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Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:01 pm
by cornholioprime
Bujarx wrote:Hi,

can a full automatic robot (Neural intelligence) "learn" this skills:

Pilot Robots & Power Armor
Pilot Robot Combat Elite:
Pilot Robot Combat Basic
Pilot Tank / APC

Every Skill Programs that i found exclude these skills.

What will a program like this cos on Black Market ?

Thanks in advance.
A Neural Intelligence (or "better") type of robot could eventually learn the appropriate skills, by trial-and-error, or by training just like a normal person.

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:40 pm
by cornholioprime
Bujarx wrote:If i choose the Expanded Memory (Sourcebook 1 P.105) ".... Neural System: Add two (2) programs and two secondary skills at all appropriate levels"

I can choose the pilot skills as secondary skills ?
I personally read that section as giving you information on the bonuses that you can get based on which type of Artificial Intelligence that you have in the first place.

In other words, if you're just a "lousy" old Skelebot, with a "fixed" level of programmed intelligence, then you can't get the bonuses associated with someone like Argent Goodson or Sergeant Beta.

Likewise, Sergeant Beta or Argent Goodson can't get the same benefits as Spartacus (a Transferred Intelligence NPC in the Heroes Unlimited setting).

HOWEVER.....if you have the right kind of A.I. installed to begin with, then I don't see why you couldn't.
EDIT: I was incorrect, as Jaymz apparently knew from memory. Neither Giant Robots nor Power Armor piloting is available as either a Secondary Skill nor as a Combat Program, not officially. Only a Transferred Intelligence character can officially be a Power Armor or Giant Robot pilot.

(In my personal opinion, Kevin as a general rule keeps robots [not to mention other 'powered' characters] from also running Power Armors and other vehicles as a sort of style preference; of course it would make much more sense in "real life" if people like Juicers and Robots and Quick-Flex Aliens did run such machines.)

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:45 pm
by jaymz
I believe the only way a Bot RCC can in fact get Robot Pilot skills is as a secondary skill but as of RUE I don't think those skills are allowed as secondaries anymore.

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:54 pm
by DhAkael
OR you could ignore those (pardon pun) artificial restrictions.
Your game, your roolz (or your GM's, whatever).

Argue the 'canon' much as you like, but it all comes down to what the GM says is so. :-?
Full stop.
END OF LINE. :thwak:

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:56 pm
by cornholioprime
jaymz wrote:I believe the only way a Bot RCC can in fact get Robot Pilot skills is as a secondary skill but as of RUE I don't think those skills are allowed as secondaries anymore.
I just looked through two or three different books (Rifts Sourcebook One, Rifts Ultimate Edition, Rifts Sourcebook One [Revised]), and it seems that Flaming James is correct.

I will alter my previous Post to reflect it.

Piloting a Robot or Power Armor is neither a Secondary Skill (if it ever was originally), nor is it a Program.

The Authors really covered their tracks in this particular instance.

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:02 pm
by jaymz
Why am I Flaming?

As for the secondary skills...prior to RUE typically speaking all skills could be selected as a secondary skill. It wasn't until RUE that they specifically designated what is and is not a secondary skill.

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:08 pm
by cornholioprime
jaymz wrote:Why am I Flaming?
Hey, don't blame me.

They tell me that that was what they called you back when you living in San Francisco.
None of my business, though.

(I see: you thought that I was talking about the "regular" kind of flaming; I meant the original definition.)


Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:10 pm
by jaymz
Funny I don't recall San Francisco....but those days were such a blur...... :P

Actually I thought you were saying I was literally on fire.....which, though I am cooking, I am not

Ah I get it because I was RIGHT, ok gotchya... ;)

Re: Robot Skill Programs for piloting a robot ^^

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:16 am
by sirkermittsg
well the secret here is to have a transfered intelligence such as a robot pilot that is placed into a robot body.