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Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:05 pm
by NMI
Kenpachi wrote:What was the last book Ramon Perez did serious work on for PB?


Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:10 am
by sennin
It is completely different. The name was originally Nightspawn, but (IIRC) it was deemed to be too close to McFarlane's Spawn, so it was changed to Nightbane.

Link here:

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:54 am
by rat_bastard
Kenpachi wrote:What was the last book Ramon Perez did serious work on for PB?

swimsuit rifters

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:04 am
by The Galactus Kid
Machinations of Doom was a big one. Ramon even did the layout for that book.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:42 pm
by Subjugator
Kenpachi wrote:omg that's weak as... absolutly pathetic, like anything that has the name spawn in it is owned by them. they would have lost badly...

Especially since the first book Kev published named 'Nightspawn' was printed in 1973. I have a few number 2s of that book, but none of the number 1 (I've never so much as frickin' SEEN the number 1...and for me, that's saying something).


Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:20 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Mephisto wrote:
Subjugator wrote:Especially since the first book Kev published named 'Nightspawn' was printed in 1973. I have a few number 2s of that book, but none of the number 1 (I've never so much as frickin' SEEN the number 1...and for me, that's saying something).


That list doesn't prove that Kevin Siembieda published it only that someone in Detroit published it in 1973...obviously Todd McFarlane wanted to keep the "Spawn" name from being diluted when it came to licensing but he did go overboard...and heck if anyone had a right to the name it was whomever wrote that story in 1973...

Call it a hunch... but since Sub and Kevin are friends I'm pretty sure that if Sub say's that's something Kevin wrote it's a good bet that Keven did in fact actually write that.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:14 pm
by rat_bastard
Hey Perez, just wanted to say I love your work and missed you at this years Open house.

Also you are way overdue for Butternut squash and Kukuburi swag, who's leg do I have to hump for you to talk to some dealer of Webcomic swag?

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:32 pm
by Ale Golem
rat_bastard wrote:Hey Perez, just wanted to say I love your work...

Seconded, you are in fact my favorite artist to ever grace the pages of Palladium. My personal favorite piece was of a suit of, I believe, Silver Eagle power armor trying to fight off a tentacled mass emerging from a Rift. What I wouldn't give for a print of that.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:09 pm
by Shawn Merrow
ramon perez wrote:
Galen wrote:Now, you see Master Perez, you should fix that and do some more art for the next book coming out. Please?

Don't make me beg... I won't do it.

heh heh, i'm not saying i'm not tempted... a revisit might be in order, i'll have to talk with that siembieda fellow ;)

Would love to see your work in the books again as your my favorite. :ok:

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:11 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Here is something funny, it took almost a year for the RP to post an answer. :D

Will have to say that, I would like a part II to the Machinations of doom. Maybe a story with them interacting with the Shemarrians or getting caught in a some intrigue concerning the Mystic Knight clans.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:18 am
by kronos
ramon perez wrote:thanks so much for the kudos. i look back fondly at my years at palladium, they seem like easy carefree days compared to now! palladium is where it all began for me in the professional spectrum and it was a great start with great great people.

will out paths cross again? only time will tell. i love the worlds created by kevin. they're teeming with richness and variety. how could a kid not enjoy playing in this sandbox!

whatever happens i know i'll always have a family here with the door wide open should i choose to dust off my pail and shovel and build a new sandcastle :)

@rat bastard, as for swag... there is a store on my site that is slowly being filled with a variety of swag. right now there are some t-shirts, some original art (which will expand with time to include more comics work and rpg originals) and in the near future there'll be limited edition prints (though there is archival print on demand now) and eventually, hopefully books and toys... gimme time ;)

I hope you'll want to build that sand castle again soon. Love your work. *Hugs his copy of Free Quebec you autographed.*

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:23 am
by drewkitty ~..~
ramon perez wrote:sometimes you blink and a year goes by ;)

Any new artwork, of your's, in the PB supply line?

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 3:07 am
by Rallan
Mr. Deific NMI wrote:
Kenpachi wrote:What was the last book Ramon Perez did serious work on for PB?


More recently than that. There was original Perez stuff in the "Through The Glass Darkly" Nightbane sourcebook and the Systems Failure corebook. I'd stopped buying much Rifts stuff by then, and I was never into HU or PFRPG, so they might not be his last efforts.

Fudge, didn't realise this thread was this old :(

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:58 pm
by rat_bastard
Hopefully your life complications that you have hinted at have become manageable.

I love your work and look forward to seeing more, so good luck.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 9:34 pm
by CyCo
Hey Ramon, been totally amazed at KuKu. So vibrant, and what an awesome story you weave. Waiting for further updates with the 'squash as well. If I had a casbah, you'd be rocking it. 8]

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:55 am
by Danger
Personally, I'd love to see a sequel to Machinations of Doom. :D

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:52 am
by runebeo
ramon perez wrote:thanks again!

...i think it's time for a pow wow with the man behind the curtain.

When I think of Rifts I think about your art and as good as the other Rifts artists are I always think how would Perez have done this piece different.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:33 am
by TechnoGothic
Hey Ramon.

Quick Question if you do not mind, ok ??

#1 What is you favorite PB art piece you did (excluding MoD) ??
#2 What is your favorite RPG to play (if you play them) ??
#3 Ever thought about doing art for SPLICERS ??

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:10 pm
by The Galactus Kid
ramon perez wrote:thanks again!

...i think it's time for a pow wow with the man behind the curtain.

Well, thats awesome. I hope something awesome comes of this. I re-read Machnations of doom about every two months.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:24 pm
by Shawn Merrow
Still love having the original of page 1 of Machinations of Doom. :D

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:18 am
by Jason Richards
Just wanted to be a part of this thread...

Loving kukuburi, Ramon. Looking forward to the return of BNS as well, and can't ever get enough of that other sklog that I probably shouldn't link (love the new Nadia piece, no pun intended).

Don't be a stranger.

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:37 am
by MikelAmroni
ramon perez wrote:
Ninjabunny wrote:Another quick question...
Do you still take commissions?

i only do commissions at shows as my schedule is far too packed otherwise. sorry.

i will be at future palladium open houses and comic shows as well, be the best time to corner me for a commission :)

I don't suppose you're going to make it to DragonCon in Georgia one of these years? :)

Re: Ramon Perez Question

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:29 pm
by TechnoGothic
ramon perez wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:Hey Ramon.

Quick Question if you do not mind, ok ??

#1 What is you favorite PB art piece you did (excluding MoD) ??
#2 What is your favorite RPG to play (if you play them) ??
#3 Ever thought about doing art for SPLICERS ??

...of course i can.

1. to be honest there are so many, i couldn't just pick one. many of my favourites reside in books like lonestar, new west, federation of magic, warlords of russia and baalgor wastelands. fom i love for the chance to design the look of the mages from the ground up, russia for the same reasons on the robot designs. baalgor i had a lot if fun with cause i got to pick and choose the illustrations from the script myself and lonestar and new west cause they were just so much fun. i know a few faves included the original illustration of the machinations of doom crew as it inspired the whole story and my reinterpretation of the simvans... funny of which kevin owns both originals! i always regretted parting with that simvan piece...

2. to be honest i haven't played in yeeeaaaaaars. the last campaign i played in i was a thief in a world of a friends design and we were using the palladium fantasy rules. before that i used to play the star wars rpg when it was under the west end games banner. but these days i find i have little time to game as i enjoy concocting stories to tell... and that seems to eat up a lot of time ;)

3. splicers came in around the time i stopped working on palladium books regularly so i am, aside from the title, unfamiliar with the game and the story behind it.

I gotta say, your Federation of Magic, Spirit West, New West, and Lonestar are some of my favorites of your art. I love the mages and indians your drew. My single most favorite is STRONG EAGLE from Spirit West pg 183. That picture alone made the book great imho, though I do like the book itself too ;)

Last I heard PB was doing a SPLICERS Sourcebook. Some great artist will be doing art for last i heard. Notibly madjaguar. But you should talk to Kevin about maybe doing a few picture for it. I'd love to see your spin on Host Armors and designs for the Machine (the weak spots of the Splicer rpg art).