exclusion of almost everything else.

On one hand, that’s a good thing, because we NEED to get this hotly anticipated book done and to the printer. I mean, after the Megaverse Insider crowdsource funding, Rifts® Lemuria is more anticipated than ever. On the other hand, I’ve been letting my correspondences, emails, Murmurs and Facebook posts drop to almost non-existent the past week or two. That’s not fair to you, because I know how much everyone enjoys getting these little inside snippets and insight behind the scenes. Plus, I like doing them.

Starting right now, I am back posting a bunch o’ updates and behind the scenes stuff for your enjoyment. Many may be short, but I’ll be posting on a regular basis.

Rifts® Lemuria update. I have pounded out something like 73 manuscript pages of Rifts® Lemuria since the Weekly Update on Thursday. Bio-Armor, Bio-Weapons, Biomancy symbiotes and some of the Lemurian vehicles have all been finished. Alex has edited them, and they are in Wayne’s hands for his final edit.

The slow pace is because there is so much “rules heavy” material (new spells, magic items, weapons, vehicles, O.C.C.s, skills, monsters, a new, exotic setting and people/Lemurian R.C.C.), not to mention the Lemurian history, that it is impossible to grind through this material quickly. Rules heavy material is always a bear and slow going. Heck, writing is a slow process to begin with – three pages an hour is a fast pace, and with rules heavy material, an hour a page is a good pace. Seriously. And yes, it sucks that it takes so long. All of this material demands scrutiny for game balance and requires multiple reviews, rewrites, edits, and tweaks. And there is such a wealth of material that it makes your head spin after a while. Plus, maniacs that we are, we have expanded upon the many great ideas of Greg Diaczyk. And man does he have one cool idea after the other. Which means you guys and gals are going to go ape over Rifts® Lemuria!

All of this is part of our agenda to push the envelope and knock your socks off with one book after another. Books that amaze and excites your imaginations. It wears us out and fries our brains, but YOU are gonna love this damn book and those in the pipeline coming after it.

Speaking of which, I need to get back to work on it. :D

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Game Designer and Optimist

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