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Re: Could some one help... Psi Stalker Question...

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:38 am
by Nekira Sudacne
John Kronus wrote:OK here's my problem... In the main book the Psi-Stalker is defined well enough and we have been playing with them that way for quite some time now... but i was just brushing thru Xiticix Invasion, where i found on pg. 111 the "Wild-Psi Stalker" I am wounder if there is any real difference beside the face that is states: "Wild Psi-Stalkers are human looking, except that they have no (natural) body hair..." It goes on to say they are human mutants... my problem here is the hair issue again... how could the natural/wild psi-stalker have now hair evolve into, for lack of a better term, a domesticated psi-stalker with hair ??

Just curious!

domesticated Psi-Stalkers have hair too by the main book.

the psi-stalker in the picture is bald on his own, the entire race was NEVER bald or albinos.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:13 pm
by Dr. Doom III
None of them have hair. Wild or not.
It's just a stupid way to put it.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:00 pm
by Rimmerdal
Black Ops wrote:So true......

But something completely different:
I have a lot of trouble considering the viability of Psi-Stkalkers as a Race.
Its that they can only exist on PPE,when the first Psi-Stalkers where born
and could only get nourishment from PPE how did they even survive their
childhood ?


Doesn't hit till puberty, Like other Psychics.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:02 pm
by Rimmerdal
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Black Ops wrote:So true......

But something completely different:
I have a lot of trouble considering the viability of Psi-Stkalkers as a Race.
Its that they can only exist on PPE,when the first Psi-Stalkers where born
and could only get nourishment from PPE how did they even survive their
childhood ?


Nursing on PPE stored by the mother. Since reproduction is vital to any species continuation, the males would hunt, bring the prey back and let the mothers and expectign mothers feed to provide for their children.

I didn't think Psi-Stalkers could tranfer there own PPE...But I don't use them so I am a little rusty.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:07 pm
by cornholioprime
Rimmerdal wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Black Ops wrote:So true......

But something completely different:
I have a lot of trouble considering the viability of Psi-Stkalkers as a Race.
Its that they can only exist on PPE,when the first Psi-Stalkers where born
and could only get nourishment from PPE how did they even survive their
childhood ?


Nursing on PPE stored by the mother. Since reproduction is vital to any species continuation, the males would hunt, bring the prey back and let the mothers and expectign mothers feed to provide for their children.

I didn't think Psi-Stalkers could tranfer there own PPE...But I don't use them so I am a little rusty.

It is stated somewhere that Psi-Stalkers CANNOT feed on other Psi-Stalkers. However, there's also no reason to assume that the Mother couldn't transfer PPE into the milk the way Mammals transfer Nutrients into thier Milk now.

As to the other question, remember that if need be, they can feed off Ley Lines..... :ugh:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:11 pm
by Rimmerdal
RE: absorbing from Ley lines:
They can, but it tastes bad......

So says page 105 of my PB presents Rifts...
It goes like this:

Note: The psi-stalker can not feed on the PPE of non-psychics. they can absorb mystic ley line energy, but it tastes bad, like sour milk and ley lines disrupt the stalkers' senses.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:20 pm
by cornholioprime
Janissary wrote:Psi-stalkers aren't really a seperate race per se from humans. They are a class of psychic. Bursters are considered human, so are nega-psychics. However I will be the first to admit that there is conflicting information in the books that mention psi-stalkers. Sometimes they are called human mutants that adapted to the presence of such much PPE and other times they are called their own race. A confliction in the rules/setting in Rifts...imagine that! :lol:

Since we are on the subject of psi-stalkers though, here is something that has been nagging me. What happens when a Coalition psi-stalker goes in to a coma due to injuries? I say Coalition because I assum a wild one could have friends that could devise a sort of PPE IV bag or something like that.
They have next to no need for food or water but must have PPE to survive. A crucial part of them "eating" the PPE is to hunt and then cut their prey for it. You can see how being in a coma would make that a little difficult. Now they can draw PPE from a ley-line but its says that it tastes bad, like sour milk. Two questions there spring to mind. First does that mean the effects on their body is similar? Sour milk isn't the greatest thing for one's health. Second, do they need to make a actual effort to take in the PPE? If so( as it is implied by the need to hunt and cut their prey) then putting them on a ley-line would do no good.
Let's just say for the sake of argument that they don't need to be concious to take in the PPE from a ley-line. What do the Coalition medics do then? Give the comatose psi-stalker over to the Rifts study and control group to carry around in their studies?

This is just a little issue I have been pondering, any ideas?

It's yet another "hole" in the Game that Kevin did not see any need to fill (or, perhaps more corrrectly, NEVER thought of)....

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:06 pm
by cornholioprime
Janissary wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
Janissary wrote:Psi-stalkers aren't really a seperate race per se from humans. They are a class of psychic. Bursters are considered human, so are nega-psychics. However I will be the first to admit that there is conflicting information in the books that mention psi-stalkers. Sometimes they are called human mutants that adapted to the presence of such much PPE and other times they are called their own race. A confliction in the rules/setting in Rifts...imagine that! :lol:

Since we are on the subject of psi-stalkers though, here is something that has been nagging me. What happens when a Coalition psi-stalker goes in to a coma due to injuries? I say Coalition because I assum a wild one could have friends that could devise a sort of PPE IV bag or something like that.
They have next to no need for food or water but must have PPE to survive. A crucial part of them "eating" the PPE is to hunt and then cut their prey for it. You can see how being in a coma would make that a little difficult. Now they can draw PPE from a ley-line but its says that it tastes bad, like sour milk. Two questions there spring to mind. First does that mean the effects on their body is similar? Sour milk isn't the greatest thing for one's health. Second, do they need to make a actual effort to take in the PPE? If so( as it is implied by the need to hunt and cut their prey) then putting them on a ley-line would do no good.
Let's just say for the sake of argument that they don't need to be concious to take in the PPE from a ley-line. What do the Coalition medics do then? Give the comatose psi-stalker over to the Rifts study and control group to carry around in their studies?

This is just a little issue I have been pondering, any ideas?

It's yet another "hole" in the Game that Kevin did not see any need to fill (or, perhaps more corrrectly, NEVER thought of)....

Very possible, even likely. One can't think of everything the players can come up with. What are you thoughts on it Cornholio?
I don't think that there's ANY way to "force-feed" P.P.E. to an unconscious Psi-Stalker with the in-Book Descriptions.

If you're a Psi-Stalker, and you fall into a Coma, then you'd better not be under for more that a few weeks.......


Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:58 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Janissary wrote:Here's another thought. Psi-stalkers need next to no water or food right? Does that mean they have less bodyily fluids, such as blood, then normal humans? Or does it simply stay "fresh" for longer periods of time then normal? What happens if they suffer major lacerations? Do they not lose much blood because there isn't much for them to lose in the first place? Or do they then need larger then normal amounts of water to replenish what they lost due to injury?

Related to that, do they sweat? As humans or at the very least mammals, they must sweat in order to regulate body tempature. The water has to come from somewhere.

One answer could be that their bodies use the PPE to somehow manufacture water in their system. Nothing like that is mentioned in the books but I suppose it could be possible.

Well they are pale.

Re: Could some one help... Psi Stalker Question...

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:07 pm
by Kalinda
John Kronus wrote:OK here's my problem... In the main book the Psi-Stalker is defined well enough and we have been playing with them that way for quite some time now... but i was just brushing thru Xiticix Invasion, where i found on pg. 111 the "Wild-Psi Stalker" I am wounder if there is any real difference beside the face that is states: "Wild Psi-Stalkers are human looking, except that they have no (natural) body hair..." It goes on to say they are human mutants... my problem here is the hair issue again... how could the natural/wild psi-stalker have now hair evolve into, for lack of a better term, a domesticated psi-stalker with hair ??

Just curious!

If you look at the info on Psi stalkers in Lone star it says that all Psi stalkers, civilized and wild, lack body hair. Basically what we're dealing with is a changed concept. 15 years ago KS wrote up Psi stalkers and defined them one way, later on he changed his mind and decided to change them around some. Only problem is that the main book still has the original info on the RCC. That's one of the big reasons why UR is needed, to fix inconsistences that have cropped up as KS refined his vision over the course of a decade and a half.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:18 pm
by Jimmy Crat
My big problem with psi-stalkers is how they get enough"food" to support their numbers. This is especially true when I wonder how they did it when the mutation first occured. While men of magic and psychics are viable targets, they have powerful MDC powers. If the psi-stalkers don't get the drop on them the whole hunting party is as good as misted, no wonder psi's and mages are feared. More powerful prey are mdc to begin with. I thought that while the golden age had a plethora of MD tech, it would be military grade as far as weaponry was concerned. If that was true, then where did the 'stalkers get the weapons to hunt their prey? Their whole society hunts, so the weak are kulled. How would even the strong survive? Perhaps the 1/200 that was an aberration and had other psychic powers would help, but they couldn't support the whole population. So how does that work, did the first generation of 'stalkers find a fully functional pre-rifts MD weapons manufacturing facility and get it up and running? They keep it maintained untill modern times? This is my issue.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:22 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Jimmy Crat wrote:My big problem with psi-stalkers is how they get enough"food" to support their numbers. This is especially true when I wonder how they did it when the mutation first occured. While men of magic and psychics are viable targets, they have powerful MDC powers. If the psi-stalkers don't get the drop on them the whole hunting party is as good as misted, no wonder psi's and mages are feared. More powerful prey are mdc to begin with. I thought that while the golden age had a plethora of MD tech, it would be military grade as far as weaponry was concerned. If that was true, then where did the 'stalkers get the weapons to hunt their prey? Their whole society hunts, so the weak are kulled. How would even the strong survive? Perhaps the 1/200 that was an aberration and had other psychic powers would help, but they couldn't support the whole population. So how does that work, did the first generation of 'stalkers find a fully functional pre-rifts MD weapons manufacturing facility and get it up and running? They keep it maintained untill modern times? This is my issue.

They fed off ley lines of course.

it's not a big mystery.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:23 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Jimmy Crat wrote:My big problem with psi-stalkers is how they get enough"food" to support their numbers. This is especially true when I wonder how they did it when the mutation first occured. While men of magic and psychics are viable targets, they have powerful MDC powers. If the psi-stalkers don't get the drop on them the whole hunting party is as good as misted, no wonder psi's and mages are feared. More powerful prey are mdc to begin with. I thought that while the golden age had a plethora of MD tech, it would be military grade as far as weaponry was concerned. If that was true, then where did the 'stalkers get the weapons to hunt their prey? Their whole society hunts, so the weak are kulled. How would even the strong survive? Perhaps the 1/200 that was an aberration and had other psychic powers would help, but they couldn't support the whole population. So how does that work, did the first generation of 'stalkers find a fully functional pre-rifts MD weapons manufacturing facility and get it up and running? They keep it maintained untill modern times? This is my issue.

They can feed off of various animals, like dogs, horses, etc.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:45 pm
by Jimmy Crat
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Jimmy Crat wrote:My big problem with psi-stalkers is how they get enough"food" to support their numbers. This is especially true when I wonder how they did it when the mutation first occured. While men of magic and psychics are viable targets, they have powerful MDC powers. If the psi-stalkers don't get the drop on them the whole hunting party is as good as misted, no wonder psi's and mages are feared. More powerful prey are mdc to begin with. I thought that while the golden age had a plethora of MD tech, it would be military grade as far as weaponry was concerned. If that was true, then where did the 'stalkers get the weapons to hunt their prey? Their whole society hunts, so the weak are kulled. How would even the strong survive? Perhaps the 1/200 that was an aberration and had other psychic powers would help, but they couldn't support the whole population. So how does that work, did the first generation of 'stalkers find a fully functional pre-rifts MD weapons manufacturing facility and get it up and running? They keep it maintained untill modern times? This is my issue.

They can feed off of various animals, like dogs, horses, etc.

I could be wrong, but doesn't it state that 'stalkers can only feed off magic users, psychics, supernatural creatures, and creatures of magic? I know all living creatures have PPE, but IIRC the 'stalker has a limited diner menu, and I don't mean for flavor.

Oh, I did think of the ley lines, but it seems strange that they became such a hunter culture if they were so sedentary. Also, if they didn't have the right weapons it would be quite dangerous to hang out by the ley lines where baddies congregate, especially since the 'stalkers would lose their senses (early warning system).

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:46 pm
by Toc Rat
You are correct. They can not feed off of non-psychics and the like.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 4:33 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Jimmy Crat wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Jimmy Crat wrote:My big problem with psi-stalkers is how they get enough"food" to support their numbers. This is especially true when I wonder how they did it when the mutation first occured. While men of magic and psychics are viable targets, they have powerful MDC powers. If the psi-stalkers don't get the drop on them the whole hunting party is as good as misted, no wonder psi's and mages are feared. More powerful prey are mdc to begin with. I thought that while the golden age had a plethora of MD tech, it would be military grade as far as weaponry was concerned. If that was true, then where did the 'stalkers get the weapons to hunt their prey? Their whole society hunts, so the weak are kulled. How would even the strong survive? Perhaps the 1/200 that was an aberration and had other psychic powers would help, but they couldn't support the whole population. So how does that work, did the first generation of 'stalkers find a fully functional pre-rifts MD weapons manufacturing facility and get it up and running? They keep it maintained untill modern times? This is my issue.

They can feed off of various animals, like dogs, horses, etc.

I could be wrong, but doesn't it state that 'stalkers can only feed off magic users, psychics, supernatural creatures, and creatures of magic? I know all living creatures have PPE, but IIRC the 'stalker has a limited diner menu, and I don't mean for flavor.[/quyote]

You are correct.
Dogs, horses, and a number of other animals are psychic.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:32 pm
by Rimmerdal
If it's Psychic it's food. So a mage or any RCC/OCC would have to possess Psychic abilities to some extent to be 'Edibile'.

Mages are safe from feeding. So whay say Psi-Stalkers are Anti-magc? Maybe thats Stalkers don't like them...oh well.

Animals have "naturally inactive" Psychic abilites so they ar food. Slim but it works..

There's my 2 credits.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 7:53 pm
by Jimmy Crat
Rimmerdal wrote:If it's Psychic it's food. So a mage or any RCC/OCC would have to possess Psychic abilities to some extent to be 'Edibile'.

Mages are safe from feeding. So whay say Psi-Stalkers are Anti-magc? Maybe thats Stalkers don't like them...oh well.

Animals have "naturally inactive" Psychic abilites so they ar food. Slim but it works..

There's my 2 credits.

Lone Star p.158 wrote:Note: The Psi-Stalker can not feed on the P.P.E. of beings who are not psychic, practitioners of magic, or supernatural in nature.

Non-psychic practitioners of magic and non-psychic beings who are supernatural in nature CAN be fed upon.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:56 pm
by Killer Cyborg
rellik wrote:Idea: PPE enriched fruits....would that work?

Sure, for a special supernatural tree.

Really, I'm curious about plants and PPE in general... I believe that the books say that all living things have PPE, and plants are living things... so plants should have some.

Of course, unless the plant is a mage, psychic, or is supernatural, then psi-stalkers couldn't drain them.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:59 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Killer Cyborg wrote:Sure, for a special supernatural tree.

Really, I'm curious about plants and PPE in general... I believe that the books say that all living things have PPE, and plants are living things... so plants should have some.

Of course, unless the plant is a mage, psychic, or is supernatural, then psi-stalkers couldn't drain them.

They could just raid (hehe RAID! :) ) Xiticix hives for the PPE gunk they eat.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:00 pm
by Killer Cyborg
rellik wrote:but wouldnt a tree that constantly abosorbs ambient PPE become supernatural?

Maybe, maybe not.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:05 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Dr. Doom v.3.1.4 wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Sure, for a special supernatural tree.

Really, I'm curious about plants and PPE in general... I believe that the books say that all living things have PPE, and plants are living things... so plants should have some.

Of course, unless the plant is a mage, psychic, or is supernatural, then psi-stalkers couldn't drain them.

They could just raid (hehe RAID! :) ) Xiticix hives for the PPE gunk they eat.

I thought so too, but looking it up....

Xiticix Invasion, p. 41
"the PPE int the goop can NOT be accessed and used by men of magic or PPE vampires."

Also, it's poisonous:
"Furthermore, if eaten by any non-xiticix, it has no beneficial effect and is poisonous inflicting 1d4x10 points of damage direct to hit points (2d6 MD to mega-damage creatures)."
Along with other side effects.

Come to think of it, I should send my characters to harvest some of it just to use as a poison... it's pretty darn effective!

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:08 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Killer Cyborg wrote:I thought so too, but looking it up....

Xiticix Invasion, p. 41
"the PPE int the goop can NOT be accessed and used by men of magic or PPE vampires."

Also, it's poisonous:
"Furthermore, if eaten by any non-xiticix, it has no beneficial effect and is poisonous inflicting 1d4x10 points of damage direct to hit points (2d6 MD to mega-damage creatures)."
Along with other side effects.

Come to think of it, I should send my characters to harvest some of it just to use as a poison... it's pretty darn effective!

Oh well.

I just wanted to say RAID! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:09 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Dr. Doom v.3.1.4 wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:I thought so too, but looking it up....

Xiticix Invasion, p. 41
"the PPE int the goop can NOT be accessed and used by men of magic or PPE vampires."

Also, it's poisonous:
"Furthermore, if eaten by any non-xiticix, it has no beneficial effect and is poisonous inflicting 1d4x10 points of damage direct to hit points (2d6 MD to mega-damage creatures)."
Along with other side effects.

Come to think of it, I should send my characters to harvest some of it just to use as a poison... it's pretty darn effective!

Oh well.

I just wanted to say RAID! :)


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:48 pm
by Rimmerdal
Killer Cyborg wrote:
rellik wrote:Idea: PPE enriched fruits....would that work?

Sure, for a special supernatural tree.

Really, I'm curious about plants and PPE in general... I believe that the books say that all living things have PPE, and plants are living things... so plants should have some.

Of course, unless the plant is a mage, psychic, or is supernatural, then psi-stalkers couldn't drain them.

Sure, But two things happen:

1: If feeding of the tree it would die, but your likely eating fruit and sparing the tree.

2: it won't be alot but yes that peice of magical fruit would be PPE requirement filler.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:49 pm
by Rimmerdal
rellik wrote:but wouldnt a tree that constantly abosorbs ambient PPE become supernatural?
