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M.D.C. or S.D.C. World

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 6:07 am
by Kaleb
I am in the process of working on a netbook/dimension book and I am hoping to get the opinion of some people from the board regarding the races that I am creating.

The problem that I am having is trying to determine if I should make the races of the world that I am creating MDC or SDC. The world is not a high tech world persay but it is not without the occasional robot or high tech vehicle. Most of the technology-like stuff is a variation on TW items. This is where my delema comes from. If this were a world like Wormwood then I would just make all of the races that were native to the planet MDC but that would put player characters who wanted to use an existing character at a disadvantage if their character is an SDC creature rather than an MDC creature. Alternatively, if I make all of the races SDC and all of the items/equipment/buildings/etc SDC (and applying an A.R. where applicable) then I have to convert everything that characters bring from MDC dimensions into SDC values or at least provide conversion tables.

So, if you have any suggestions I would appreciate anything that you could submit.

Re: M.D.C. or S.D.C. World

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 8:13 am
by TechnoGothic
Kaleb wrote:I am in the process of working on a netbook/dimension book and I am hoping to get the opinion of some people from the board regarding the races that I am creating.

The problem that I am having is trying to determine if I should make the races of the world that I am creating MDC or SDC. The world is not a high tech world persay but it is not without the occasional robot or high tech vehicle. Most of the technology-like stuff is a variation on TW items. This is where my delema comes from. If this were a world like Wormwood then I would just make all of the races that were native to the planet MDC but that would put player characters who wanted to use an existing character at a disadvantage if their character is an SDC creature rather than an MDC creature. Alternatively, if I make all of the races SDC and all of the items/equipment/buildings/etc SDC (and applying an A.R. where applicable) then I have to convert everything that characters bring from MDC dimensions into SDC values or at least provide conversion tables.

So, if you have any suggestions I would appreciate anything that you could submit.

simple answer ::::: BOTH
Write it as either/or, and let the ppl who use it decide which they perfer.

Like with Skraypers, it was written for an SDC setting in mind for HU2, but not to push anyone away, they added MDC notes for using it in Phase World too...

I myself like the Either/or approach to just saying Its this all the time...
Take Splicers as another example...IF they had written in SDC notes, the book would have been even better IMHO...

Good Luck...

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:24 am
by Sentinel
As I've said elsewhere I have no love for MDC, so anything that is strict SDC works for me.
Since you're not writing exclusively for my pleasure, (although you should be), then I'd say either take the "either/or" approach, or in the alternative, SDC, with guideline for possible MDC conversion (assuming that you don't like the existing guidelines).

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:10 am
by Dr. Doom III
Unless you can think of a reason for making them MDC make them SDC.
Being on a magic rich world isn't one.
MDC stuff with SDC people is perfectly fine.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:46 pm
by Ice Dragon
Look at Robotech or Rifts - most of the population are S.D.C. being but the technology and magical level is high enough to be M.D.C.

So you could use both.

But an easy way is to convert it to M.DC. to S.D.C. .