Hey guys, here's a link to this week's video showing some of the terrain I have gathered together to use with my Robotech PRG tactics Minis. Let me know what you think.
Nice set ups, presume this is club activity based around the rpg? I only ask as I would expect that you are finding the RTT rules much easier to use when resolving combat situations.
I will float an idea to you which you can shoot down if you want. We have been folling around with onboard sip combat, basically UEDF forces penetrate a zentradi ship. This is resolving using corridors and larger room/hanger spaces.
This has proved great fun especially using blind tabels This is two identical setp ups separated by a curtain and players make simutaneous moves on their own table, while an neutral umpire or umpires checks for who can see who and announce sightings etc. Amazed how cautious even the most gung ho players can get using this way of playing. Works just as well with setups in separate rooms.