Terrifying use of the Rifts CFT E-6 Cartridges?
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:39 am
Rifts has CFT Energy Six System
1. Cartridges cause Recoil
2. stated to have a range of 1/2-1/3 of conventional energy pistol
3. size of cartridge is supposed to have appearance/size of .44 or .45 caliber or 9-10mm bullet (of the 5 guns, 3 list .45cal and the other two do not.)
4. Damage of 3d6MD or 2d6+3MD depending on gun
5. Range is 300ft/500ft/300ft/600ft/600ft
6. Cost per E-6 round is 320c per or case of 96 for 29,700c (~309cr per)
1. What is the metric equivalent of .45caliber as that is the listed size of each gun known to use E-6 when stated? Assuming a circular area for both missile and cartridge, how many E-6 rounds can be packed into common RT 2E Missile diameter sizes? Projectile Rounds? As Rifts doesn't really do actual sizing AFAIK, the use of 2E Robotech sizes can at least give an idea of what it might look like.
A1: .45 inch caliber bullet = 11.43mm, pretty close to the 9-10mm size (and 2mm difference is likely hard to eyeball)
A2: 60mm (20x)-Mini, 70mm (26x)-Mini, 78mm (34x)-Mini, 190mm (212x)-SRM, 377mm-MRM (845x), 430mm (1102x)-LRM, 530mm (1675x)-MRM, 560mm (x)-MRM.
A3: 14.5mm (x1), 20mm (x1), 25mm (x3), 30mm (x4), 40mm (x8), 44mm (x9), 50mm (x13), 55mm (x16), 64mm (x22), 105mm (x64), 400mm (x951)
Note on A2 and A3: by area the number is actually higher, however I used a website* that calculated circles w/n circles and it comes out with the numbers listed which accounts for gaps between the circles (where the use of straight area does not).
Basically if one took enough E-6 cartridges and arrayed them in place of an missile warhead to fire in a single volley (assume the 3d6 cartridge)... Shudder as that means a 6d6x10 Mini-Missile (possibly 9d6x10), a 6d6x100 SRM, 3d6x1000 LRM or MRM using the above numbers as multipliers and rounded down for simplicity.
I would have thought cost would have killed this idea, but... factoring the cost of the just the warhead (missile body sold separately) the total cost of the E-6 cartridges buying them at the box rate (~310cr per):
-60mm Mini Missile costs ~6,188cr, the cost of Plasma mini missiles to equal the damage is 14,400 (RUE pg256-7)
-190mm SRM cost is ~65,588cr,, the cost of Plasma Short Range missiles to equal the damage is 76,800cr
-377mm MRM cost is 261,422cr, the cost of Plasma Medium Range missiles to equal the damage is 151,200cr
The only area where cost favors regular missiles appears to be Medium/Long Range Missiles, but that only really holds if you maximize the number of CFT cartridges. In those cases you could reduce the number of CFT cartridges to what's on the SRM sizes (or even just 1/4 of it) and it would be cost effective in terms of damage output to go with a single CFT warhead array rather than a larger number of missiles. These figures also assume the revised missile table from RUE/CWC (WB11) and not the original table found in RMB (they do less damage for SRM/MRM/LRM, not sure about cost offhand).
One drawback to the CFT warheads is they don't have a blast radius, they create a directed charge. Which can be an asset if one is trying to limit collateral damage.
While the Naruni Plasma Cartridges...
https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/smal ... _1849.html
2. What is the nature of the Energy? It is said to have 1/2-1/3 range of conventional energy pistol, what does it consider a "conventional energy pistol"? Ion, Particle, Laser, Plasma all are conventional energy, but have different ranges.
A: Based on my incomplete library... Ion (200-1000ft), Laser (150-1000ft), Particle (150-1200ft), Plasma (200-500ft). At least in terms of Energy types we can rule out plasma from the start (even with the best plasma system falls short). Particle beam would be the leading contender based on range (1/2 to 1/3 of 1200 is 600-300, lining up nicely with the examples and text), Laser and Ion work for 3/5ths of the examples.
3. Can the Recoil be explained?
A: A result of the energy storage medium releasing its energy could explain the recoil experienced. Chemical Lasers, specifically the sub type of gas dynamic laser could explain the recoil experienced as they do have a combustion chamber and generate exhaust. MD Chemical lasers exist in MiO setting, no mention of recoil, but we know that Chemical lasers (or even the use of explosives as in the X-Ray Laser in the setting) are capable of generating MD level energies. Offering possible explanations for why a Laser could have recoil.
1. Cartridges cause Recoil
2. stated to have a range of 1/2-1/3 of conventional energy pistol
3. size of cartridge is supposed to have appearance/size of .44 or .45 caliber or 9-10mm bullet (of the 5 guns, 3 list .45cal and the other two do not.)
4. Damage of 3d6MD or 2d6+3MD depending on gun
5. Range is 300ft/500ft/300ft/600ft/600ft
6. Cost per E-6 round is 320c per or case of 96 for 29,700c (~309cr per)
1. What is the metric equivalent of .45caliber as that is the listed size of each gun known to use E-6 when stated? Assuming a circular area for both missile and cartridge, how many E-6 rounds can be packed into common RT 2E Missile diameter sizes? Projectile Rounds? As Rifts doesn't really do actual sizing AFAIK, the use of 2E Robotech sizes can at least give an idea of what it might look like.
A1: .45 inch caliber bullet = 11.43mm, pretty close to the 9-10mm size (and 2mm difference is likely hard to eyeball)
A2: 60mm (20x)-Mini, 70mm (26x)-Mini, 78mm (34x)-Mini, 190mm (212x)-SRM, 377mm-MRM (845x), 430mm (1102x)-LRM, 530mm (1675x)-MRM, 560mm (x)-MRM.
A3: 14.5mm (x1), 20mm (x1), 25mm (x3), 30mm (x4), 40mm (x8), 44mm (x9), 50mm (x13), 55mm (x16), 64mm (x22), 105mm (x64), 400mm (x951)
Note on A2 and A3: by area the number is actually higher, however I used a website* that calculated circles w/n circles and it comes out with the numbers listed which accounts for gaps between the circles (where the use of straight area does not).
Basically if one took enough E-6 cartridges and arrayed them in place of an missile warhead to fire in a single volley (assume the 3d6 cartridge)... Shudder as that means a 6d6x10 Mini-Missile (possibly 9d6x10), a 6d6x100 SRM, 3d6x1000 LRM or MRM using the above numbers as multipliers and rounded down for simplicity.
I would have thought cost would have killed this idea, but... factoring the cost of the just the warhead (missile body sold separately) the total cost of the E-6 cartridges buying them at the box rate (~310cr per):
-60mm Mini Missile costs ~6,188cr, the cost of Plasma mini missiles to equal the damage is 14,400 (RUE pg256-7)
-190mm SRM cost is ~65,588cr,, the cost of Plasma Short Range missiles to equal the damage is 76,800cr
-377mm MRM cost is 261,422cr, the cost of Plasma Medium Range missiles to equal the damage is 151,200cr
The only area where cost favors regular missiles appears to be Medium/Long Range Missiles, but that only really holds if you maximize the number of CFT cartridges. In those cases you could reduce the number of CFT cartridges to what's on the SRM sizes (or even just 1/4 of it) and it would be cost effective in terms of damage output to go with a single CFT warhead array rather than a larger number of missiles. These figures also assume the revised missile table from RUE/CWC (WB11) and not the original table found in RMB (they do less damage for SRM/MRM/LRM, not sure about cost offhand).
One drawback to the CFT warheads is they don't have a blast radius, they create a directed charge. Which can be an asset if one is trying to limit collateral damage.
While the Naruni Plasma Cartridges...
https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/smal ... _1849.html
2. What is the nature of the Energy? It is said to have 1/2-1/3 range of conventional energy pistol, what does it consider a "conventional energy pistol"? Ion, Particle, Laser, Plasma all are conventional energy, but have different ranges.
A: Based on my incomplete library... Ion (200-1000ft), Laser (150-1000ft), Particle (150-1200ft), Plasma (200-500ft). At least in terms of Energy types we can rule out plasma from the start (even with the best plasma system falls short). Particle beam would be the leading contender based on range (1/2 to 1/3 of 1200 is 600-300, lining up nicely with the examples and text), Laser and Ion work for 3/5ths of the examples.
3. Can the Recoil be explained?
A: A result of the energy storage medium releasing its energy could explain the recoil experienced. Chemical Lasers, specifically the sub type of gas dynamic laser could explain the recoil experienced as they do have a combustion chamber and generate exhaust. MD Chemical lasers exist in MiO setting, no mention of recoil, but we know that Chemical lasers (or even the use of explosives as in the X-Ray Laser in the setting) are capable of generating MD level energies. Offering possible explanations for why a Laser could have recoil.