1st ed Rules Questions
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:44 am
Hi there, after 20+ years I have returned to the Palladium FRPG 1ed, mainly because I had such fond memories of playing in high school, but also to see if the system still holds up after all these years, and also because we live in the time of Covid and it was something to do remotely via Roll20. Sadly, I'd rather be playing than GMing, but isn't that always the case... any who, my group does find it enjoyable and so I'm keeping it going. However, now I have a few questions on how others have interpreted the rules of the game. I know the system can be a little vague in places, and I'm pretty sure there is not going to be any definitive answers, but I'd like to hear the opinions of other players/GMs. Also, I have searched through the other posts, and have not seen answers to these questions... if they are out there already, I apologize, and will gladly accept a link to that thread.
First, how does the Automatic Parry of the the Man of Arms work when you change classes? For instance, you have a Thief that now wants to be a Wizard or vise versa? If the Wizard became a thief, it seems obvious that he would get the auto parry once the character is using those skills in combat, but would a Thief that changes to a Wizard class still have the auto parry now that he has given up his brutish fighting days in pursuit of the mystic arts? The biggest perk of being a fighter-type is the auto parry, if everyone could just start out as a Soldier, and then switch to a non-fighter class and retain the auto-parry, then why wouldn't you? So at the same time it seems a bit OP, but then again, changing to a fighter doesn't mean the former Wizard can't cast spells... so it feels like there needs to be some benefit of the fighter to remain in the new OCC.
Second, damage bonuses on ranged attacks. If you have a high P.S., I get that you physically hit harder, perhaps you even throw a knife or battle-axe with a bit more "oomph", but I assume it does not translate to any bow/sling type weapons. However the damage bonuses gained through a Hand to Hand elective seem to be less about brute force, and more about the skill of where to hit someone to provide maximum damage. So it makes sense to me that these bonuses would apply to any ranged weapons (bows, slings, etc.), how do others deal with this?
Third, mixed attacks, if you have a Wizard or other character attacking from range they would use the Rate of Fire or the number of spells based on their Magic Combat for their number of attacks, but how do you handle this if the character wants to then change mid round to a physical attack or to use a physical attack for another action like a dodge/item/etc...? Here are some examples:
1) A Wizard is casting fireballs from range but someone shoots an arrow at them, they have 1 attack per melee, do they get to use their attack as a dodge or is that sacrificed because they are casting spells and all of their concentration is going into that?
2 A Longbowman has a rate of 4, and 2 attacks per melee. Can his physical attacks be used for dodges while he is shooting, and would they be reduced by the number of ranged attacks he has made so far that round, as in if he has shot twice, he would actually have only one attack left to dodge, and round it down accordingly (i.e., 1 or 2 shots, would take up the first attack, and 3-4 the second) ? I assume this would work the same if they wanted to shoot, and then engage in physical combat mid-round, but then you have the issue of switching weapons which I have assumed also costs actions/attacks.
3) A Wizard has one attack, and two spell attacks per melee. Could the Wizard make a physical attack and then cast a spell, or is it a "one or the other" type situation? Similarly if they have W.P. Crossbow/Sling/bow and leverage their Rate of Fire for the round can they also slip in a spell like in the example above?
Finally, the Shadow Beast spell. It states the differences in profile for light and shadow, but specifically states that it cannot attack from shadow. So if it always has to step out of the shadow to attack, does that mean it is always going to be the 45hp version when it attacks, unless it is in a completely dark space or a Darkness spell is in effect? Or is it only the weakened version when in a very bright environment, and so unless subject to a spell like Sphere of Daylight, or in the middle of a field at high noon they would be the 90hp version? How do people handle this?
I think I probably have more questions, but these are the big ones that keep me up at night. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.
First, how does the Automatic Parry of the the Man of Arms work when you change classes? For instance, you have a Thief that now wants to be a Wizard or vise versa? If the Wizard became a thief, it seems obvious that he would get the auto parry once the character is using those skills in combat, but would a Thief that changes to a Wizard class still have the auto parry now that he has given up his brutish fighting days in pursuit of the mystic arts? The biggest perk of being a fighter-type is the auto parry, if everyone could just start out as a Soldier, and then switch to a non-fighter class and retain the auto-parry, then why wouldn't you? So at the same time it seems a bit OP, but then again, changing to a fighter doesn't mean the former Wizard can't cast spells... so it feels like there needs to be some benefit of the fighter to remain in the new OCC.
Second, damage bonuses on ranged attacks. If you have a high P.S., I get that you physically hit harder, perhaps you even throw a knife or battle-axe with a bit more "oomph", but I assume it does not translate to any bow/sling type weapons. However the damage bonuses gained through a Hand to Hand elective seem to be less about brute force, and more about the skill of where to hit someone to provide maximum damage. So it makes sense to me that these bonuses would apply to any ranged weapons (bows, slings, etc.), how do others deal with this?
Third, mixed attacks, if you have a Wizard or other character attacking from range they would use the Rate of Fire or the number of spells based on their Magic Combat for their number of attacks, but how do you handle this if the character wants to then change mid round to a physical attack or to use a physical attack for another action like a dodge/item/etc...? Here are some examples:
1) A Wizard is casting fireballs from range but someone shoots an arrow at them, they have 1 attack per melee, do they get to use their attack as a dodge or is that sacrificed because they are casting spells and all of their concentration is going into that?
2 A Longbowman has a rate of 4, and 2 attacks per melee. Can his physical attacks be used for dodges while he is shooting, and would they be reduced by the number of ranged attacks he has made so far that round, as in if he has shot twice, he would actually have only one attack left to dodge, and round it down accordingly (i.e., 1 or 2 shots, would take up the first attack, and 3-4 the second) ? I assume this would work the same if they wanted to shoot, and then engage in physical combat mid-round, but then you have the issue of switching weapons which I have assumed also costs actions/attacks.
3) A Wizard has one attack, and two spell attacks per melee. Could the Wizard make a physical attack and then cast a spell, or is it a "one or the other" type situation? Similarly if they have W.P. Crossbow/Sling/bow and leverage their Rate of Fire for the round can they also slip in a spell like in the example above?
Finally, the Shadow Beast spell. It states the differences in profile for light and shadow, but specifically states that it cannot attack from shadow. So if it always has to step out of the shadow to attack, does that mean it is always going to be the 45hp version when it attacks, unless it is in a completely dark space or a Darkness spell is in effect? Or is it only the weakened version when in a very bright environment, and so unless subject to a spell like Sphere of Daylight, or in the middle of a field at high noon they would be the 90hp version? How do people handle this?
I think I probably have more questions, but these are the big ones that keep me up at night. Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.