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New Find

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:39 pm
by Mr. Jays
Hello all. The other day, I stumbled across this:

Its not bad and I enjoyed it. The narrator is kind of a noob. He makes mistakes about the world of Rifts earth, but over all an enjoyable experience. What do you think? (No, I haven't seen all of least yet.)

Re: New Find

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by vakusdrake
I'm already on part 32, I think it's pretty good

Re: New Find

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:53 pm
by Tor
At what point does he stop discussing the setting and begin running the campaign? Are they all over an hour? Zoned out trying to listen to this last night, might try again tho.

Weird... somehow YT remembered where I left off... this site's shadow upgrades are unsettling.

Re: New Find

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:03 pm
by vakusdrake
Tor wrote:At what point does he stop discussing the setting and begin running the campaign? Are they all over an hour? Zoned out trying to listen to this last night, might try again tho.

Weird... somehow YT remembered where I left off... this site's shadow upgrades are unsettling.

It does pick the pace a bit but it takes a while and never gets that fast paced, that being said there are some very entertaining moments.
In terms of rpg stories or gameplay recordings on YouTube there seems to be a lot more ones for D&D and Pathfinder but that's probably just because they're more popular game systems.

Re: New Find

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:53 am
by Lao Tzume
It's not bad. I'm on part 22.

I got annoyed at first because Spiffy Squee (the guy who does the hour long presentation on his damn character) takes over all the time and sort of tries to strong arm the rest of the group. At times it feels like he is treating the other players as NPCs. He still sort of rubs me the wrong way but only because I know a guy that reminds me of him and his play style.

Other than that though it's a good campaign. Inferno Canuck is a pretty good GM and handles things smoothly and adapts on the fly very well.

I listen to it at work when I get time.

Re: New Find

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:17 pm
by BuzzardB
On episode 21 or so. So far so good.

I agree that Spiffy seems to take control a lot, but it also sounds the the other players don't take initiative themselves. Might be a good thing he is or else there would be a lot of awkward silences.

Re: New Find

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 5:50 pm
by Mr. Jays
BuzzardB wrote:I agree that Spiffy seems to take control a lot, but it also sounds the the other players don't take initiative themselves. Might be a good thing he is or else there would be a lot of awkward silences.

I agree with this. I don't see much initiative from the other players.

Btw, this player group does things, that my players would never do (pooling all your money? Yikes)

Re: New Find

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:00 am
by infernocanuck
Howdy! GM of the campaign here!

Since we are now on Episode 260 (Wow), I can certainly say things have changed from 8 months ago! Yes, at the beginning, Squee (who never played the game before, hence the newbie intro - the actual game starts about an hour or so into the video, all subsequent videos are about 30 minutes long) does take the reins. But, as was mentioned, he also was a big driving force in the first few sessions when a lot of the other players were shy or uncertain. Oh man, now, no one has problems voicing their opinions.

In addition, I'm currently in the process of making custom playlists, separating the adventures up into little sub-sections to make it easier to view. It is a treat to see people finding it on their own, and I really hope more Rifts campaigns are put up on Youtube. Such a great game!

Re: New Find

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:54 pm
by Vincent Takeda
I keep wishing I'd find more youtube videos for heroes unlimited campaigns that are more than just one shots.

Re: New Find

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:36 pm
by Jorick
infernocanuck wrote:Howdy! GM of the campaign here!

Since we are now on Episode 260 (Wow), I can certainly say things have changed from 8 months ago! Yes, at the beginning, Squee (who never played the game before, hence the newbie intro - the actual game starts about an hour or so into the video, all subsequent videos are about 30 minutes long) does take the reins. But, as was mentioned, he also was a big driving force in the first few sessions when a lot of the other players were shy or uncertain. Oh man, now, no one has problems voicing their opinions.

In addition, I'm currently in the process of making custom playlists, separating the adventures up into little sub-sections to make it easier to view. It is a treat to see people finding it on their own, and I really hope more Rifts campaigns are put up on Youtube. Such a great game!

Found it a few months ago. Keeps me going at work when I have access to wifi. Glad it's still going strong. The Rifts podcasts all seem to come and go pretty quick. This group is pretty entertaining. Thank you!

Re: New Find

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:18 pm
by Mlp7029
infernocanuck wrote:Howdy! GM of the campaign here!

Since we are now on Episode 260 (Wow), I can certainly say things have changed from 8 months ago! Yes, at the beginning, Squee (who never played the game before, hence the newbie intro - the actual game starts about an hour or so into the video, all subsequent videos are about 30 minutes long) does take the reins. But, as was mentioned, he also was a big driving force in the first few sessions when a lot of the other players were shy or uncertain. Oh man, now, no one has problems voicing their opinions.

In addition, I'm currently in the process of making custom playlists, separating the adventures up into little sub-sections to make it easier to view. It is a treat to see people finding it on their own, and I really hope more Rifts campaigns are put up on Youtube. Such a great game!

I just finished #5. Lost a lot of interest when the player got to take out a full conversion Borg with a laser rifle on a roll of only 13.

Re: New Find

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:33 pm
by Crow Splat
infernocanuck wrote:Howdy! GM of the campaign here!

Since we are now on Episode 260 (Wow), I can certainly say things have changed from 8 months ago! Yes, at the beginning, Squee (who never played the game before, hence the newbie intro - the actual game starts about an hour or so into the video, all subsequent videos are about 30 minutes long) does take the reins. But, as was mentioned, he also was a big driving force in the first few sessions when a lot of the other players were shy or uncertain. Oh man, now, no one has problems voicing their opinions.

In addition, I'm currently in the process of making custom playlists, separating the adventures up into little sub-sections to make it easier to view. It is a treat to see people finding it on their own, and I really hope more Rifts campaigns are put up on Youtube. Such a great game!

I am on episode 236 now.. I put it on when I'm working around the house and doing laundry and stuff. Overall, it's a pretty entertaining campaign and embraces the crazy parts that make Rifts awesome.

I have to say, Inferno, you are a much nicer GM than I am. I probably would have killed a pc or two by now. But that's just me and the games I usually run. I love the art at the beginning of the sessions. Always good for a laugh.

I wish more people would do stuff like this and stick with it. Most of the other Rifts video series I can find don't go past 4 or 5 episodes.

Keep up the good work Infernocanuck

Re: New Find

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:59 pm
by Tor
I left off around part 15, keep meaning to get back into this but distracted, resuming now.

Dem expensive robots. Triax 2 didn't fix the economic problems that SB1/Triax1 had, although the slightly-cheaper housemaid bots are nice.

I'd probably use these things to leave behind in robot vehicles to guard your stuff while you step out, or if you had a fortress. Otherwise they seem prone to getting stolen or sabotaged.

Of course, since they are "robots" they can get epic Naruni forcefields, if they have nuclear batteries, right?